GEOG 304 Family/Personal Migration Report Guidelines



Write a report summarizing the migration of your family (or, in some cases, just you) to and within California. For some of you, this may entail recounting how it is that you happened to have come to California and Long Beach State. In preparing your report, take notes on the following, as appropriate to your unique situation.


  1. If you are "IT" in this state, focus your report on where you originated and how and when your family arrived there (such an "ego-massage"!). Reflect on the following questions as you organize your report:

    What was it about your social context that caused you to make the decision to come here?
    Did you have friends here who helped incline your decision towards coming to California?
    Where in the State have you been?
    Do you think you'll stay or go home (perhaps to return later)?
    How did you find your way to Long Beach State?

  2. Others of you may learn that branches of your family migrated here generations ago and that you have too many ancestors in California to summarize in a brief report for this class. In this case, you need to select one or a very few lineages or generations to explore in more detail.

    Gather information from your immediate family to find out:

    Where did they originate?
    Why did they decide to leave their homes there?
    How did they pick California as their destination?
    Where in California have they lived and why did they move around?

    You may wind up chronicling the oral history of your family or its oldest living members!

    Don't forget to include yourself as an active migration decision- maker.

    Where did you grow up and where have you lived?
    Why did you decide to attend CSULB?


How would you say you and/or your family have contributed to California? This contribution may have been economic, cultural, or civic, or even just something amusing (no, you don't need to share the more embarrassing and colorful moments in any family's history <G>).

How did the real California compare to their or your preconceptions before moving here?

How has California and its people treated you and yours? Did the "California Dream" prove real for you and yours? or did you and your family encounter hardship, disillusionment, and prejudice instead? Was your or their experience a mix of each? Do you think your family's or your migration was a success?

How do you think California changed them (or you), culturally, economically, or socially?


After reviewing all your notes, select an appropriate theme to organize your narrative (yourself, your immediate family, a particular lineage or generation if your family goes back a long time in California). Then, write up your narrative in about three pages of double-spaced text with about 1 inch or 2.5 cm margins all around, very carefully proofread and edited. As ever, writing mechanics are an important part of your grade on this report, comprising about a third of your points. Please review the writing guidelines for my classes.


Appropriate visual aids would include a map of California and a map of the areas your family (or you) came from, showing places lived and the paths taken to and within California. You could show different generations or lineages in different colors, if that would make the maps clearer.

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Last Updated: 01/17/00
