Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Temperature as an Element of Weather

  I. This lecture begins a new major section on weather.
     A. Weather refers to our day-to-day experience of conditions in the 
        troposphere, where climate can be thought of as the average state of 
        the weather and its typical range of variation over a sustained time 
     B. There are four basic elements of weather:
        1. Temperature
        2. Pressure
        3. Moisture
        4. Storms
 II. The first element of weather is temperature.
     A. The earth's radiation balance.
        1. The ultimate source of virtually all heat in the atmosphere is the 
           sun (there are trivial contributions from geothermal and, I suppose 
           for the sake of rhetoric, a vanishingly dinky contribution from 
           stellar sources).  
        2. All solar radiation that enters the earth system eventually leaves 
           it.  The pathways of this energy into, around, and out of the earth 
           system is called the "earth's radiation balance."  
        3. Even though any incoming energy is balanced by outgoing energy at 
           any given point in time, the particular energy that enters right 
           now does not need to leave immediately.  It can stay around for 
           even a really long time, just as long as some stale old energy 
           leaves when it arrives.
        4. Much energy, some two-thirds of it, in fact, does stay in the earth 
           system for a while.  This happens because it changes its form soon 
           after arrival (it is absorbed and then re-radiated at a different, 
           longer wavelength).  The change of form delays its exit, and the 
           delay allows the earth's atmosphere to be heated above its 
           theoretical blackbody temperature. 

     B. Solar energy as it arrives at the top of the earth's atmosphere (TOA).
        1. When radiant energy leaves the sun, it leaves in the form of 
           "short-wave radiation."  Electromagnetic energy, of which solar 
           energy is an example, travels in wave patterns.
           a. "Short-wave" simply means the distances from one wave crest to 
              the next (or one trough to the next) is "short."  

              [ transverse wave features, Center for Astrophysical 
Research in Antarctica, 11 September 1999 ] 

           b. How short, you want to know.  Well, solar radiation is emitted 
              in wavelengths ranging from about 0.25 microns (sometimes called 
              micrometers) to about 2.5 microns.  You remember microns?  One 
              millionth of a meter (which is a tad more than a yard). 
        2. The reason it adopts this short-wave form is the tremendous heat of 
           its source.
           a. The hotter a radiant body is, the shorter the wavelength of its 
           b. The sun, powered by nuclear fusion of hydrogen (H) into helium 
              (He), generates a surface temperature of about 5,770 K (NASA).  
                i. Kelvins are degrees centigrade above absolute zero. 
               ii. Absolute zero is the temperature at which all molecular 
                   motion ceases.
              iii. This is 273° below 0° C (which is about 460° 
                   below 0° F).
               iv. So, the freezing point of water at sea level is 273 K and 
                   the boiling point of water at sea level is 373 K.  Pleasant 
                   room temperature would be, oh, 293 K to 298 K.  Just trying 
                   to give you a frame of reference for Kelvins. 
           c. Wien's Displacement Law predicts the wavelength of peak 
              radiation intensity as a function of the temperature of the 
                i. It states that there is an inverse relationship between 
                   temperature of the radiation source and the wavelength of 
                   its radiant output:  Peak radiation intensity is displaced 
                   towards the shorter wavelengths by hotter radiant bodies 
                   and towards the longer wavelengths by cooler radiant 
               ii. L = 2,897/T, where:
                       L = waveLength of peak radiation intensity (in microns)
                       T = Temperature of radiant body (in Kelvins)
              iii. So, applying Wien's Displacement Law, we would expect that 
                   the peak radiation intensity emitted by the sun would be:
                       L = 2,897/5,770 K = 0.50 microns
               iv. This places the peak radiation intensity within the visible 
                   light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (within the 
                   wavelengths most of us would perceive as light blue or 
                   a. As you can see, a significant amount of solar radiation 
                      arrives at the top of the atmosphere in the form of 
                      ultraviolet radiation:  This is the portion of solar 
                      radiation filtered out by its being absorbed by ozone.
                      1. We can't perceive it directly, but it causes our 
                         skins and eyes a lot of damage in the suntan-sunburn-
                         skin cancer progression and in the form of cataract 
                         acceleration: Slip, slap, slop (and don't forget your 
                         UV-certified sunglasses).
                      2. Interesting geotrivia:  Some insects, such as bees, 
                         and some birds, such as pigeons, can see some of the 
                         UV-A!!!  For them, it's another color.
                   b. Also, a large amount of solar radiation is emitted in 
                      the infrared wavelengths, too, some of the longer 
                      wavelengths of which we perceive as heat.

                   [ irradiance distributions of Earth and Sun ]

                v. Geobonus:  See if you can figure out the peak radiation 
                   intensity of the earth.  You know the average temperature 
                   of the earth as a whole is 15° C.  You know that 0° 
                   C = 273 K.  So, what's the average temperature of the 
                   earth, expressed in Kelvins?  Okay, now you have that, you 
                   can plug it into the Wien's Displacement Law formula above, 
                   as the denominator.  Soooooo, what's that peak irradiance 
                   wavelength in microns?  You should compare your answer with 
                   the graph above to see if you're in the ballpark.
        3. That sunlight that arrives at the top of the earth's atmosphere and 
           descends into the earth system is called "insolation," for INcoming 
           SOLar radiATION.
           a. Insolation is not a very significant portion of the sun's total 
                i. Earth intercepts only about 0.002 percent of the sun's 
                   total output of radiation.
               ii. This is because Earth is a tiny target and it's far away 
                   from the sun.
              iii. In a manner of speaking, all the planets, moons, asteroids, 
                   and comets are minor impurities in the near vacuum of space 
                   around the sun!  Kind of puts things in perspective, 
                   doesn't it?
               iv. Earth is one astronomical unit (1 AU), or 149,597,870.66 km 
                   from the sun, or about 150,000,000 km.
                v. The sun's surface irradiance is 62,900,000 
                   Joules/m2/s; its surface lies 696,000 km from 
                   its center (the sun's radius, then, is about 55 times 
                   greater than Earth's radius of about 12,660 km!
               vi. So, we can figure out the solar constant with just this 
                   information and the inverse square law.  The solar constant 
                   is the average amount of energy received on a surface 
                   oriented perpendicular to the sun's rays at the top of the 
                   earth's atmosphere (basically, the energy received under 
                   the direct ray of the sun).
              vii. S = I*(R/D)2
                   Where:  S = Solar constant
                           I = Irradiance of the sun at its surface
                           R = Radius of the sun
                           D = Distance of the earth from the sun
                   So:     S = 62,900,000 * (696,000/150,000,000)2
                             = 62,900,000 * (0.00464)2

                             = 62,900,000 * (0.00002153)
                             = 1354.21 J/m2/s 
                               (or 1354.21 watts/m2 
             viii. 1354.21 is 0.002 percent of the sun's surface irradiance.
               ix. See if you can figure out how much solar energy is 
                   intercepted by the earth at perihelion, when the earth is 
                   "only" 146,400,000 km from the sun in early January, and at 
                   aphelion, when the earth gets as far out as 151,200,000 km 
                   from the sun in early July.  Just plug those numbers in as 
                   the denominator of the second term in the solar constant 
                   equation above.
                x. So, how much greater is the incident solar energy at 
                   perihelion than at aphelion?  Subtract the aphelion figure 
                   from the perihelion figure and then divide that answer by 
                   the perihelion figure.  Multiply your answer by 100 to 
                   express it as a percentage.  
           b. Insolation is not equally intense all over the earth. 
                i. It varies according to sun angle.
                   a. If the sun's rays are coming in perpendicularly (we're 
                      talking about being under the direct ray of the sun), 
                      then more sun "beams" can be concentrated in a given 
                      unit of area, such as a square meter.   If the sun's 
                      rays are coming in at a more acute angle, that same 
                      amount of energy will be smeared over a wider area.

                      [ insolation as a function of sun angle,]
                   b. I = S*cos(A)
                      Where:  I = Incident solar radiation at a location
                              S = Solar constant
                              cos means cosine
                              A = Angle that the sun makes with the zenith 
                                  (the point in the sky right overhead) that 
                                  day at that latitude -- at the poles on that 
                                  day, this angle would be 90°; at the 
                                  equator, it would be 0° (aligned with 
                                  the zenith)
                   c. So, at 45° N on an equinox, that would be:
                      I = 1354.21*cos(45°)
                        = 1354.21*0.7071
                        =  957.57 Joules per square meter per second
                      This is 71% of the energy at the direct ray.
                   d. At 60° N on an equinox, that would be:
                      I = 1354.21*cos(60°)
                        = 1354.21*0.5
                        =  677.11 Joules per square meter per second
                      This is 50% of the energy at the direct ray.
               ii. Plot complication:  The location of the direct ray of the 
                   sun shifts over the course of the year from 
                   23½°N to 23½°S, so we have to factor 
                   in declination.
                   a. You have to subtract the declination from the angle the 
                      sun makes with the zenith when the declination is in the 
                      same hemisphere as you are and add it when it's in the 
                      other hemisphere.
                   b. I = 1354.21*cos(A+d)
                   c. So, if you were at 60° N around June 21:
                      I = 1354.21*cos(60-23.5)
                        = 1354.21*0.8039
                        = 1088.59 Joules per square meter per second or 80% of 
                          the solar constant
                   d. If you were at 20° S on that date:
                      I = 1354.21*cos(20+23.5)
                        = 1354.21*0.7254
                        = 982.31 Joules per square meter per second or 72% of      
                          the solar constant
                   e. If you're curious, you could work out I for, oh, three 
                      latitudes in each hemisphere in June and in December and 
                      see whether summer or winter produces the biggest 
                      changes in insolation with latitude.
              iii. Yet another plot complication: The angle the sun makes with 
                   the zenith changes over the course of the day from 0° 
                   at sunrise and sunset to the maximum value for the latitude 
                   and time of year at local noon.  Gets pretty maddening, eh?      
     C. Adventures in solar energy as it descends through the atmosphere to 
        the surface.
        1. About one third of it is bounced right back into outer space, 
           unchanged, having done no work in the earth system.  This is the 
           "earthlight" seen by astronauts and by cameras and other imagers in 
           orbit or on the moon.  This reflectance is called "albedo."  You 
           will sometimes see two subtypes of albedo differentiated:

           [ earthrise over lunar horizon, NASA, Apollo 11, 19 July 
1969 ]

           a. Normal albedo is the amount of light reflected directly right 
              back up into the source of incident radiation.  In other words, 
              it's the light that would hit a surface perpendicularly and then 
              do a 180.  So, if you shone a light straight down on a snow-
              covered field and caught the light bouncing right back to where 
              you were waiting with an imager, you'd find it had a normal 
              albedo of close to 100%.  If you did that on a field covered 
              with coal, it would be closer to 0%.
           b. Bond albedo is more comprehensive, and it's the one geographers 
              mean when they're talking about earth processes:  It's the 
              percentage (or proportion) of all incident radiation of all 
              wavelengths that is reflected, unchanged, in ANY direction.  
              It's named for an American astronomer, George P. Bond, who 
              compared this sort of albedo for the moon and Jupiter back in 
        2. Earth's average Bond albedo is not quite 31 percent (the normal 
           albedo is about 37 percent).
        3. Different elements in the earth system are differentially 
           responsible for the earth's Bond albedo.
           a. Dust and gas molecules scatter or diffusely reflect about 6 
              percent of insolation.
                i. Dust and especially gas molecules are so small compared to 
                   the wavelengths of insolation that they tend to reflect 
                   only the shorter wavelengths, biasing their reflection 
                   toward blue and violet and aqua wavelengths.  This is why 
                   the diffused light from the sky is blue.  The dust and the 
                   gas molecules scatter longer wavelengths, but less 
                   efficiently (about 10 percent as efficiently), and so we 
                   don't notice them among all the blue light.
               ii. At sunset, however, the solar beams are angling through the 
                   atmosphere, which makes their trip through the atmosphere a 
                   lot longer.  This gives more opportunity for the longer 
                   wavelengths to be reflected, which means we start to notice 
                   yellow, orange, and red wavelengths.  And the closer you 
                   look toward the horizon, the redder (longer) the 
                   wavelengths:  That's where the sun beams are coming in at 
                   the lowest angle with the ground and, therefore, have to 
                   make the longest trip through the atmosphere.
           b. Clouds reflect about 20 percent:  They reflect pretty equally 
              across the spectrum of visible light, so, when we see all 
              wavelengths in the VL, we perceive the light as white.  You 
              really notice this when you're flying over the tops of clouds!
           c. About 4 percent of insolation manages to make it all the way to 
              the earth's surface, only to bounce, unchanged, off the surface 
                i. Surface albedo varies a lot.
               ii. Snow and light surfaces have relatively high albedos.
                   a. Snow and ice have Bond albedos of around 70-95 percent
                   b. Deserts reflect about 20-45 percent.
              iii. Dark vegetation and soil have relatively low albedos.
                   a. Forest is usually around 10-20 percent.
                   b. Dark, moist soils are around 5-15 percent.
               iv. Oceans and other water bodies have low normal albedos (2-4 
                   percent), for insolation coming down onto it at high 
                   angles, but they have higher Bond albedos when you factor 
                   it their high reflectivity when the light is coming in at 
                   low angles.
                v. You can notice albedo differences in the built environment:
                   a. A concrete sidewalk isn't generally too hot to walk on 
                      barefoot, even in summer, because of its higher albedo 
                      (usually around 17-27 percent)
                   b. An asphalt parking lot, on the other hand (especially a 
                      newly paved one), is dangerously hot to bare feet in 
                      summer because of its low albedo (and consequent high 
                      absorption and reradiation).  Blacktop has albedo 
                      somewhere around 5-10 percent.
           d. You can see a large graphic showing the earth's energy budget by 
              clicking here. The upward arrows that are light yellow 
              in color represent albedo.
     D. Absorption of insolation in the earth system.
        1. A Bond albedo of 31 percent leaves about 69 percent of insolation 
           to be absorbed somewhere in the earth system.  This radiation is 
           trapped, its form is altered, it does some sort of work in the 
           earth system, and it is, thus, delayed in its eventual departure 
           from the planetary system.  We will find the same players in 
           reflecting insolation also engage in absorption, too.
        2. Absorbing agents in the earth system:
           a. Dust and gas molecules absorb about 16 percent of insolation, so 
              they are better absorbers than reflectors.
                i. Ozone, we saw earlier, absorbs ultraviolet radiation.
               ii. Atmospheric water absorbs in a wide range of near and 
                   middle infrared wavelengths.
              iii. Carbon dioxide absorbs very well, especially in the middle 
               iv. Dust absorbs in the visible light (which is why it darkens 
                   the sky and makes it look, well, dirty) and infrared 
           b. Clouds absorb about 3 percent of insolation.
                i. This is especially the case when ice crystals or liquid 
                   water droplets in them evaporate and the cloud diminishes 
                   or disappears.
               ii. Clouds are, then, much stronger reflectors than absorbers.
           c. The earth's surface itself absorbs around 51 percent of 
                i. Land surfaces are excellent absorbers of insolation:  They 
                   rapidly soak up sun energy and heat up quickly with the 
                   energy they've stored.  They then rapidly reradiate that 
                   stored energy at longer wavelengths.    
                   a. A good absorber is a good reradiator (Kirchoff's Law).  
                      So, land heats up fast in the daytime (and summer) and 
                      cools down fast at night (and in winter).
                   b. Land has a relatively low specific heat:  This means 
                      that it takes low amounts of energy to produce a given 
                      change in temperature.
               ii. Water surfaces are not so good at absorbing insolation, 
                   which means they are also lousy at reradiating that stored 
                   energy at longer wavelengths, according to Kirchoff's Law.
                   a. It takes about five times as much energy flow to produce 
                      a given temperature change as it would to heat the same 
                      mass of land or rock. So, water has a higher specific 
                      heat than land.
                   b. Water, then, heats up very slowly over the course of the 
                      day or summer and, conversely, cools down very slowly 
                      over the course of the night or winter.
              iii. The different specific heats of water and land are critical 
                   to understanding climates, as we'll see later.    
               iv. For a sneak preview of coming attractions, though, check 
                   out these weather records for two pairs of cities, one pair 
                   from Northern California (San Francisco on the Pacific and 
                   Chico well inland) and Southern California (Morro Bay and 
                   Twentynine Palms).  Average monthly temperatures are given 
                   for all four cities in degrees Fahrenheit (isn't that a 
                   relief?).  Average monthly temperatures mean that you 
                   average the daily daytime high and the daily nighttime low.       
                   a. Now, for each pair, figure out the hottest month.  Is it 
                      later inland or along the coast?  
                   b. That done, figure out the difference between the hottest 
                      month's average and the coldest month's average for each 
                      of the four towns.  Which towns have the least variation 
                      from summer to winter, the coastal or the inland city?  
                      Pretty impressive difference, isn't it?!

                    Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec
             SF    50.7 52.8 53.4 54.2 55.3 57.1 58.4 59.5 60.3 59.2 55.2 50.9
             CH    44.8 49.4 53.2 58.7 65.8 73.0 78.4 76.4 71.8 62.8 52.5 45.4
             MoB   52.3 53.4 53.6 54.4 55.2 57.2 58.7 59.7 60.3 59.9 56.5 52.3
             29P   49.2 53.5 58.4 65.7 73.7 82.6 88.4 86.8 80.4 69.3 56.8 49.3

     E. So, how does the absorbed insolation get out of the earth system to 
        preserve the radiation balance?
        1. Absorbed radiation escapes the earth by being reradiated at a 
           longer wavelength that then can get back into outer space.
        2. Just because it's reradiated at a longer wavelength doesn't mean 
           it's going to escape just like that necessarily:  There is always 
           the chance that reradiated energy will itself be reabsorbed by 
           carbon dioxide, water, dust, or whatever.
        3. The process by which absorbed energy escapes.
           a. First, absorption of energy heats the absorbing object (perhaps 
              dramatically, in the case of substances with low specific heats, 
              or less dramatically, in the case of substances with high 
              specific heats).
           b. The absorbing object is a radiant object, so it reradiates the 
              energy it has stored.
           c. Time out to apply Wien's Displacement Law:  
                i. There is no way that any object on our dinky little planet 
                   is going to be heated to 5,770 K, right?
               ii. So, these radiant bodies are necessarily cooler than the 
                   surface of the sun.
              iii. The cooler the radiant body is, the longer the wavelength 
                   of its emissions, remember?
               iv. On average, the entire earth is about 288 K.  Remember 
                   plugging that in as the denominator in the Wien's 
                   Displacement Law?  And you got an answer of about 10 
                   microns?  And you compared your answer to the chart and 
                   classified that peak radiation intensity as infrared?
                v. So, Earth objects generally reradiate absorbed energy 
                   somewhere in the infrared.
        4. Now, the problem with reradiation in the infrared, for the escape-
           "minded" energy packet, is that the infrared is very attractive to 
           carbon dioxide and water and dust, which are apt to reabsorb the 
           energy.  You can see that in the graph below, which shows the real 
           distribution of solar energy from about 0.2 microns out past 3.0 
           microns (which is a lot lumpier and spikier than the idealized 
           Planck distribution you saw in the earlier graph).  This graph 
           shades in the wavelengths where carbon dioxide and water like to 
           absorb, labelling each of those absorption areas by the culprit(s) 
           involved there.

           [ spectral distribution of solar irradiation with shaded 
areas showing absorption by various atmospheric gases ]

        5. So, the trick is to be reradiated out an "atmospheric window," 
           which is a wavelength not likely to be reabsorbed by gas, dust, or 
           what-have-you.  Atmospheric windows are sort of ugly wavelengths 
           that none of these absorbers find attractive, so radiation can get 
           out of the earth system by being reradiated at just those 
           wavelengths.  You can see them on the graph above as the bumps 
           shaded white in between the absorption spectra.
        6. Only about 6 percent of the original insolation manages to get it 
           right on the first try:  It heats the absorbing object to just the 
           right temperature (apply Wien's Law) to reradiate at an ugly 
           wavelength, to escape out that atmospheric window.
        7. The other 64 percent or so will be reabsorbed somewhere else in the 
           earth system, by gas, dust, or the land and sea. And reradiated to 
           try to escape again.  If it hits an atmospheric window, yay!  If 
           not, it gets rereabsorbed and rerereradiated.
        8. Eventually, this trapped energy will be reradiated out an 
           atmospheric window and be able to get back into space, The Final 
        9. Meanwhile, the trapped energy heats our atmosphere and maintains 
           the planetary thermostat at roughly 288 K.  This heating does the 
           work behind winds, thunderstorms, ocean currents, and, ultimately, 
           precipitation patterns, rivers, glaciers, and the erosional 
           sculpting of the land.  Amazing what a little delay can do!  Gosh, 
           it's almost like delaying studying for this class and getting a lot 
           of housework done, eh?
     F. The transfer of heat energy:  At this point, we'll consider the 
        specific methods by which trapped energy changes air temperatures.  
        Two of them are directly understandable from the preceding discussion; 
        the others are more indirect, requiring the mediation of pressure and 
        moisture factors to be discussed a bit later.
        1. Direct methods of changing temperatures, meaning they can take 
           place in still, quiet air.
           a. Conduction.
                i. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy through direct 
                   contact with a warm object.  
               ii. The rate of transfer depends on how different the 
                   temperatures of the two objects in contact are and the 
                   materials involved (some, such as metals, are excellent 
                   conductors; others, such as wood, are poor conductors)
              iii. This is the most efficient heat transfer mechanism.
               iv. An example is touching the hot radiator on your car when it 
                   breaks down on the San Diego Freeway!  Very efficient!  For 
                   those of you too patrician to experiment with impromptu 
                   auto repair, perhaps you've encountered the same experience 
                   by picking up a silver spoon (excellent conductor) you left 
                   in a cup of hot tea (that's one of the reasons why 
                   etiquette forbids leaving spoons in cups!).
           b. Radiation.
                i. This involves the transmission of energy through space: 
                   Contact is not necessary.
               ii. It's not as efficient as conduction, though.
              iii. Examples would include popping the hood on your car and 
                   feeling the heat of the engine room and deciding to 
                   reconsider your plan to put water in the radiator; sitting 
                   in front of a campfire, enjoying the radiation of heat to 
                   you on a log two meters away.
           c. The interaction of conduction and radiation is what produces the 
              normal lapse of temperature with altitude in the troposphere 
              (and, for that matter, in the mesosphere, where temperatures 
              resume dropping with gains in altitude, after the rude reversal 
              in temperatures caused by the ozone layer in the stratosphere). 
                i. Conduction is a minor player here, the warmed ground 
                   transferring heat energy to the air molecules touching it 
                   and then they transferring heat to the next air molecules 
                   they encounter in their Brownian motion (air molecules move 
                   chaotically about as they slam into one another and change 
               ii. Radiation and the Inverse Square Law produce less and less 
                   effective heating through reradiation the higher you move 
                   from the surface of the earth. 
              iii. In the troposphere, the normal lapse rate (or 
                   "environmental lapse rate") averages about 6.5° C for 
                   every kilometer (1,000 meter) gain in height.  Just thought 
                   I'd remind you of that.
           d. Conduction and radiation also interact to produce reversed lapse 
              rates, too, one of the ways producing a situation called an 
              "inversion" (of smog fame).
                i. At night, the ground is no longer absorbing insolation and, 
                   good reradiator that it is, it quickly cools down, rapidly 
                   becoming colder than the air above it.  
                   a. So, now, the heat flux is in the opposite direction:  
                      Heat goes from the air to the ground through conduction 
                      and radiation.  
                   b. Now, air is going to have a harder time of it warming 
                      the ground than the ground has warming the air during 
                      the day, because of the far greater density and solid 
                      state of the ground, but a cold layer will form right 
                      above the ground, notwithstanding. Sometimes it's only a 
                      few centimeters thick, and you might notice it when you 
                      walk across a lawn in the summer evenings, when your 
                      feet feel cold and the rest of you feels toasty.  You 
                      sometimes see this in humid areas by a thin Dracula B-
                      movie fog that forms right on the ground.
                   c. Because the lowest layer of the atmosphere is colder 
                      than the air lying just above it, it's an inversion of 
                      the normal situation where temperatures become 
                      progressively cooler as you move up in the atmosphere:  
                      This is what's meant by inversion.
               ii. Plot complication:  What if the countryside is uneven, with 
                   hillsides and valleys?
                   a. In uneven terrain, the same process goes on, with a thin 
                      cold air layer forming right above the surface of the 
                   b. But the air has chilled, so its overall Brownian 
                      molecular motion declines.  This allows the molecules to 
                      pack in a little more closely together:  The density of 
                      the air increases and, with it, so does its mass.  On a 
                      hillside, this denser, heavier layer of air will slide 
                      down the slope, slipping downhill and into any 
                      depression, such as a valley.
                   c. This can be derived from Charles' Law, which states that 
                      the volume occupied by a gas is directly related to its 
                      temperature.  If the temperature drops, the volume 
                      drops, too, which increases the density of the gas, 
                      making it heavier.
                   d. Meanwhile, back up on the hillside, the removal of one 
                      layer of chilled air only allows another to form and 
                      slip down the slope.  In this way, by early morning, you 
                      can have a rather thick layer of cold air underlying the 
                      warm air above:  The inversion can get up to dozens, if 
                      not hundreds of meters thick.
                   e. The reason such inversions are important is because they 
                      trap smog.  Auto exhaust, smokestack exhaust, fireplace 
                      and woodstove smoke, and industrial pollutants are quite 
                      warm.  Obeying Charles' Law, they expand and become, 
                      therefore, less dense and more buoyant.  So, they tend 
                      to rise through the dense, cold air.  They rise until 
                      they encounter a layer of air as warm and light as they, 
                      which means they cannot continue to rise. So, they 
                      spread out over the roof of the inversion.  The 
                      inversion gradually fills with pollutants.
                   f. This is the most common situation in which most cities 
                      in the middle and higher latitudes experience smog, 
                      especially if they are surrounded by hills.  This is 
                      also the kind of pollution you experience in the 
                      Rockies, in places like Vale and Aspen, and in the 
                      Sierra, when everyone heats their homes with woodstoves 
                      and forgets about cold air drainage.  It's mainly a 
                      winter phenomenon in such places.  This is the kind of 
                      inversion that creates Southern California's winter smog 
                      problems, too.
                   g. There is another kind of inversion, related to 
                      convection, which is most associated with California's 
                      famous summer smog problem, but I'll get to that in 
                      another lecture.
        2. Indirect methods of heat transfer involve convection and, so, 
           require the mediation of other weather elements, such as pressure 
           and moisture, to get the air moving in a vertical direction.     
           a. Evaporation and transpiration
                i. Whenever water evaporates or ice sublimates into vapor, 
                   heat is absorbed and hidden in the work of changing the 
                   physical state of the water.  Thus latent in a gas, water 
                   vapor, heat can be advected horizontally or convected 
                   vertically.  So it is that a lot of the surplus heat of the 
                   tropics is moved from the tropics to higher latitudes, to 
                   be released upon precipitation later.
               ii. Transpiration is the movement of water from soil through 
                   plants' roots to their leaves, from which it is released as 
                   vapor through the leaf stomata and may involve water 
                   released from the plant during its respiration.
              iii. Evaporation and transpiration are often treated together, 
                   as evapotranspiration.
           b. Heat exchanges involving convection are those moving heat energy 
              with the substance in motion itself.  Heat gets moved, because 
              the air has moved.  If the air's motion involves a vertical 
              component, there will be additional changes in temperature due 
              to changes in density.  If air moving upward expands and cools 
              enough for precipitation to take place, there will also be the 
              release of latent heat as the water changes state.
                i. The dry adiabatic process:  Temperature changes in dry air 
                   moving up or down. 
                   a. The motion of air up or down changes its density.
                      1. As air moves up, it finds less and less of the 
                         atmosphere weighing down on it from above.  If you 
                         reduce pressure, according to Boyle's Gas Law, you 
                         necessarily increase the volume of the gas, which 
                         reduces its density.
                      2. The reduction in density means there is less overall 
                         molecular motion, as the air molecules have a little 
                         more "elbow room" to move around before being slammed 
                         into by another molecule (longer mean straight path 
                         between collisions).  
                         A. Heat can be thought of as molecular motion:  The 
                            less molecular motion, the less heat.  
                         B. This argument explains another old observation and 
                            law, Amonton's Law:  Pressure is proportional to 
                            temperature.  The greater the pressure (and 
                            density and molecular collisions and motion), the 
                            greater the heat.  The less the pressure, as we 
                            have in air moving upward, the cooler the air. 
                            This was figured out toward the end of the 17th 
                            century by Guillaume Amonton.
                      3. So, air moving up expands and cools; air moving 
                         downward compresses and heats.
                   b. This messes up the normal lapse rate of temperature with 
                      altitude, wouldn't you know, because of the additional 
                      compressional heating and expansional cooling.  
                      1. The result is a larger lapse rate because of the 
                         extra cooling on climbing and the extra warming on 
                      2. The new lapse rate is about 10.0° C per kilometer 
                         increase in altitude:  For every 1,000 m the air 
                         climbs, it cools off 10° C; for every 1,000 m the 
                         air sinks, it warms 10° C.  No more wimpy and 
                         anæmic -6.5° C/km!
                      3. The new lapse rate only applies to air moving 
                         vertically, up or down, and not experiencing any 
                         water vapor condensation or freezing (dry air).
                      4. The new rate is called the "dry adiabatic lapse rate" 
                         (or DALR to its friends).
                   c. Let's apply the dry adiabatic lapse rate and compare its 
                      results with the normal lapse rate that applies in 
                      still, quiet air.
                      1. Let's say, on a clear, still, warm day, you decide 
                         you're going to hike to the top of a 3,000 m (3 km) 
                         mountain.  That would, admittedly, be pretty 
                         ambitious of you (that would be a nearly 10,000' 
                         A. At the bottom of the mountain, let's say it's a 
                            gorgeous 30° C (~86° F).
                         B. So, since there isn't a breath of breeze stirring, 
                            which lapse rate would apply?  ... ... ... yep, 
                            the normal lapse rate (which is ...?).
                         C. After a 1 km climb (assuming you hike fast), the 
                            air would be 6.5° C cooler, or 23.5° C; 
                            after 2 km (my, you're really fit), it would be 
                            17° C (time for a sweater); at the top of the 
                            mountain, the air would be 10.5° C (pleasantly 
                            chilly, sweater weather, around 50° F).
                      2. So, you are so invigorated by this experience that 
                         you talk a friend into going with you the next day, 
                         but this day a Santa Ana is blowing.  When the air 
                         hits the mountain, it's forced to climb.
                         A. At the bottom of the mountain the next day, it's 
                            still that suspiciously convenient sunny and clear 
                            30° C
                         B. Because the air now is moving vertically, though, 
                            the normal rate no longer applies.  Because of the 
                            vertical air flow, we need to switch to the dry 
                            adiabatic lapse rate, which is .......?)
                         C. Now, after a 1 km climb, it's already only 20° 
                            C (and you already have to think about sweaters); 
                            after 2 km, it's down to 10° C; at the top of 
                            the mountain, it is FREEZING (0° C, and your 
                            friend is mad at you, and you hear about it all 
                            the way back down the mountain, and you're mad at 
                            yourself for forgetting this little detail from 
                            that Geog 140 class you took years ago!).
               ii. The wet adiabatic process:  Temperature changes in air 
                   experiencing condensation and freezing and precipitation.  
                   ONLY air moving UP can experience the wet adiabatic 
                   a. So, the expansion of air moving upward causes it to cool 
                      quite rapidly (you're still smarting about it from that 
                      second hike up the mountain).
                   b. Plot complication:  The colder air gets, the less water 
                      it can hold as a gas, as water vapor.  This is an 
                      extremely important point:  The capacity of air to hold 
                      moisture is directly related to temperature.
                   c. This means that, sooner or later (depending on the 
                      absolute amount of water vapor in the air), the air gets 
                      so cold that it cannot hang onto the water vapor it came 
                      in with:  It has to drop some of its water vapor load to 
                      bring that load back in line with its reduced capacity.
                      1. Air holding exactly as much water vapor as it is 
                         capable of holding is described as "saturated," and 
                         its relative humidity (more on that later) is 100 
                      2. The temperature at which saturation occurs is called 
                         the "dew point" (lots more on that later).
                      3. The elevation at which saturation occurs is called 
                         the "lifting condensation level" or "dew point 
                      3. IF air continues to move upslope after reaching its 
                         dew point temperature (saturation), any further 
                         cooling forces the air to change state and condense 
                         or freeze (depending on how cold the dew point is for 
                         that package of air), which enables precipitation to 
                         start in the form of rain or snow.
                      4. So, water vapor is compelled to change state from gas 
                         to liquid or solid.
                         A. The change of state causes the release of latent 
                         B. This release of latent heat as sensible heat in 
                            the surrounding air slows down the change in 
                            temperature being forced by expansion in rising 
                            air:  It doesn't reverse the cooling, but it does 
                            partially offset it.
                      5. This, of course, messes up the dry adiabatic lapse 
                         rate for us, reducing it by the amount of sensible 
                         heat created by the release of latent heat.
                         A. This much smaller adiabatic lapse is called (of 
                            course) the "wet adiabatic lapse rate" (or the 
                            WALR or the "saturated adiabatic lapse rate" or 
                            SALR, too, and some folks call it the "moist 
                            adiabatic lapse rate!).
                         B. It varies a bit, depending on the temperature of 
                            the air (remember, the hotter the air, the more 
                            vapor it can be holding) and the mix of freezing 
                            and condensation going on (remember, melting of 
                            water absorbs substantially less energy than 
                            evaporation).  It can be as low as -4° C/km in 
                            warm air holding a lot of vapor and it can 
                            approach -10° C/km in really cold air that 
                            can't and isn't holding much water vapor.
                         C. Let's go for -5.0° C/km, then, especially as 
                            this actually is a typical WALR for air around 
                            10° C, which is not an uncommon average daily 
                            temperature for rainy days around here.
                      6. Because you're a madperson, you decide to climb a 
                         tropical mountain when it's raining.
                         A. Suspiciously, this mountain just happens to be 
                            3,000 meters (3 km) tall and, fortuitously, the 
                            air temperature at the bottom of the mountain is 
                            30° C.
                         B. This time, though, the air, propelled by the Trade 
                            Winds from over the sea, is saturated:  As soon 
                            as you step outside, you notice it's foggy and 
                            rainy:  You can scarcely see.  The "fog" turns out 
                            to be a cloud that covers the mountain from bottom 
                            to top.  But you're a madperson, so you head up 
                            the mountain anyhow, heedless of the danger, 
                            friendless and alone this time!
                         C. In these conditions, which lapse rate pertains?  
                            Yes, the wet adiabatic lapse rate, which we'll 
                            assume is about -5° C/km.
                         D. At 1 km into it, the air has cooled only to about 
                            25° C; at 2 km, only to 20° C; and, at the 
                            top of the mountain, it has only managed to cool 
                            to 15° C!  Because of the release of latent 
                            heat during condensation and raining, the air is 
                            substantially warmer than it was at the top of 
                            that other mountain when the air was dry and the 
                            Santa Anas were blowing.  It's even somewhat 
                            warmer than it was on the day you went up the 
                            California mountain in still, quiet, dry weather!  
                            So, the release of the latent heat on condensation 
                            or freezing doesn't reverse the cooling, but it 
                            partially offsets the cooling, with the result 
                            that air at higher elevations is quite a bit 
                            warmer when the WALR pertains.
                      7. It is VERY important to remember that the wet 
                         adiabatic lapse rate can ONLY apply to air moving 
                         UPWARDS:  never downwards.  
                         A. Sinking air compresses, which concentrates its 
                            heat energy in a smaller volume, which means it 
                            gets warmer.  
                         B. The warmer the air gets, the more water it can 
                            hold as vapor:  Its capacity to hold vapor 
                            increases, but the vapor load doesn't.  This means 
                            its relative humidity decreases.  The air is no 
                            longer saturated.  There is no more reason for 
                            condensation or freezing and precipitation.
                         C. Descending air NEVER precipitates!!!  Burn this 
                            into your hard drives, folks!
              iii. As a result of the wet adiabatic lapse rate, air can be 
                   much hotter on one side of a mountain range than it was 
                   when it started out at the same elevation on the other side 
                   of the mountain range.  
                   a. If an air mass loaded with vapor approaches a mountain 
                      and is forced to climb high enough to reach the lifting 
                      condensation level (dew point elevation), it will rain 
                      on the windward side of the mountain (and cool at the 
                      smaller rate when it does), but it will NOT rain on the 
                      leeward side of the mountain range and will descend the 
                      whole way at the higher dry adiabatic lapse rate.
                   b. The leeward side of a mountain range (if it's in an area 
                      with a prevailing or common wind direction) will be both 
                      drier and hotter than the windward side.  This is called 
                      the "rainshadow effect."
                   c. We can see this all over the place in California:
                      1. Think about Morro Bay in San Luis Obispo County and 
                         its lush pine, sage, and chaparral vegetation and 
                         then contrast that with Buttonwillow off I-5 in the 
                         Great Central Valley of California with its desert 
                         and grassland vegetation.
                      2. Look at the heavy sequoia and Doug fir forests of the 
                         western Sierra Nevada around Yosemite and Kings 
                         Canyon and contrast that with Death Valley east of 
                      3. The southwestern San Joaquin Valley and Death Valley 
                         are examples of rainshadow deserts (so're the Gobi 
                         Desert in Mongolia and Inner China and the Patagonian 
                         Desert of Argentina).
                   d. Let's work this out with an example.
                      1. The mountain range is 4 km high this time.  It faces 
                         the sea on the west slope, which is where moisture-
                         laden breezes come.  Let's say there's a valley to 
                         its east, which just happens to be at sea level (this 
                         isn't entirely preposterous:  Sierra peaks get to 4 
                         km high (Mt. Whitney is 4,417 m or 4.4 km high) and 
                         Death Valley is at and below sea level (Badwater, the 
                         lowest spot in the Western Hemisphere, is 70 m below 
                         sea level).
                      2. The air blowing off the sea today is 25° C, and 
                         it has enough water vapor in it (~5 g of water vapor 
                         per kg of air) that its dew point is 5° C.
                         A. So, how far must it cool before it reaches the dew 
                            point?  It starts out at 25° C and has to cool 
                            to 5° C.  So, that is 20° of cooling 
                            before it hits dew point.
                         B. At which rate will it cool to dew point?  Since 
                            dew point is the temperature at which saturation 
                            occurs and the air must begin condensation or 
                            freezing, the air is drier than saturation, 
                            meaning it is plain dry.  Since the air is not 
                            precipitating, it must be cooling at the dry 
                            adiabatic lapse rate, which is the 10° C rate.
                         C. So, what's the lifting condensation level or dew 
                            point elevation?  20° C/10° C = 2.  Two km 
                            is the LCL, then.  If the air continues to rise 
                            above 2 km, it will experience condensation and 
                            precipitation.  The release of latent heat changes 
                            the drop in temperatures to the wet adiabatic 
                            lapse rate.
                         D. The mountain, at 4 km, sticks out 2 km past the 
                            lifting condensation level.  The air will climb 
                            those last two kilometers at the wet adiabatic 
                            lapse rate.  Two km times 5° C = 10° C of 
                            cooling below the dew point temperature.  The dew 
                            point (5° C) minus 10 equals -5° C.  So, 
                            it's 5° below 0° C at the top of the 
                         E. Once the air crests the mountain and starts down 
                            the leeward side, condensation and freezing and 
                            precipitation stop.  The air now warms.  Because 
                            the air is now dry, the air warms at the dry 
                            adiabatic lapse rate, 10° C for every 
                            kilometer of descent.
                         F. The air will descend a total of 4 km at the DALR.  
                            Four kilometers times 10° C equals 40° C 
                            of total adiabatic warming.  Forty degrees warmer 
                            than the temperature at the top of the mountain is 
                            35° C (-5° C + 40° C = 35° C).  
                            This is fully 10° C warmer at sea level on the 
                            leeward side of the mountain range than when the 
                            air started out at sea level on the windward side 
                            (18° F warmer).  
                         G. This gain in temperature is produced by the 
                            intervention of the wet adiabatic lapse rate on 
                            just ONE side of the mountain, the windward side, 
                            while all of the descent on the leeward side was 
                            at the larger dry adiabatic lapse rate.  So now 
                            you know why it can be 95° F in Death Valley 
                            when it's only 77° F on the Central Coast.
               iv. There are many examples of adiabatically heated winds in 
                   the world today.  These are winds that experience increases 
                   in temperature due to descent at the dry adiabatic lapse 
                   rate (their actual heat energy content is unchanged but 
                   compression concentrates it in a smaller volume, which 
                   creates a higher temperature and a lower relative 
                   a. Our own Santa Ana winds (sometimes called Santana winds; 
                      both forms existed historically) descend to us from Utah 
                      and Nevada some 1,000 to 1,500 meters.
                   b. The Chinook winds come down the east face of the Rockies 
                      and Cascades.  They have been known to produce warming 
                      of 20° C in just one HOUR!!!  This has sometimes 
                      melted snowpacks at rates of 1.5 m/day, producing sudden 
                      flashfloods downstream.  The winds are sometimes called 
                   c. Argentina has a similar wind coming down off the Andes, 
                      which is called the Zonda.
                   d. The eastern Alps produce the Foehn or Föhn.
                   e. The Mistral blows down off the western Alps down the 
                      Rhône Valley into the French Riviera.

Some ideas to take away from this lecture include the earth's radiation 
balance, insolation, where the sun's radiance falls on the electromagnetic 
spectrum compared to Earth's, Wien's Displacement Law, how to predict incident 
solar radiation flux from latitude and declination, albedo, which agents 
reflect insolation and which absorb it, atmospheric windows, how absorbed 
energy escapes the earth system, conduction, radiation, convection, dry 
adiabatic process and rate and when it applies, wet adiabatic process and rate 
and when it applies, inversions and smog, how the wet adiabatic lapse rate 
applied to the windward side of a mountain range can create a much hotter 
leeward side, rainshadow effects, and adiabatically heated winds.

The next lecture will examine pressure in more detail as an element of weather 
in the troposphere.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 10/14/00
Last revised: 06/14/07
