Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Map Symbolism

 IV. Map symbolism has become pretty standardized through the centuries, so 
     that even foreign maps are not all that hard to read.  The important 
     requirement for map symbols is that they be readily recognizable and 
     suited to the scale of the map.  We can group map symbolization into 
     three major categories:  pictorial symbols, colors symbolism, and value 

     A. Pictorial symbols involve using neat little pictures to express what 
        is found at a particular place on a map, such as a building, a well or 
        spring, or a mine (these are such small entities that only a 
        relatively large scale map would bother including them).  The United 
        States Geological Survey (USGS) puts out all sorts of beautiful and 
        communicative maps, and their pictorial symbols are typical of the 
        sort.  I am going to send you to two large files at the links below, 
        which are the left and right side of the key to pictorial symbols that 
        the USGS uses. Make sure to have a look at both of them to get an idea 
        of common symbols:

        Left side of key
        Right side of key

     B. Color symbolism has settled into pretty common usage.

        1. Blue is used to show water features:  rivers, springs, lakes, 
           playas, oceans, reservoirs, canals.

        2. Green is used to represent vegetation (both natural and human-
           maintained):  forests, marshes, scrublands, orchards, vineyards.

        3. Brown is often used to show topography or terrain.

        4. Black is used to show human artifacts, such as individual 
           buildings, including schools, churches, cemeteries, homes, 
           outbuildings, railroads, pipelines, power lines, oil wells, and 

        5. Red is also used to show many larger human artifacts, such as 
           highways, roads, townships, and urban built-up areas on relatively 
           smaller scale maps where it wouldn't make sense to show every 

        6. The USGS also uses purple to show the same things that would 
           normally be shown in red when they revise a map, in order to 
           highlight changes since the last time they revised it.  So, you can 
           see how Southern California has grown over the last few decades by 
           looking at all that purple!

           Here's a map showing some of these for Iowa City, IO.  Note the 
           elevation contours, the red areas for older urbanization, and the 
           purple areas showing more recent urbanization: 


     C. Value symbols not only identify something and show its location, they 
        also tell us something about the amount of that something in 
        that location.  The need to represent values as they change across 
        space has led to a variety of different map types:

        1. Dot maps tell you how much of something is found somewhere through 
           concentrations of dots.  Each dot might stand for one individual or 
           one case, or it could stand for multiples (e.g., each dot stands 
           for 10 hectares planted in wheat; each dot stands for 1,000 head of 
           cattle).  Usually, only one distribution is shown as dots against a 
           skeletal location map.  Sometimes, you may see two distributions, 
           shown by different colored dots, on a simple location map.

           Here is a simple dot map of EPA Superfund cleanup sites in the U.S.:


           Here's a dot map of zebra mussel sightings (zebra mussel is a very 
           problematic invasive exotic species of shellfish that originated in 
           the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, and Lake Aral.  It has created 
           ecological mayhem in the American Great Lakes and clogs water 
           supply pipes for hydroelectric ... and nuclear power plants.  This 
           critter is major bad news).  The map shows two kinds of patterns.  
           The known aquatic distribution in the Great Lakes and the 
           Mississippi and St. Laurence drainages is shown with red dots.  The 
           dryland sightings (mainly larvae attached to boat hulls that were 
           being driven across country) are shown with yellow stars:

        2. Graduated symbol maps allow you to draw your reader's eye directly 
           to really big concentrations of your distribution by showing them 
           as circles or squares or rectangles that vary in size in some way 
           that is proportionate to the concentration in an area.  A very 
           common example of such a map is a population map, where small towns 
           are shown as dots and large towns and cities are shown as graduated 
           circles.  Here is one showing the relative size of shopping centers 
           in the Atlanta, Georgia, area, with the key to their square footage 
           in a legend:


           Here's another, showing the relative availability of hotel rooms in 
           and around the Quad Cities (Illinois and Iowa), in case you were 
           planning a convention of a particular size.  This map puts the data 
           (number of rooms) in the graduated symbol, rather than in a legend.


        3. A divided circle map shows the relative value of something or other 
           by the size of the graduated symbol but then breaks that symbol up 
           in a way that allows you to see, not just relative size, but 
           composition.  Here is a map of relative industrial activity in 
           western Germany (back when it was called "West Germany"), where the 
           importance of an industrial center is implied by the size of the 
           circle representing it.  The map divides these circles into pie 
           slices showing the proportion of each city's businesses that fall 
           into particular categories (e.g., iron and steel, electrical 
           engineering, chemicals, etc.), so you get a sense of the economic 
           "personality" of the town.  This way, you get two different kinds 
           of information from the map with one symbol 
           that is easy to interpret.


        4. Bar chart maps can similarly show the relative local importance of 
           various categories by the relative height of the bars (or you could 
           just subdivide one bar proportionally).  Here's an example that 
           shows educational attainment in the Census tracts around Boston.  
           It's a little "busy" with seven classes, and the height of the 
           different columns is a little hard to interpret, but it does 
           illustrate the possibilities of visualizing data spatially in this 


        5. Other graduated symbol maps are possible, which can convey three or 
           more ideas simultaneously.  Here's a map entitled, "Life in Los 
           Angeles." It was done at CSU Northridge by Dr. E. Turner and Mr. R. 
           Doss in the late 1970s and showed four aspects of urban population 
           geography in various parts of the City of Los Angeles by a "face" 
           symbol (happy faces were all the rage back then).  Affluence was  
           shown by the roundness of the face (a round face meant high income, 
           a slender face meant middle income, and a skinny face meant low 
           income); unemployment rate by whether the mouth was upturned, 
           downturned, or a straight line; "urban stresses" by whether the 
           eyes had raised, straight, or scowling eyebrows; and racial 
           structure of the population by three shadings of the face.  At a 
           glance, you could see the correlations among race, income, 
           unemployment, and quality of the urban environment through the 
           variations in this one graduated symbol pattern.


        6. Flow maps can show the origin(s) of some flow (e.g., water in 
           rivers or in managed water systems, money, oil, migration of 
           animals or humans), its desination(s), and its magnitude by arrow 
           symbols which point from some places to others and vary in 
           thickness.  Here is one showing the global flow of crude oil in 


        7. Cartograms are bizarre-looking maps, in which the areas of spatial 
           features themselves are distorted in proportion to the value of an 
           attribute. The features generally don't preserve the shape of the 
           areal units being mapped, but you know which one is which by its 
           relative position.  So, you could have North American populations 
           by country shown as three rectangles, with the huge rectangle 
           standing for the USA being underneath the much smaller one for 
           Canada and above the intermediate tall rectangle for Mexico.  
           People are experimenting with animating these, too!  A wonderful 
           example was done by the New York Times of the 2004 
           elections.  It is interactive, in the sense that you pick whether 
           you want to see the data faithful to the geography (resulting in a 
           red-blue choropleth map) or see the data weighted by the states' 
           populations (which gives you a sense of the popular vote):


           Here's another cartogram of the 2004 presidential contest by Suresh 
           Venkatasubramanian, but this one is broken out by county, not 


           Here's an animated cartogram that cycles through global data on 
           population, elderly population, net immigration, tourist 
           destinations, and refugee origins:


     D. Choropleth maps are really simple maps, as simple as dot maps.  You 
        set up a few categories of something you're interested in (e.g., rock 
        types, soil types, vegetation types, types of agriculture, climates, 
        or such human phenomena as language areas, dominant religions, 
        population density, wealth and poverty, numbers of executions).  You 
        then assign colors or ink patterns to indicate each category on your 
        map (e.g., sandy, silty, clayey, or loamy soils; high income, medium 
        high income, medium income, medium low income, and low income).  Then, 
        you fill the right areas on the map with the appropriate color for 
        that area.  These maps, if shaded properly (good contrast among a 
        small number of categories and a consistent transition from lighter to 
        darker to express values from lower to higher or higher to lower), are 
        easily interpreted by most readers.  They do have the problem of 
        coloring an entire area with one color, even if the underlying 
        distribution might vary a lot within that one area.  The advent of 
        Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has made this one of the most 
        popular map types around (because choropleth maps are really easy to 
        make in a GIS) and caused a reduction in the use of some other map 
        types that might be better able to communicate in certain situations. 
        That said, one nice new development is that of the animated choropleth 
        map for use on the Internet.

        Here is a map of, er, animal waste concentrations among the 50 states 
        (note the evocative color ramp the Scorecard folks used -- eeeeeuw):

        This is an animated choropleth map showing the countries with bee 
        industries affected by the varroa mite.  The varroa mite is a spider-
        like parasite on honeybees.  As many of you may have heard, bee 
        colonies all around the world have been struck with "colony collapse 
        syndrome," in which the worker bees never return to their home hives 
        to feed the queen and "baby bees."  No-one knows what is going on, but 
        it threatens world agriculture, because many crops depend on bee 
        pollinators.  There are all kinds of hypotheses, but one is that the 
        varroa mite might be partially responsible. 

     E. One of the more sophisticated map types is the isoline map (sometimes 
        isolines are called isarithms or isopleths).  Isolines are any line on 
        a map, which connects all places having the same value of "something 
        or other," whether it be rainfall receipt, air pressure, elevation, 
        or .... latitude and longitude!  Meridians are isolines of longitude, 
        and parallels are isolines of latitude.  So, you've already bumped 
        into this concept.  Well, it can be used for all sorts of other 
        "stuff" than latitude and longitude and it very effectively conveys a 
        third dimension in a two-dimensional map.

        1. Some types of isolines include:

           a. Isohyets connect all places in an area having the same 
              precipitation, whether on the same day or averaged out over a 
              long time.  This map shows 12-month rainfall totals in 

           b. Isotherms connect all places having the same temperature (e.g., 
              the same daytime high or nighttime low on a given day or the 
              same average annual temperature or the same average January 
              nighttime low).  This map illustrates the concept by showing 
              mean maximum temperatures over the course of a year in 

           c. Isobars connect all places having the same barometric or 
              atmospheric pressure.  Here is one showing a high pressure and a 
              low pressure center near New Zealand and Australia:


           d. Isogons connect all points having the same compass deviation.

                i. True north is not the same as magnetic north:  They're 
                   presently misaligned by about 1,600 km (1,000 mi.), which 
                   puts the magnetic north pole in Canada, at Prince of Wales 
                   Island in the far north of the country. 

               ii. This can mess you up if you are using a compass to navigate 
                   around when you're hiking, especially if you're in an area, 
                   where the angle between your location, the North Pole, and 
                   the magnetic north pole is fairly wide (that angle is 
                   called magnetic declination).

              iii. Some maps, especially USGS and similar maps, show magnetic 
                   declination as an angle formed by two arrows, one pointing 
                   true north and the other pointing to the magnetic north 
                   pole.  The magnetic declination is normally stated in 
                   degrees and a date given (because the magnetic north pole 
                   wanders a bit through time, just to mess you up some more).  
                   You lay the map down under your compass and fiddle with it 
                   until the magnetic north pole line aligns with the compass 
                   arrow.  Then your map will be aligned so that north on the 
                   map points to north in the landscape you're in.  You can 
                   now take some decent bearings to get yourself un-lost and 
                   back to camp before sunset!

               iv. There are maps of magnetic declination that show you what 
                   the typical difference between true north and magnetic 
                   north is in a particular area.  They connect places having 
                   the same delination with isolines called isagons.

                v. So, please visit the map linked just below vi and figure 
                   out about how many degrees east magnetic north would be 
                   from true north in our Los Angeles-Long Beach area 
                   (interpolate between the two isagons that bracket Our Fair 

               vi. Which major American city would have its compasses pointing 
                   true north?  Which one would have the most seriously 
                   misaligned compasses? San Francisco? New York?  Boston? 
                   Chicago? New Orleans? Seattle?


              vii. Just to drive you nuts, some folks use the word, "isogon," 
                   to mean an isoline of constant wind direction and others 
                   use it to describe an equilateral polygon in geometry.  Oh, 

           e. Contours connect all points having the same elevation.  You can 
              see how they are constructed in the cross-section below, where 
              every place at the same elevation on a mountain is sliced with 
              an imaginary plane at that elevation.  If we imagined a line 
              being left on the mountain showing the slice, we could then turn 
              the image over so that we're looking directly down on the 
              mountain and see the slice lines as a series of concentric 
              circles coming together around the peak of the mountain!

              [ construction of contour map ] 
           f. Isochron maps connect all places the same time interval from or 
              to some reference point.  For example, you could map how long it 
              takes for the primary waves from a particular earthquake to 
              reach various seismic recording stations.  Here is a map showing 
              how long it would take to go from Cambridge (or get to 
              Cambridge), England, using the British railway system.


           g. You can even combine two isoline maps in one, if you're really 
              careful about color use.  Here is a really nifty map that 
              superimposes isobars as solid lines on top of isotherms shown as 
              the boundaries between colors that imply hotter or colder.  This 
              is updated each day:


        2. Isoline maps convey a lot of precise information by letting you 
           infer what the values of any particular spot are by noting how far 
           it is to the two nearest isolines and interpolating its exact value 
           by its relative distance to each of them.  So, a point one fourth 
           of the way from an air pressure reading of 1016 millibars to one of 
           1020 millibars could be read as having an air pressure that time of 
           1017 mb.  You engaged in this kind of interpolation when you 
           figured out the magnetic declination in Long Beach (~15°E of 
           true north).

        3. A contour map can be turned into a shaded relief map, which puts in 
           shadows and bright areas as though the map were being lit from one 
           spot.  It makes the map look more suggestive of a real terrain, 
           with the third dimension sort of popping out at you.  Here's a nice 
           example of Pike's Peak in Colorado from MindBird Maps & Books:


        4. Sometimes people combine the third dimensional virtues of the 
           isoline map with the easy interpretability of the choropleth map by 
           shading in the areas between key isolines.  So, for example, you 
           can shade contour line maps so that really high elevations are red, 
           high elevations are brown, medium elevations are yellow, low 
           elevations are chartreuse, and really low elevations are dark 
           green, or you can use any other continuum of colors to do the job. 
           The colors you use to represent different elevation ranges are 
           called "hypsometric tints."  By adding hypsometric tints, you have 
           the precision of isoline maps (you can interpolate any location's 
           elevation, for instance) and the visual generality of color.  Your 
           eye is immediately drawn to the high spots and the low spots, 
           without needing to sit around and interpolate.  Here's a nice 
           example from up in Idaho:


        5. A newer development involves combining these hypsometrically-
           tinted maps with the idea of shaded relief at the same time.  These 
           can really create a stunning effect if the hypsometric tints are in 
           a narrow color range, from green to brown, so that the map looks 
           like a realistic landscape.

           Here's a nice example of a hypsometrically-tinted contour map of 
           Southern California:


           Here is a really great example generated from the Mars Orbiter 
           Laser Altimeter data for the planet "next door," with place names 
           supplied by yours truly.  Mars has FAR greater elevational contrast 
           than anything on Earth, so the green/brown palette will not do it 
           justice.  So, this map uses a huge range of vivid colors from black 
           to white.  It ramps from black/purple/blue for the lowest 
           elevations up through green, yellow, orange, red, brown, beige, and 
           white for higher and higher elevations.  The result seems to bias 
           the reader into supporting the arguments that Mars once had oceans 
           and seas, doesn't it? 


        6. There are all sorts of experiments with animated maps, which take 
           the USGS electronic version of contours (digital elevation models) 
           as the basis of animated fly-throughs or rotating blocks.  So far, 
           these are more golly gee-whiz special effects than devices for 
           communicating too much knowledge, but they are pretty cool.  If you 
           have a fast connection and a little time, do check out the fly-
           through of the great Martian canyon, Valles Marineris, prepared for 
           NASA by JPL and Arizona State University:


     F. Haptic maps, or maps that use sound to convey information, are 
        emerging as interesting augmentations of mapping.  They could be used 
        to allow blind or visually-challenged people to make use of maps 
        designed around this other sense.  Here's an example of a haptic map 
        for navigating around UC Santa Barbara:

        Here is an animated, haptic map of the Coalition casualties in Iraq 
        from 20 March 2003 until 13 February 2007 created by Tim O'Bleek.  
        This is a dot map, in that each dot represents one soldier's death and 
        its haptic equivalent is a soft tick sound, rather like you'd hear on 
        an old typewriter in a newsroom.  Each death is accompanied by a large 
        red dot which fades over a month through pink until it disappears, 
        leaving only the black dot.  If there is a concentration of deaths in 
        one area on one day, O'Bleek expresses that by using a more intensely 
        red dot and a louder ticking sound.  The map is also interactive, in 
        that you can select which Coalition country's casualties to view or 
        not view, and you can ask to see major place names, too.  This is a 
        heartbreaking cartographic representation of the geography of 
        soldiers' deaths through time and an affecting memorial to their 
        sacrifice (and that of their families and friends):

     G. Cartography is undergoing many changes now with the increasing use of 
        computer-aided design (CAD) technologies, mapping packages and other 
        graphics software, and geographical information systems (GIS).  

        1. GIS are extremely powerful, fully-searchable relational database 
           management systems (RDBMS) that handle spatial data and, best of 
           all, perform all sorts of spatial analyses on them and put out the 
           results as maps (with tables and graphs, if you so choose).  It's 
           their spatial analytic capacities that set them apart from other 
           RDBMS and from computerized mapping packages.

        2. To imagine what they're capable of, think of a virtual transparency 
           containing a map of, say, the rivers and water features in an area.  
           Now imagine another virtual transparency, say, a contour map of the 
           local topography.  Then, another map of vegetation in the area.  
           What about another virtual map of land use patterns by parcel?  
           Keep on adding imaginary maps on virtual transparencies to your 
           heart's content.  

        3. Now, imagine overlaying all of these transparencies on an overhead 
           projector or light table to find all the areas that are within 100 
           meters of a river, on slope angles less than 10 percent, 
           historically covered with riparian (riverside) vegetation, and that 
           are not presently developed, so that you can identify riparian 
           habitat that should be preserved through zoning codes.

        4. After overlaying just a few of these transparencies, you probably 
           would not be able to pick out the areas of interest to your 
           planning agency, would you?  Well, this is what the GIS can do for 
           you!  It can analyze every bit of land for all of that stuff -- 
           dozens of virtual maps -- and create new maps of the results of its 
           analysis.  These things are really cool, and there are some 
           stunningly well-paid jobs for graduates with solid training in GIS, 
           cartography, and spatial statistics.  You can get that training as 
           a geography major or by getting our GIS/cartography certificate.

Well, that's enough for your whirlwind introduction to map symbolization (and 
maps in general).  I apologize for using links to illustrate this lecture. 
Some of the images are quite large, so I didn't want you to be sitting there 
on your 28.8K or 56K modems, stewing during an eternal download.  It's faster 
to just send you to one graphic at a time for shorter downloads, but I know it 
is a pain to be pointing and clicking.

I hope you come away from this with an appreciation of maps as art and as the 
effective communication of scientific and historical content.  Later on in the 
semester, I'll have a lab on contour mapping.  Right now, I want you to focus 
on the first exam, which will cover these eleven lectures and the first two 
chapters in your textbook.  In your studying, focus on major concepts, 
definitions, processes, not so much on memorizing facts and figures.  Have as 
good a week as getting ready for an exam permits!


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 09/22/00
Last revised: 06/09/07
