Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Stream Processes


        5. Stream processes
           a. Stream processes entail the erosion, transportation, and 
              deposition of earth materials from the floor and bed of a 
              stream's channel by channelized water. 
           b. Means of erosion:
                i. Streams can erode through hydraulic action or hydraulicking
                   a. This is erosion through the force exerted by moving 
                      water alone.
                      1. Earth materials, obeying Newton's First Law of 
                         Motion, would tend to just stay wherever they are, 
                         unless acted on by a force.
                      2. Refresher:  Newton's First Law states "every object 
                         continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion 
                         in a straight line if no net force acts upon it."
                      3. So, what's a force? It's any influence capable of 
                         producing a change in the motion of a body (such as a 
                         soil particle).
                      4. In this situation, water, responding to gravity, 
                         transmits a force that imparts motion to earth 
                         materials in its channel.  Erosion could be thought 
                         of as the act of imparting motion to otherwise 
                         stationary earth materials.
                   b. Acceleration (the change in motion per second each 
                      second) is equal to force divided by mass. 
                      Alternatively, force is equal to mass times 
                      1. This follows from Newton's Second Law of Motion:  
                         "The acceleration that a net force gives an object is 
                         directly proportional to the magnitude of the force 
                         and inversely proportional to the mass of the object, 
                         and the acceleration is in the direction of the 
                         applied force."
                      2. So, the force exerted on earth materials in the 
                         stream's bed or sides is directly proportional to the 
                         mass of the water in motion and the acceleration of 
                         the water created by the steepness of the water's 
                         descent.  That is, the force exerted on the stream's 
                         cross-section is larger for faster-moving streams and 
                         for higher discharges.
                      3. The velocity of a stream is not the same everywhere 
                         in the stream, because frictional resistance to 
                         motion varies from one place to another within a 
                         A. The fastest-moving water is found where the 
                            frictional resistance is least, that is, where 
                            water is far from a surface or interface with 
                            another material.  In other words, where water 
                            molecules flow over other water molecules with the 
                            least shearing interference.  
                              I. This is normally just below the surface of 
                                 the stream (its interface with air) and well 
                                 above the bottom and sides of the stream.
                             II. This current of especially fast-moving water, 
                                 however, is distorted by any bends or 
                                 meanders in the stream's channel.  In a 
                                 straight stretch, the fastest current would 
                                 be in the middle just under the water's 
                                 surface.  In a meandering stretch, the 
                                 fastest (and most erosive) current bounces 
                                 from one side of the stream to the other.  It 
                                 "wants" to flow in a straight line, per 
                                 Newton's First Law of Motion, but that 
                                 straight path means that it is thrown into 
                                 the outside bank of a meander, concentrating 
                                 its erosive force there.  It is reflected off 
                                 that bank and its new straight path is soon 
                                 rudely interrupted by the outside bend of the 
                                 next meander on the opposite side of the 
                         B. The slowest net forward motion is normally found 
                            along the sides and the bottom of the channel, 
                            where frictional resistance is enhanced by the 
                            irregularity of the channel bed and by the 
                            interference produced by the turbulent flow that 
                              I. This is modified in meandering streams, when 
                                 the fastest current reflects from side to 
                             II. The outside bend, then, may see high flow 
                                 velocity, but the inside bend will show very 
                                 slow flow, perhaps only 10 or 20 percent of 
                                 the forward motion you'd find in the center 
                                 of the fastest current.
                         C. Plot complication:  Velocity affects turbulence 
                            and turbulence affects velocity.
                              I. When water is flowing slowly in a smooth 
                                 channel, it engages in a kind of aligned flow 
                                 called "laminar flow." The water can be 
                                 differentiated into layers, or laminæ.  
                                 The lamina closest to the channel flows the 
                                 most slowly, hindered by friction with the 
                                 channel itself.  The next one up slides more 
                                 readily over the lamina below it, water 
                                 molecules flowing over other molecules, but 
                                 there is some shear resistance produced by 
                                 contact with the water slowed by frictional 
                                 resistance with the bottom.  Each lamina, 
                                 then, moves a bit faster than the one below, 
                                 such that the top lamina moves the fastest.
                             II. When water speeds up, however, the flow 
                                 destabilizes, breaking into all sorts of 
                                 turbulent filaments which interfere with one 
                                 another.  The interference is worst near the 
                                 channel, where irregularities in the channel 
                                 and friction are breaking the flow most 
                                 actively.  Higher up, the shear force of the 
                                 filaments' interfering with one another 
                                 begins to even out their net velocity, so, 
                                 despite the turbulence, the fastest net flow 
                                 is just below the surface. 
                         D. The normal position of the fastest-moving current 
                            in a given stretch is marked by the thalweg, or 
                            the line of maximum channel depth.  This makes 
                            sense, because the most erosion work (leading to 
                            the excavation of the deepest part of the stream 
                            channel) is accomplished by the water with the 
                            greatest force, itself a function of velocity.
                      4. So, while erosive force increases with the mass and 
                         the acceleration of the water in motion, the 
                         acceleration produced by a given level of force is 
                         less the heavier the objects in the stream's channel 
                         are:  So, small objects, such as sand particles, will 
                         move more readily and farther than will large 
                         objects, such as pebbles or boulders.
                   c. The specific ways that hydraulicking applies force to 
                      earth materials in the stream's channel is through 
                      impact (pushing) and through dragging (pulling or 
                   d. Hydraulicking is especially effective at eroding poorly 
                      consolidated alluvial materials (gravel, sand, silt, and 
                   e. It typically undermines stream's banks, especially on 
                      the outside of any bend in the stream's channel, causing 
                      them to collapse into the stream and add their materials 
                      to the stream's sediment load.
               ii. A second mechanism of stream erosion is abrasion.
                   a. This entails the stream's use of suspended materials to 
                      smack the sides and bottom of its channel or the other 
                      materials already lying in its channel:  Larger rock 
                      materials are hurled against the channel, chipping other 
                      material loose, which is then added to the stream load.
                   b. The rolling of larger clasts (e.g., pebbles, rocks, and 
                      boulders) abrades them as they impact other objects or 
                      the channel itself.  They are eventually ground into 
                      various smaller and mostly smoothly rounded pieces.
                   c. Again, as with hydraulicking, abrasion works more 
                      efficiently the faster the water is flowing.
                   d. Abrasion especially dominates a stream's erosive work in 
                      areas of bedrock too strong to be worn down by simple 
                   e. A neat feature sometimes produced by abrasion is a 
                      pothole in a bedrock channel:  If there is a standing, 
                      long-lasting swirling flow because of channel geometry, 
                      sometimes a rock caught in it will bore a hole in the 
              iii. A third mechanism of stream erosion is corrosion or 
                   chemical action.
                   a. Acids dissolved in stream water interact with 
                      susceptible minerals in certain kinds of rock, 
                      dissolving or crumbling them.
                   b. This is especially conspicuous in limestone, of course, 
                      the calcium carbonate in which is attacked by carbonic 
                      acid to become calcium bicarbonate, which is carried 
                      away.  The results are lovely curving and fluted 
                      surfaces in the limestone bedrock.
           c. Transport is the second geomorphic task accomplished by streams, 
              after erosion has yielded materials to move.
                i. Stream load is the material carried by a stream, and it can 
                   be divided into three types:
                   a. Dissolved load, which is the individual chemical ions 
                      produced by corrosion, is carried invisibly (it doesn't 
                      usually affect the clarity of water, though it does 
                      affect the taste).  It makes up about half of a stream's 
                      overall load, more in the tropics where chemical 
                      weathering prevails (to produce those ions) and less in 
                      cold climates where mechanical weathering dominates.
                   b. Suspended load, which is made up of clay and silt 
                      particles (that is, really tiny particles, generally 
                      less than 0.05 mm) that is carried in turbulent 
                      suspension.  During flood stage, it can also include 
                      sand (which settles out fast). This material really 
                      affects the clarity of the water -- a stream that has a 
                      high suspended load content (such as most streams after 
                      a big storm) are turbid or muddy-looking (well, wet clay 
                      and silt are mud!).
                   c. Bed load is made up of the larger materials, such as 
                      sand, gravel, pebbles, rocks, and boulders, that are 
                      stationary most of the time, but which will be moved 
                      along during high water episodes.  High discharge phases 
                      increase the mass of the water in motion and usually 
                      also its velocity, both of which are directly related to 
                      the force of the moving water.  These larger clasts are 
                      generally moved by rolling, sliding, or saltation 
                      (jumping or bouncing). 
               ii. Stream capacity is the maximum stream load that a given 
                   stream can move at a given time.  It varies greatly, even 
                   for the same stretch of stream, through time.
                   a. Stream capacity is a function of velocity of stream flow
                      1. Speed is a directionless concept; velocity is the 
                         vector version of speed:  It means speed in a 
                         particular direction.  Water moves downward, so I'll 
                         usually refer to the rate of that movement as 
                      2. If water is moving very quickly, it can transport 
                         more sediment in relation to its own discharge than 
                         if it is moving more slowly.
                      3. This goes right back to ol' Newton and his Second Law 
                         of Motion:  Force equals mass times acceleration.  
                         The faster water flows, the more force it can impart 
                         to accelerate objects in its path, by increasing the 
                         impact, dragging, and turbulence forces on the 
                         stream's load.  The total force exerted on a particle 
                         sitting there, minding its own business, is called 
                         the tractive force.  
                      4. An increase in velocity, thus, obviously increases 
                         the stream's capacity to move suspended load and it 
                         also allows the stream to pick up or roll or slide 
                         larger and larger clasts.  That is, the faster the 
                         water flows, the larger the objects that the stream 
                         can move and the larger becomes the bed load share of 
                         its total load.  The largest size of object that a 
                         stream can move is called its competence.  The faster 
                         water flows, the larger the objects it can transport 
                         (that is, the more competent it is).
                      5. A stream's capacity to transport bed load increases 
                         between 8 and 16 times for every doubling of its 

                         C = V3-4

                         You might want to convince yourself of this.  Invent 
                         a velocity (English or metric, makes no difference), 
                         ideally rather a small one to avoid taxing your 
                         calculator.  Take its cube (basically, multiplying it 
                         by itself and then itself again), or look for the 
                         yx button on your calculator, where 
                         y=velocity and x=3.  Now, double that (small) speed.  
                         Take ITS cube.  Divide the answer by the first 
                         answer.  Eight times.  If you did it with the 4th 
                         power, it would be 16 times.

                      6. So, velocity governs both capacity and competence, 
                         but what governs velocity?  There are five governors 
                         of stream velocity, and they interact with and 
                         interfere with one another in complex ways to govern 
                         stream velocity.
                         A. Gradient:  The steeper the slope, the faster the 
                            water flows (everything else here being equal, 
                            which, of course, it rarely is).  Gradient is 
                            generally given as centimeters or meters of change 
                            in elevation with kilometers of horizontal 
                            distance (or inches or feet per mile).
                         B. Channel shape:  The most efficient stream is the 
                            one with the smallest length of bed perimeter for 
                            a given cross-sectional area ("wetted perimeter").  
                            To visualize the concept of wetted perimeter, 
                            imagine crossing a stream in your rubber boots, 
                            laying a measuring tape down from one bank through 
                            the stream bottom to the other bank.  That 
                            measurement would be the wetted perimeter.

                            [ wetted perimeter, WaterWare online 
                            reference manual, Environmental Software and 
                            Services, Austria]

                              I. The efficiency of the channel shape is 
                                 optimized by a semi-circular stream , as 
                                 opposed to a long, flat channel or a V-shaped 
                                 or rectangular one.  
                             II. The larger the cross-sectional area, the 
                                 smaller the length of the wetted perimeter 
                                 per unit of area.  So, a stream at high 
                                 elevation in mountainous terrain is flowing 
                                 over a steep gradient, but the velocity of 
                                 water flow won't be as high as you'd expect 
                                 from the gradient, because mountain streams 
                                 are small, which increases the length of 
                                 their wetted perimeters per cross-sectional 
                                 area, and they often have V-shaped channels, 
                                 which increase the frictional resistance.
                         C. Channel size:  The larger the channel size, the 
                            faster the water flows. This is related to channel 
                            shape, because the larger streams generally have 
                            lower ratios of wetted perimeter per unit of 
                            cross-sectional area.  Larger streams, then, 
                            experience less frictional resistance to their 
                            overall flow.
                         D. Channel roughness:  The more larger objects 
                            (rocks, boulders) are in the stream channel, the 
                            more frictional resistance and the more turbulence 
                            there will be in the stream flow, which slows 
                            things down.  In a way, it can be viewed as 
                            increasing the wetted perimeter (if you laid that 
                            tape measure right into all those nooks and 
                            crannies among all the large clasts, you'd need a 
                            longer tape measure!).  Again, this is another 
                            reason why mountain streams don't flow as fast as 
                            you would expect from the steep gradients.
                         E. Discharge:  The more water is flowing by, the 
                            faster it can flow.  This is related to channel 
                            size and through that to channel shape.  
                            Turbulence, with all its contradictory small 
                            individual filaments of water flow seen near the 
                            bed, eventually produces mixed flow that averages 
                            out at higher velocity as the discharge increases. 
                            The upshot of that is that large streams flow 
                            faster than you'd expect from their low slope 
                            gradients because of the compensating effects of 
                            discharge and the ratio of wetted-perimeter to 
                            cross-sectional area.
                   b. Stream capacity is also a function of discharge.        
                      1. Discharge reflects the volume of water flowing 
                         through a given cross-section.
                         A. You can draw a cross-section of a stream channel 
                            by measuring its width and then taking a whole 
                            bunch of depth readings along a line as you cross 
                            the stream.  When you plot the depth readings by 
                            distance along the line, you have created a graph 
                            of the stream's cross-section at that point.  You 
                            can then use the graph to calculate the area of 
                            the cross-section in square meters or square feet.
                         B. When you bring in the third dimension, you have a 
                            measure of discharge.  That is, if you observed 
                            how long a floating object in the stream takes to 
                            travel a given distance, such as a meter or a 
                            foot, and you took readings at several points 
                            along your line and at various depths (by 
                            attaching weights to the object), you would be in 
                            a position to describe the average rate of flow 
                            for that stretch. You could then say that this 
                            stream has a discharge of 20 cubic meters per 
                            second ("cumec") or 9,000 cubic feet per second 
                         C. More elegantly: 

                            Q = VA, where Q = discharge
                                          V = volume
                                          A = area

                         D. Specifically using the metric system, that would 

                            Q(m3/s) = A(m2) x V(m/s) 

                      2. An increase in discharge increases both velocity and 
                         turbulence, which increases the force with which 
                         water can pick up and transport its bed load.  
                         A. Going back to Newton's Second Law of Motion, an 
                            increase in discharge is an increase in mass, 
                            which co-determines the force with which a stream 
                            can impart motion to particles in it (F = MA, 
                            force is equal to mass times acceleration).
                         B. Discharge also increases velocity, as we saw 
                            above, and so indirectly increases stream force 
                            through acceleration (which is set by the 
                            gravitational constant operating on water to pull 
                            it downstream).
                         C. Capacity increases with the second or third power 
                            of discharge (you double the discharge, and you 
                            increase capacity some 4-8 times):

                            C = Q2-3

                            Again, you can try experimenting around with some 
                            imaginary discharge numbers (cumecs or cfs).  Take 
                            the square of your first experiment.  Then, double 
                            the imaginary discharge and take ITS square.  
                            Divide that answer by the first one and it should 
                            come out 4.  If you did the same experiment, but 
                            you cubed Q, you'd wind up with 8.
                         D. An increase in discharge particularly affects 
                            suspended load, so large streams are more turbid 
                            than small streams, all else being equal.
              iii. A change in velocity (that is, acceleration, whether 
                   positive or negative) affects the stream's capacity to 
                   transport its load.
                   a. An accelerating, fast-moving stream is capable of 
                      transporting more sediment than it is, so it tries to 
                      increase its sediment load by engaging in erosion, which 
                      it can do, courtesy of the increased force given it by 
                   b. A decelerating, slow-moving stream is less and less able 
                      to erode and transport load, so it adjusts its load to 
                      its diminished force by dropping some of it 
                      1. It first drops the largest clasts and then drops 
                         progressively smaller clasts until its load matches 
                         its diminished capacity.  
                      2. Stream deposits, then, are very typically texture-
                         sorted, with larger clasts dominating deposits 
                         upstream near the point it first experienced 
                         deceleration and finer clasts dominating deposits 
                         farther downstream.
                      3. River deposits are called alluvium.
           d. Deposition is the third geomorphic task accomplished by streams.
                i. It occurs whenever the erosive and transport force of a 
                   stream has been diminished by deceleration or by a decline 
                   in discharge (for example, well after a storm).
               ii. It can also occur when there is an increase in its solid 
                   load (bed load and suspended load) due to denudation of 
                   slopes in its watershed (see discussion of accelerated 
                   erosion in the overland processes lecture).
              iii. It can also occur if something raises its base level, the 
                   elevation of the still water body into which it ultimately 
                   flows.  Streams flow downward to the ocean or, in some 
                   desert areas, to playas or ephemeral lakes (e.g., the Dead 
                   Sea or the Salton Sea or Soda Lake out by Baker, 
                   California, on I-15 halfway from Barstow to Las Vegas).  If 
                   sea level changes, that will effectively raise or lower the 
                   average elevation of the watershed with respect to the new 
                   base level.  Sea levels come up at the end of an ice age, 
                   as the water stored in glaciers melts and fills the sea.  
                   This triggers a loss in stream force all over the world, 
                   and streams worldwide are dominated by deposition or 
                   aggradation until a new graded equilibrium can be reached.
               iv. Alluvial materials will increase on the stream bed (channel 
                   deposition). You will see sand, pebble, and rock bars 
                   forming in the stream, diverting its flow into many 
                   smaller, braiding flows. 
                v. It seems almost counterintuitive, but this actually 
                   increases stream gradient right downstream from the 
                   deposits, which increases velocity right there, which 
                   causes the stream to attack the bars and smear them 
                   downstream to spread out the increase in elevation.  So, 
                   bars are unstable and migrate downstream.  
               vi. Aggradation also changes the stream cross-section from 
                   narrow and deep or semi-circular to wide and shallow.  This 
                   makes it even easier for braided channels to form by 
                   increasing the wetted perimeter to area ratio, which slows 
                   a stream down and reduces its capacity.  Here are two 
                   stream channels with roughly 24 m of cross-sectional area.  
                   The one on the left, being deeper, has a wetted perimeter 
                   of only ~14 m.   The one on the right, being very shallow, 
                   has a wetted perimeter of roughly 26 m, 26 m for friction 
                   to work to slow the stream down.

                   [ wetted perimeter of ~14 m to 24 sq. m. of 
                   cross-sectional area, South West Grid for Learning Rivers 
                   project, England ]

                   [ wetted perimeter of ~26 m to 24 sq. m. of 
                   cross-sectional area, South West Grid for Learning Rivers 
                   project, England ]

              vii. Just the opposite would happen if there were a drop in sea 
                   levels (as during a new ice age, which would raise the 
                   elevation of the watershed above its base level).  The 
                   streams would become more erosive. Similarly making streams 
                   more erosive would b an increase in elevation through 
                   tectonic uplift, an increase in discharge due to a change 
                   in climate, or a decrease in bed load (perhaps due to 
                   reforestation on badly denuded slopes or due to a dam going 
                   in upstream, trapping sediments).
                   a. The streams would become more erosive because their 
                      capacity relative to their present loads would have 
                      increased, and the streams would try to adjust to their 
                      newly increased relative capacity.
                   b. Channel profiles would become narrower and deeper.
                   c. It would cut through its own alluvial deposits, creating 
                      stepped valley surfaces called alluvial terraces.  
           e. Stream systems are highly dynamic, changing the balance of 
              erosion, transportation, and deposition tasks constantly and 
              rapidly, always trying to achieve a dynamic equilibrium among 
              inputs into the stream and capacity to move them through. This 
              equilibrium is called the graded stream.  It refers to a stream 
              that, on average, exactly balances its actual sediment load to 
              its potential sediment load.  We've seen how streams balance 
              their work on the longer time frames of ice ages and 
              reforestation.  I'd like to look at shorter-term changes in a 
              stream's dynamics.
                i. Storm hydrographs show discharge (Q) through time before, 
                   during, and after a storm:

                   [ idealized hydrograph, EPA ]

                   a. The histogram (like a bar chart) on the left shows a 
                      storm event:  The tallest bar is the most intense 
                      precipitation, which for this storm took place pretty 
                      early in the storm.
                   b. The base flow connects the discharge curve before and 
                      after the water hit the stream gage:  It was slowly 
                      being depleted through time before the storm, and it 
                      resumes slowly declining after the storm's discharge 
                      blasts past the stream gage.
                   c. The bulge in the middle is the arrival of the storm 
                      discharge at the location of the stream gage.  Notice 
                      that the crest is well to the right of the peak 
                      precipitation -- it is normal for peak streamflow to 
                      crest after a lag time, because it takes time for water 
                      falling on the watershed to make its way to streams 
                      overland or through groundwater.
                   d. The rising limb is the part before the crest hits when 
                      water levels are increasing; the falling limb or 
                      recession limb is the period of decline after the crest 
                   e. We could draw a horizontal line through the whole graph 
                      above the base flow and call it "bankful capacity," if 
                      we knew the discharge capacity of the stream channel.  
                      The crest of the storm flow could well be greater than 
                      the channel's bankful capacity, which means a flood 
                      would happen if the crest were taller than that bankful 
                      capacity line.  The stream would top its banks and flood 
                      across the countryside beyond.
               ii. There are predictable changes in stream channel cross-
                   sections as a storm's effects hit, related to the changes 
                   in mass and velocity associated with the storm.

[ discharge vs bed depth during storm, USGS ]
a. Water input is raised after the storm (duh), as shown by the height of the red line in the graph above. b. Early in the rising limb, bed load increases because of the heavy runoff after the storm, as shown in the level of the black line above. c. But, as the water level continues to rise, the discharge (and the erosive and transportation force) of the stream outstrips the additional bed load. So, stream capacity now exceeds its actual solid load, and the stream begins to downcut its own channel, substantially deepening it. d. So, right about the time of the highest water discharge, the streambed is at its lowest elevation (the stream is at its deepest). e. As discharge then drops, the capacity of the stream declines (loss of flowing mass and deceleration of what's left), so the stream starts building the stream bed back up towards its former level! f. Landforms associated with stream action. i. Erosional landforms in mountainous terrain include narrow, steep-sided valleys (we call the especially steep ones out here "canyons"), that have a sort of V shape to them. The stream bed itself often is narrow, and it occupies all or most of the valley bottom. If you go hiking in these canyons, you often find yourself jumping from rock to rock IN the stream channel to make any progress. The stream primarily engages in downcutting of its valley in such a location, because it has the erosive force to do so: High gradients. Valley walls are undercut from time to time and fall into the stream for transport downstream. [ V-shaped stream canyon, Arakawa River,  The 
University Forest in Chichibu, Japan ] ii. Lower down, closer to the whole stream system's base level, slopes are gentler (though discharge is higher, because small mountain streams join together to form higher order streams). The stream is less able just to cut down through its valley, as it encounters particularly resistant rocks. a. When it find a resistant rock mass in its way, the stream switches some of its erosive energy to lateral cutting. b. This sets up stream meanders, which will persist even after the original obstacle eventually gives way. c. This is because the fastest, most erosive current in the stream hits outside bends in the meanders, and thus concentrates its erosive force on the outside banks. These are undermined, so the meander gets more extreme in amplitude. d. At the same time, there is really slow flow on the inside bends of the meanders, which reduces capacity there, and the stream begins to deposit materials on the inside bends. It builds up point bar deposits there, which further reïnforces the amplitude of the stream meanders. e. Over time, the mix of lateral erosion and lateral deposition activities begins to form a floodplain, or a relatively flat valley bottom. f. The width of such valleys is usually just about the meander wave height or displacement (that would be a horizontal line twice the wave amplitude, in this case, that is, running from a line passing through the crests to a line passing through the troughs). [ wave characteristics ] g. You can see this in this false color Landsat image of the Missouri River (false color means that wavelengths we can't see, e.g., infrared, are assigned colors, which means that familiar colors are assigned other colors that seem odd to us, to create "room" in the visible light spectrum for the wavelengths we can't see. So, here, regular green vegetation (such as crops) are assigned a color of red, while an infrared wavelength is shown as green.). Don't focus on the funny colors: Focus on the relative width of the flat floodplain and the wave height of the stream meanders. See how they pretty well coïncide? [ false color image of Missouri River, NASA 
Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, via M. Pidwirny, 
Okanagan University College ] iii. Closer to base level (the level of the water body the stream eventually pours into), stream gradient is nearly flat. This reduces the stream's capacity to move its bed load, especially, though not as much as you'd think from the deceleration (remember, these streams have much larger discharges, as more and more low order and medium order streams have come together and contributed their discharges to the main trunk river). So, the stream's geomorphic work is dominated by deposition. Such streams are called alluvial rivers. You have all sorts of distinctive landforms associated with them. a. These rivers really meader like crazy, looping and snaking all over their floodplains. The low gradient and approach to base level means there isn't much energy for downcutting, so nearly all erosion takes the form of lateral cutting. This is what makes the meanders really extreme looking. Snakes on steroids! In this photograph, you can actually make out some undermined banks on the outsides of some of the meanders in the foreground. You can also clearly see point bar deposits on the insides of the meanders in the foreground. [ meandering stream and oxbow, Beaver River, 
Labrador, Norm Catto, ] b. Often outside bends of adjacent meanders cut into one another and the river will just take a shortcut and abandon the former meander. 1. It becomes an oxbow lake. You can see one in the middle of the photograph above, a little above center. 2. These stagnant water bodies (bayous) eventually silt in (no capacity to hold anything) and fill up with dead organic matter and become solid land. You can often see where they were, though, because the vegetation is a little different, made up of species that favor heavy clay soils and lots of organic content and probably a high water table. You can see some old oxbows in that photograph on the right side, as areas with greener vegetation. 3. The lesson here is that these alluvial, meandering streams really do meander: They are notorious for changing course during a flood. c. Related to this are ribbon lakes or abandoned channels. 1. As time goes on, the stream builds up higher and higher levees, but that means the sediment it's carrying is confined to the channel more of the time. Whenever its capacity drops, it drops that sediment in its own channel (rather than on the floodplain, where the silt and clay would actually raise soil fertility). The result is a rising channel bed. 2. After a while, the stream will abandon that course for a new one at a lower level elsewhere on the floodplain, an act called avulsion. 3. The old course is stranded as a ribbon lake, which eventually fills in. 4. Alluvial rivers, thus, pose a serious flood hazard all over their flood plains, because they clog their own channels enough to raise them well above the elevation of the surrounding floodplain. [ Avulsion, D. Mlekuz, Univ. Ljubliana, 
Slovenia ] d. Levees are features found on meandering streams on floodplains. They are areas along the bank, which are built up as a result of regular overbank flooding. 1. Whenever discharge exceeds the bankful capacity of the stream, water will begin pouring over the banks onto the floodplain beyond. 2. As this water leaves the stream, it slows down. This is because the layer of water that leaves the stream is much thinner than the water still racing down the channel, which means that frictional resistance affects it more and, so, the sheet of water decelerates. 3. Deceleration reduces its capacity to transport earth materials, so it begins depositing its now surplus load of sediment right on the banks. 4. This builds up a higher and higher levee, which then raises the stream's bankful capacity for the next flood by raising the banks. 5. It is also ultimately an unstable situation, because the stream now must deposit all its sediment in its own channel, raising the water level above the floodplain. Sooner or later, some flood will happen along that will breach the levee somewhere and you get a serious flood, and perhaps the stream will entirely change course. 6. This photograph is especially interesting, because it shows a flooded, well, floodplain, and you can make out the path of the stream itself by the levees. [ levees during a flood, Jürgen 
USGS Biology ] e. The backswamp is the part of the floodplain just back of the levees, and, yes, it often is waterlogged and swampy. f. Pools, bars, and riffles are changes in the channel shape (in cross-section) produced as the fastest current switches from side to side, going from one outside bend to the next. 1. Pools are found in the stream bed on the outside bends of the meanders, where the cutting force of the fastest current is concentrated. Point bars, as mentioned before, are found on the inside bends of the meanders. So, the channel in cross section forms a flattened slope on the inside of the bend, becoming progressively deeper as you approach the outside bend, and then it forms a steep slope as you approach the outside bank, which the stream is actively undermining. 2. Riffles are found in the relatively straight stretches between meanders, as the fastest current is reflected off the outside meander, often breaking into several discrete flows, separated by areas of slow or chaotic flow. This reflects the stream adjusting to all the alluvium it acquires by undermining the outside banks: All of that gets dumped into the stream, where it is deposited between the separate fast currents in the straighter stretch between bends. You often see these bar deposits emerging above the base flow, especially during low discharge times of year. The result is a braiding of the stream during low flow. g. Migrating meanders: Meanders tend to migrate slowly downstream, because erosion is concentrated more on the downstream side of outside meanders and on the downstream-facing bank of the straight stretches between them. You can see evidence of this very clearly in the photograph below. Those curvilinear features on the backswamp between the two meanders mark the former location of the meander that is now on the lower left (the backswamp between the two meanders marks the former location of the meander (the stream is flowing southwest here). [ migrating meanders, M. Pidwirny, Okanagan 
University College ] h. Yazoo streams are streams that "wannabe" tributaries to a major alluvial river but are prevented from flowing into it by the latter's levees. These are sometimes called streams of belated confluence or of deferred junction (but I like "yazoo" better, myself). They are named after the Yazoo River in Mississippi, which tags alongside the Mississippi River for 300 km! i. Alluvial fans are texture-sorted fans of alluvial deposits, formed whenever a stream suddenly finds itself flowing over much flatter terrain than it had been before. 1. All of a sudden, its sharply reduced capacity is far below the load it had been happily moving along before, and so it is forced to start dropping some of its load. 2. The first things to be dropped are the larger clasts and, then, if that doesn't bring its load into line with its capacity, it drops progressively smaller and smaller clasts, sometimes all the way down to silt and clay. That's what's meant by texture sorting. 3. The act of deposition, however, builds up an obstacle in the stream's course, so it frequently changes course and typically has a very braided path. This is why these features have a fan-like shape as the stream switches back and forth (often visibly criss- crossed by the braided channels of the stream). 4. Alluvial fans are especially common in the abrupt togography of the American West, where faulting often creates a sharp demarcation between steep mountains and flat valleys. 5. Alluvial fans can fuse together, too, in extensive features called bajadas (pronounced "bah-HAH-dahs"). 6. Here are an alluvial fan in Death Valley seen from overhead and a bajada coming off the Panamint Mountains into Death Valley: [ Death Valley alluvial fan, NASA ] [ Death Valley bajada, Badwater, C.M. 
Rodrigue ] j. A delta is a rather similar feature, developed when a stream debouches into a sea or lake. 1. The stream velocity drops sharply as it encounters the relatively still water, which forces it to drop its load. 2. This builds up a mildly texture-sorted fan of solid land extending into the sea. 3. Overpowering its tendency toward texture-sorting is a tendency for extension outward, building out and burying older deltaic deposits, so the spatial pattern in texture is often very complex. 4. Just as alluvial fans induce braiding, so, too, does the main trunk of the stream branch out into distributaries, which build out the delta in several directions. [ Balize Delta of the Mississippi, NASA 
Goddard Space Flight Center ] g. The longitudinal profile is the X-Y graph you could construct by surveying the elevation of a stream at a lot of points from its source down to its mouth, noting the distance from the source as you did so. i. If you plotted your elevation readings on the Y (vertical axis) and distance on the X (horizontal) axis, you would have created an image of the stream system seen in longitudinal profile. [ longitudinal profile, Jeremy Dunning, Indiana 
University, Geology 103 ] ii. You'll note that the whole system (as seen above) has a concave-up shape, with channel slope decreasing as it approaches its base level. iii. The system can adjust its slope angle through erosional and depositional activities to maintain an equilibrium between discharge and sediment load. a. If there's a sudden increase in sediment load (as, for example, from an area in the watershed experiencing accelerated erosion due to denudation), the stream engages in deposition, which slightly raises its gradient, so it can eventually haul the material downstream. b. If there's an increase in average discharge (climate change) or a decrease in sediment load (e.g., someone put a dam upstream that blocks sediment from migrating downstream), that stretch of the stream will become more erosive to reduce the slope angle and/or raise the sediment load to restore the equilibrium between capacity and load. h. A stream that, on average, balances its load with its capacity is said to be graded, and grade is the dynamic equilibrium towards which all streams adjust their activities and slope angles. i. The resulting longitudinal profile is a relatively smooth concave-up curve, as seen above. ii. Once grade has been attained, the overall graded profile is ever more slowly lowered throughout its length, ever closer to (but never completely flattened out to) base level. i. Evolution of a graded stream system. i. Imagine a landscape newly raised through tectonic activity, full of irregularities and discontinuities in slope angles. ii. Runoff will collect in any shallow depression in this irregular landscape, and the resulting lakes will collect alluvial deposits, which raise the local topography a bit. iii. Water flows out of these lakes towards base level and pours over any sharp decrease in elevation (like waterfalls over a cliff or rapids) at greater velocity, which gives it the force to erode that part of the landscape down at a faster rate. iv. Between deposition in the local depressions and rapid erosion in the local steep slopes, the longitudinal profile is gradually smoothed out and brought closer to a graded condition. A nice graph is provided by V. Divener of the C.W. Post campus of Long Island University at v. At this point, we start to see branching outward from the main stream, as the stream system begins to extend into the rest of the tectonic landscape, dissecting it into a fluvial landscape. The stream systems at lower elevations begin to capture other similar stream systems by providing them a lower elevation to flow into. These other stream systems become tributaries to the more aggressive, now main system. Branching and stream capture create a drainage basin and a defined watershed in the area. j. The branching of stream systems takes on a variety of distinct forms, depending on regional geological conditions. Some common types are: i. Dendritic or tree-like, where the main river serves as the "trunk," its distributaries in its delta at base level serve as "roots," and the tributary streams serve as "branches." The confluences of the tributaries makes a "V" with the tip pointing downstream. These commonly develop in regions of fairly uniform rock materials, such as horizontally-bedded sedimentary rock. Here's a nice image of a dendritic system: [ dendritic network, Yemen, NASA, through ] ii. Trellised drainage systems are a lot like dendritic, but the tributaries go off from the main trunk at closer to a right angle, so the whole effect is rather like a grape vine trained to grow along a trellis. This is common in landscapes featuring long parallel ridges and valleys, such as that created by alternating anticlines and synclines. The tributaries flow along the valleys, connecting up with the main stream wherever a gap is found in the ridges. Much of Pennsylvania looks like this. iii. Rectangular drainage also creates confluences between tributaries and main streams that are at right angles, and the streams themselves often take roughly right angle turns in their paths. This sort of drainage is often associated with rock that is deeply fractured and the streams just helped themselves to the pre-notched paths in the landscape. iv. Parallel drainage is a lot like trellised, except there are loads of low order tributaries that flow directly into a main stream without having first joined together to create medium order streams, which then fuse into the highest order main trunks. Again, this reflects faulting or fracturing in the underlying rock with a strong linear character. v. Radial drainage is often seen, well, radiating outward from a single peak, each tributary joining different drainage basins. This is especially common around volcanoes. vi. Centripetal drainage is the opposite of radial: This time all the streams converge on a single depression. This occurs in areas of internal drainage, with no outlet to the sea. Internal drainage is most common in desert and semiarid environments, with a playa (or ephemeral or intermittant lake, sometimes called a dry lake) at the center. The southern San Joaquin Valley or Tulare Basin has this pattern, with streams (most of them intermittant as well) flowing into Lake Tulare. vii. Deranged drainage occurs when there's no rhyme or reason to how water descends through a nearly flat landscape and heads for base level. Water may take the "scenic route" all over the place before it finally finds a sea or lake. There may be all sorts of little interconnected depressions, bogs, and lakes. This is most common in landscapes that have recently (as in the last 25,000 years) experienced ice cap glaciers, such as Canada and the American Upper Midwest ("Minnesota: Land of 10,000 Lakes"). [ drainage network drawings, D. McConnell, The 
Good Earth ] k. Stream order. i. I've mentioned low order, medium order, and high order streams here and there in this lecture. ii. This concept has to do with how many confluences a given stretch of stream is from the spring(s) that are their sources. iii. If the stream you're looking at is coming directly from its source and you are in a stretch above its first confluence with another stream or river, you would call it a first order (or a low order) stream. This tiny stream would have the tiniest drainage basin or subwatershed. iv. When two first order streams come together, you have a second order stream, and the catchment drained by the stretch below the confluence is that much larger. v. Different people disagree on what you call the stretch below the confluence of two second order streams, particularly if a third first order stream joined one of the second order streams before their confluence. vi. The gist of it is that the higher the order, the larger the average stream discharge has to be (because it represents the union of two stream discharges): There is a direct relationship between stream order (however you classify it) and stream discharge. Similarly there is a direct relationship between stream order and catchment area, for the same reason. vii. There is an inverse relationship, however, between stream order and average gradient. That is, low order streams are found at higher elevations with steeper slopes than higher order streams. High order streams, being closer to base level, are obviously at lower elevations, and that means the slope gradient is flatter. l. Now just because a stream network strives for the dynamic equilibrium of the graded condition doesn't mean it just grinds away until it attains grade and then just peacefully whittles the whole longitudinal profile ever closer and ever more slowly towards base level. The system is subject to shocks of various sorts, which rejuvenate or advance the whole process and set the stream's ambitions back a bit. i. Some factors that can rejuvenate the whole system (that is, make it emphasize erosion over deposition) include: a. Renewed tectonic uplift. 1. Really extreme events can essentially wipe out a given stream system or redefine its relationship with a watershed out of any meaning. A. Explosive volcanic eruptions reconfigure a whole mountain ... and its stream systems. B. Massive flood basalt flows can entirely bury a landscape, watersheds and all. An example is the vast Deccan Traps eruption of some 65 million years ago in western India, which still covers over 500,000 square kilometers and reaches close to 2.5 kilometers in depth! This eruption consisted of repeated flows of very deep mantle material through great fissures in the earth. Over the course of 500,000 to 750,000 years, this flood eruption (or trap) buried all landscape features then extant in western India. With this kind of outflow, whatever old stream systems existed there then were completely buried and brand-new stream systems had to evolve to drain the new plateau landscape. Interestingly, this seems to coïncide with the Chicxulub asteroid impact in Yucatán in southern Mexico. 2. Faulting, however, can permit blocks to rise above the surrounding landscape without destroying a stream system, restoring slope irregularities and rejuvenating the whole system, making the overall system more erosive, incising into its own deposits in places. A. One sign of this can be the notching of a stream's floodplain, carving a V-sided mini-canyon in the flat floodplain alluvium (this can also result from non-tectonic sources, too, such as the construction of a dam upstream, as we saw earlier in this lecture). B. A particularly interesting expression of system rejuvenation is the development of very steep incised meanders in large streams in high elevation country, where you would expect to see many low order, fairly straight streams. A good example of this is the Colorado Plateau. The Colorado River is an "antecedent" stream, meaning it existed and developed a floodplain long before the uplift of northern Arizona and southern Utah (as the buried Farallon Plate slid under the western North American Plate). The rate of uplift was apparently slow enough to allow it and its tributaries to downcut the Plateau fast enough to preserve its old meandering stream course! You see entrenched meanders in many places here, such as here at Goosenecks in southern Utah:
[ Goosenecks, Wikipedia ]
b. An ice age will rejuvenate systems all over the world by causing a drop in base level, as the increasing ice sheets withhold liquid water from the sea. The locking up of water as glacial ice causes sea level to drop. This effectively raises the relative elevation of all landmasses above sea level, causing them to become more erosive with the greater force that their elevational acceleration gives them. c. Still another rejuvenating factor is isostacy: the buoyancy of the continents. As streams remove earth materials and eventually haul them out to the sea floor, the continents lighten. This causes them to rise up as they depress the plates on which they ride less and less. This elastic rebound can restore as much as 80 percent of the elevation worn down by the work of streams. "A stream's work is never done"! It kind of reminds you of the ancient Greek story of poor ol' Sisyphus, the greedy Corinthian king, whom Hades punished by having him roll a huge rock up to the top of a mountain, only to have it roll right back down. For eternity. ii. Some factors can mess up grade in the opposite direction. a. Sometimes the landscape subsides below base level, due to faulting or to undermining of rock layers (nowadays by humans subtracting oil or water too fast). This causes the affected system to lose some of its capacity to transport load and so it engages in aggradation. b. Sometimes ice ages end, and the fresh water tied up in great glaciers now flows to the sea and raises sea level. This produces a global loss of relative elevation, which decelerates stream velocities, which reduces their erosive force and capacity. Again, depositional activities dominate stream work, this time on a global scale. For example, the Persian Gulf was reduced as the sediment from the Tigris and Euphrates systems was dumped at the delta in southern Iraq. Towns on or near the coast thousands of years ago are now stranded far inland. iii. So, grade is a dynamic equilibrium, not a static one. Streams adjust their erosion, transport, and depositional activities to approach perfect grade, but it's a moving target for them. The world is simply a very dynamic, often dramatically dynamic system, to which streams (and people) try to adjust. m. From what you've learned of stream systems, you should come away with a healthy respect for the main hazard posed by rivers: Flood. It is normal for the alluvial portions of a stream system to experience overbank flooding pretty often. i. For a natural hazard to exist, there has to be an extreme physical event, such as a flood, and people and their stuff in the way. ii. Unfortunately, there are many reasons people live on floodplains, some of them good. a. Rivers have traditionally been cheap ways to transport goods, so there is an economic reason to be "in their way." b. Another economic reason is that normal overbank flooding deposits alluvium on the floodplain, which replenishes soil fertility: Floodplains are often excellent agricultural areas, and this has led to high concentrations of populations on them (including the cities that formed to process and ship produce). c. Yet another economic reason is that flat land is extremely easy and cheap to build on, so developers are always itching to build on floodplains (but don't you be the chump that buys one of those homes). d. Another economic motive is simply convenient water supply. e. Another reason is more æsthetic: People are drawn to the scenic beauty of river views (that same thing that draws people to mountain views right in the middle of chaparral fire country!). iii. Given that rivers are so important to human society, it is not surprising that we have tried to make life on the floodplain a little safer. Very commonly, we have exaggerated natural levees by building them way up, and we have constructed dams upstream to control discharge (and, nowadays, to provide electric power). But does that necessarily make us safer? iv. This is, like chaparral fire hazard, one of those things where our adjustments to recurrent, smaller-scale hazards set us up for the much rarer, high-magnitude event. v. Building up the levees means the river just drops its alluvium on its channel bed, instead of all over its floodplain. This inevitably raises the water in the river high above the surrounding landscape. Sooner or later, there will be the rare, epochal flood, which will breach the levees, flooding the countryside, and the stream will try to change course entirely (an aside, did you know the L.A. River emptied into the Pacific, not in Long Beach but in Venice? It changed course just in the last century! What we call Ballona Creek used to be the mouth of the L.A. River!!! a. The problem is that dams and levees give us false confidence, and so we approve housing subdivisions in floodplains and then wonder why we're hip high in water when our mitigations fail. When this (inevitably) happens, you'll see politicians implying that the levees weren't maintained (maybe because of that pesky Endangered Species Act) and that's why they failed. Maybe -- but the best-built and highest levee will eventually fail because it is impossible to outstrip alluvial deposition on the stream bottom (no matter how much dredging you do) and there are very rare, really very high floods that can top anything. Human vulnerability arises from the false confidence that these structures will always save us. By relying exclusively on them, we engage in risky behavior, pure and simple. b. Be sure to check out flood hazard when you move (you can check out Project Impact and learn which hazards are in your Zip code) and don't move into areas subject to the 100 year flood zone (or, better, the 500 year flood zone) and/or buy flood insurance and make structural mitigations to your new home. c. About "100 year floods." That's a misleading concept. Floods don't recur right on their average recurrence interval, like clockwork. You can have two "100 year floods" right back to back! What that means is a flood so large that it has a 1 percent chance of happening ANY year (1% is a 0.01 probability of occurring and the inverse, 1/0.01, of that is 100). d. There is an inverse relationship between flood magnitude (say, measured as discharge) and probability of recurrence. The trouble is, this isn't a nice, straight, linear relationship: It's more like logarithmic (like the Richter magnitude scale for earthquakes). Small events are very common, and bigger events are much rarer (but the magnitude of the low probability event is apt to be humongous). e. Another way of expressing this is the "magnitude- frequency relationship": The more frequent a given flood level is, the lower the magnitude of that flood. The greater the magnitude of a flood, the less frequently such a flood occurs. Now, I don't know about you, but I've ABOUT had it with fluvial processes for today! Make sure you understand the balance among a stream's erosion, transport, and deposition work in terms of Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion (what determines a stream's erosive force? why does the fastest current in a stream tend to move in a straight line in a meandering channel? how is the acceleration of particles affected by their mass, if the force applied to them is the same?). Know the three mechanisms by which moving water can erode its channel. What are the differences among dissolved load, suspended load, and bed load? What's the difference between capacity and competence? Know which two factors govern a stream's capacity and competence. Five factors affect stream velocity: What are they and how do they interact with one another (sometimes partially compensating for one another)? What are the two factors that govern a stream's discharge (hint: They're in an equation)? Know where in a stream the fastest and slowest currents are and why. What's the thalweg? Know the difference between laminar and turbulent flow and which prevails in fast-moving water (it seems a little counterintuitive). How does a stream react to acceleration and deceleration, and which landforms might express these reactions? What is alluvium (and how does it differ from colluvium?)? Understand the storm hydrograph, especially why there's a lag between peak precipitation intensity and the crest of flood stage discharge in a stream. Just for fun, what do you think the storm hydrograph would look like in an urban stream channel, say the majestic L.A. River, compared to an undisturbed stream? Think in terms of the lag and figure out why there would be a difference in the lag (and in which direction). Understand the predictable changes in the elevation of the stream bed during the rising limb and the crest of a storm hydrograph. What is the difference between downcutting and lateral cutting? Which sorts of streams, high order or low order, tend to be predominantly engaged in each? Why? Why are low order stream valleys V-shaped? Why does a floodplain start developing in medium order streams? Why do the lower reaches of stream systems develop such insanely meandering paths? What are oxbow and ribbon lakes and what eventually happens to them? What's a levee and how does it form? What does formation (or human enhancement) of a levee mean for the depositional activities of a stream and what are the consequences? What is avulsion? What are backswamps and yazoo streams? What are pools and riffles, where do you find them in a stream, and why? What are point bars? Where do you find them and why? What's an alluvial fan, where do you find them, and why? What do you call numbers of coalesced alluvial fans? What's a delta, and how does it resemble and differ from an alluvial fan? Why do meanders migrate downstream? What's a longitudinal profile and how would you make one? What are the features common to longitudinal profiles all over the world? Understand the concept of a graded stream: How does it evolve? once grade is attained, how does its longitudinal profile develop through time? what can disrupt the graded equilibrium? What the heck is isostacy? What are the main shapes of stream networks and where are you likely to find examples of each? What is stream order and, roughly, how are streams classified? Make sure to understand the flood hazard posed by streams. Make sure you understand the magnitude-frequency relationship, and don't fall into complacency the year after a "100 year" flood, thinking it can't get you again! What DOES a "100 year flood" mean? What sorts of measures can you take to minimize your own vulnerability to flood hazard?

Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 12/03/00
Last revised: 07/08/07
