Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: The Nature of Science


Science  is  an  organized, social method for the  production  of  reliable 
     It is social  in the sense that scientists build on the  contributions 
          of their predecessors and their peers
          The image of the mad, lone wolf scientist is way off!
          One trains  a  long time to absorb prior  contributions  and  the 
               culture of the scientific community
          Communication of results is critical to the scientific enterprise 
               Progress  reports at conferences to get feedback to  improve 
               the work before its publication 
               Publication  entails  submitting  your work to  a  panel  of 
                    referees  called  on  by  the  editor,  who  read  your 
                    manuscript  and recommend that the editor  publish  it, 
                    publish it after certain changes are made, ask that  it 
                    be published in a journal better suited to it, or  flat 
                    out reject it as crap
               Having survived the review process, your work once published 
                    is  then  open to the criticisms  of  your  colleagues, 
                    including their attempts to replicate your findings
     It is also social in the sense that projects are often worked on by  a 
          team  of collaborating scientists
          These are sometimes groups of peers
          Sometimes  they are one or two principal  investigators  together 
               with  a team of technicians or students 
          This is becoming more and more common as the equipment needed  to 
               do research gets more and more refined and expensive and  as 
               host institutions need to spread its usage among many scien-
     Not only  is  science a social affair, it is also a  highly  organized 
          affair,  and  a  lot of this lecture will focus  on  how  science 
          organizes its inquiries (more on that later)
     Scientists see themselves as producing knowledge, as much as discover-
          ing the truth  
          You might wonder how one "produces" truth -- isn't truth just out 
               there, unchanging, and waiting passively for us to  "discov-
               er" it?
          Scientists  have a particular view of "The Truth,"  which  varies 
               substantially from the common concept of it, and this  leads 
               to many misunderstandings between scientists and the  larger 
               society around them
          For scientists,  truth is the highest and best interpretation  of 
               their  observations,  as  agreed upon  by  the  majority  of 
               qualified  scientists  working in a given field at  a  given 
          In other words, for science, truth is both consensual and change-
               able or provisional
               This drives some elements of the public nuts
               Most people conceive of truth as something eternal, unchang-
                    ing,  and, perhaps, revealed a long time ago through  a 
                    religious figure
          Science accepts change in truth for the following reasons:
               Reality itself changes, forcing a change in our concepts 
               Usually  more importantly, our tools and  technology  change 
                    and  this  exposes us to information  we  couldn't  get 
                    before  and  so forces us to change our views  ...  and 
                    allows us to ask different new questions
                    Astronomy  --  naked eye, Galileo's  telescope,  modern 
                         huge  telescopes (e.g., Palomar),  telescopes  and 
                         scanners  sensitive  to  other  wavelengths   than 
                         visible  light radiation (e.g., radio,  microwave, 
                         infrared,  ultraviolet, X ray), satellites  (e.g., 
                         Voyager and the outer solar system, its last image 
                         of  the whole solar system, its  participation  in 
                         the supernova of 1987)
                    Information processing technology -- computers, statis-
                         tical methods (e.g., ALS LandBank)
                    Geography  --  field observation and  hand-drawn  maps, 
                         computerized cartography, computerized statistical 
                         methods  and  large-scale  and  multivariate  data 
                         sets,  geographical  information  systems,  remote 
                         sensing,   and   computerized   qualitative   data 
               Our interpretations  shift, too:  more elegant  explanations 
                    cover old and new information better 
                    Newtonian  physics incorporated into and superseded  by 
                         Einsteinian relativity
                    Simple  classification  of  life  and  the   Lamarckian 
                         interpretation  of  evolution  superseded  by  the 
                         "Modern Synthesis": Darwinian theory of  evolution 
                         coupled  with  the  Mendelian  system  of  genetic 
                         inheritance and now the genome projects
                    Crustal  contraction and elaborate land bridge  systems 
                         gave way to the plate tectonic theory, which  ele-
                         gantly explains the distribution and mechanisms of 
                         earthquakes  and volcanoes, climate  changes  over 
                         the  millions  of years, and the  distribution  of 
                         closely  related species across  widely  separated 
               Scientists,  then, accept that truth is changeable in  these 
                    senses  and that the majority of scientists  will  move 
                    toward higher and more sophisticated interpretations of 
                    real world observations
                    When majority  opinion  among scientists  in   a  given 
                         field  shifts,  then  the  "true"   interpretation 
                    Now one  funny  thing about this whole process  is  its 
                         Scientists like to think of themselves as  logical 
                              individuals who can be moved to a higher  and 
                              better   truth   through  simple   force   of 
                              compelling logic, sort of Mr. Spocks
                         These major shifts in scientific truth rarely take 
                              place in such a smooth and reasonable manner, 
                         Scientists are people and, like people everywhere, 
                              they  tend to be fond of their own  opinions, 
                              particularly those to which they have devoted 
                              a lifetime of work 
                         The way  research  proceeds, as we'll  see  a  bit 
                              later,  is that everyone contentedly  accepts 
                              the  transmitted  wisdom  of  the  scientific 
                              culture and works out its minor details
                         Through  time, however, new observations  pop  up, 
                              which don't quite fit into the accepted world 
                              They are often not even perceived:  one  sees 
                                   what one expects to see
                              These anomalies  continue  to pile  up  until 
                                   they  attract  the  attention  of  some, 
                                   usually younger scientist
                              One such  individual will eventually come  up 
                                   with an interpretation of the anomalies, 
                                   which  integrates them with  the  older, 
                                   more routine observations
                              The old  guard  is aghast,  because  the  new 
                                   model  quite  possibly  invalidates  the 
                                   premises of an older scientist's  entire 
                                   corpus  of work:  no human being  easily 
                                   accepts  the  revelation that  s/he  has 
                                   been wrong all this time
                              The old  guard  resists  the  new  model,  no 
                                   matter  how elegant it is, and only  the 
                                   young  folks secretly pay attention  and 
                                   begin  to  work  with  it  once  they've 
                                   safely gotten their Ph.D.'s under  their 
                              As these  young folks move into the  powerful 
                                   stages  of their careers and as the  old 
                                   guard retires and dies off, the majority 
                                   of  scientists then shifts to the  newer 
                                   and  higher truth through  simple  demo-
     One last aspect of the definition of science given above:  science  is 
          concerned with the production of reliable information
          Reliability depends on replicability
          Knowledge  is reliable to the extent that one can repeat a  given 
               process  and  keep getting the same results:   
               You  have  to be able to get a phenomenon to  repeat  itself 
               There are  some  phenomena that can't be  observed  directly 
                    and, hence, can't be repeated:  for these, you have  to 
                    get  consistent  repetitions  of  enough  small   scale 
                    aspects of the phenomenon --  testing in bundles, then
     With this understanding of science, consider the following issues:
          Is creationism scientific?  
               Consensual truth among practicing life scientists
          Why do scientists avoid the UFO and psychic issues?
               Their existence is unpalatable, because they seem to violate 
                    a  number of scientific truths that scientists  as  yet 
                    see no reason for discarding (e.g., relativity)
Purpose of science
     To explain  the world as far as possible without resort to the  super-
     Science  is,  then,  philosophically ...  or  at  least  operationally 
          materialist  (some scientists are philosophically  religious  but 
          function operationally in a materialist manner in the  scientific 
          areas in which they do work)
          It holds that there is a "real world" out there, that that  world 
               is reflected in our senses and extensions of our senses,  so 
               that we can acquire knowledge about the "out there"
          It seeks  to explain the material world by reference to  material 
               processes,  those involving the interactions of  matter  and 
     Another approach to the world is that of the various idealisms
          Idealism  holds  that there may or may not be a  real  world  out 
               there (some variants say yes, others no)
          Some philosophical  idealists feel that what we perceive  as  the 
               world  is  actually  a  reflection  of  our  individual   or 
               collective  minds and expectations (e.g., a lot of  New  Age 
               thinkers, old time solipsists)
          Others  hold that there is a real world, but that it was  created 
               by spirit or consciousness (religion would fall in here, the 
               world being created by a deity)
          Still others say that the world out there is real, whether or not 
               it  was created supernaturally, but that the realm of  human 
               thought  dominates  material  processes (this  shows  up  in 
               cultural  geography,  cultural anthropology,  and  sociology 
               sometimes,  in  studies of how thoughts or  beliefs  create, 
               say, economic change in and of themselves)
     Science,  then,  being  philosophically or  operationally  materialist 
          often finds itself inadvertantly upsetting some religious people, 
          because religion very much depends on an idealist world view  and 
          so  science seems to be threatening to some people  (despite  the 
          philsopher  Immanuel Kant's best efforts at keeping  science  and 
          spirituality in their own corners, each dominating that aspect of 
          human  life at which they seem best suited, this back in 1781  in 
          Critique of Pure Reason) 
The process of science
     The operation  of science is historically contingent:  it  depends  on 
          the maturity of a given field of inquiry
     In youthful fields
          There is  a rather unstructured search for anything that  strikes 
               you as "interesting"
               At this  point, there is no theory to guide your opinion  of 
                    what  might be "interesting," so you let your heart  be 
                    your guide, so to speak
               Such a  field  is highly "empirical," that is,  focussed  on 
                    facts, not theory 
               It could  also be characterized as "idiographic,"  that  is, 
                    concerned with descriptions more than underlying laws
               Such a   field   is  often  focussed   on   categorizations, 
                    developing classification systems, as was, for example, 
                    biology in the late eighteenth century and much of  the 
                    nineteenth  ... or Landsat interpretation back  in  the 
                    mid 1970s
          Just because  the  field has no theoretical  background  at  this 
               point  does not mean that one's work is unstructured in  the 
               sense of sloppy, however
               One is  very painstaking and careful in collecting  informa-
                    tion and in communicating how one went about one's work
               This promotes  replication and, hopefully, your work can  be 
                    repeated and thereby supported
     As time goes on, patterns begin to emerge in the observations
          Classification  systems  seem  better able to  cover  the  things 
               they're intended to
          Some of the regular patterns you see in the date can be stated as 
               law-like statements:  if you do this, you will  consistently 
               observe that
          At this point, we see the beginnings of theoretical work:  
               The statement of elementary patterns
               These could be considered elementary generalizations
               The movement  from data to generalization is called  "induc-
          An example  of  a field in this stage was AIDS  research  in  the 
               early  1980's, when no explanation for the disease  had  yet 
               been  identified, but there were consistent regularities  in 
               terms of related symptoms, associated micro-organisms, human 
               groups  most likely to experience the complex  of  symptoms, 
     As these  generalizations  are stated, they are  tested  back  against 
          "grubby reality"
          Some folks  test the generalizations against virtually  identical 
               data sets simply to see if a particular study  is replicable
          Others will say that if the generalization is valid, then a  com-
               pletely different set of data could be expected to behave in 
               thus  and such a manner as a means of testing  the  original 
               generalization:    that  is,  they  formulate  and  test   a 
          If your results square up with expectation, fine and good
          If they don't, there are three possible reasons why:
               The generalization may be wrong
               You made an   illogical  connection  between  the   original 
                    generalization and the new data it was tested against
                    Either you just plain screwed up
                    Or  the  connection revealed as illogical might  itself 
                         turn out to lead in interesting directions
               Most common  of  all, you may have simply made an  error  in 
                    your data collection and analysis
          This movement  from generalization back to the world of  data  is 
               called "deduction," and takes the form of potentially allow-
               ing  the  generalization to  be  falsified
               Deduction  usually proceeds by testing "if-then" statements.
               It allows  us  to test a generalization by seeing  just  how 
                    general it is:  can it cover new data?
          A field that has begun to create and test law-like statements  is 
               said to be more "nomothetic" (law-seeking) than  "idiograph-
               ic" (descriptive) 
     As time  goes  on,  this process of deduction is going  to  prune  the 
          number  of  generalizations, by validating  some  and  disproving 
          The falsified generalizations are thrown out
          The survivors often show a pattern that itself can be stated as a 
               higher level generalization
          So the field proceeds again by a higher level inductive  episode, 
               stating  the  laws  that seem to link lower  level  laws  or 
               modelling the relations among them 
          These higher  level  generalizations are also tested  and  weeded 
               through  deduction  and themselves linked into  even  higher 
               level generalizations, or theories
               A theory, then, is a high level generalization, one of great 
               This is  another point of conflict between scientific  lang-
                    uage and normal speech, leading to poor communication 
                    In   popular parlance, a "theory" is "just" a "specula-
                    To a scientist,  it  is  a  sophisticated,  high  level 
                         grouping of regularities
                    Popular  speech  has  it that  evolution  is  "just"  a 
                         theory, so JQ Public thinks it's just a wild guess 
                         and so is creationism, so why not teach them  both 
                         in science classes?
          High level  theories  are also subjected to  testing  in  another 
               deductive round
               This time  the generalization is at such a high  level  that 
                    you can't test the whole thing at once in a single test
               So  what  happens  at this point is  that  "hypotheses"  are 
                    derived from the theory and tested singly or in bundles
                    If the whole theory is right, then the following things 
                         should take place in a defined situation
                    Each of the things is tested singly or all together  in 
                         a related study project
     As time  goes  on, a given theory will withstand so  many  tests  that 
          virtually everyone in the field comes to accept it as the "truth"
          Such a theory is called a "paradigm" (pronounced "pair a dime")
          A paradigm is the theory which an entire field takes for  granted 
               as  the  accepted intellectual background for all  the  work 
               going on in it
          You don't  bother describing and defending the  paradigm's  basic 
               logic in your articles any more
               You simply accept the theory and know that your audience  is 
                    familiar with it, and try to extend it into new areas
               It is possible  that,  in the process of so doing,  you  may 
                    come  up with truly anomalous results, which  you  then 
                    publish almost sheepishly
               You can't explain it within the paradigm, but in  publishing 
                    it,  you expect someone else will see a connection  you 
               Over time,  if consistent patterns appear in  the  anomalies 
                    and the anomalies are numerous enough, they may force a 
                    change  in the paradigm or its overthrow  when  someone 
                    comes up with a better mousetrap 
          Examples of paradigms:
               Physics:  relativity and quantum mechanics
               Biology:  the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory
               Geosciences:  plate tectonics
          Note:  there are no paradigms in the social sciences
               Partly because of their relative youth
               Partly because we are studying ourselves
               Partly because of the economic and cultural interests behind 
                    the possible results
               It is quite possible that because of these last two reasons, 
                    there will never be paradigms in the social sciences
     I should  note  that  there are often debates  in  some  fields  about 
          whether they should be idiographic or nomothetic at given  stages 
          of their development
          There is the possibility of premature generalization 
               Such premature  theorization is just wild  speculation  with 
                    little connection to the data
               Geography  and other fields with a social science  component 
                    had an embarrassing episode of this around the turn  of 
                    the century up till about the 1920's
                    Geographical determinism:  physical environment  deter-
                         mines human social and genetic patterns
                    Theory  stated long before any data collected or  lower 
                         order generalizations made
                    This was inappropriate theorization based on the exten-
                         sion  of  Darwinism to culture (a form  of  Social 
                    This neatly "justified" racism and colonialism
                    It became  obvious  that it didn't fit  the  data  once 
                         people bothered to go get the data
                         The different  definitions of the "perfect"  envi-
                              ronment,  depending on which empire you  were 
                         Sequent occupance 
               Geography was so burned by this that it retreated into  pure 
                    empiricism  and an idiographic method until the  1950's 
                    in the US
               Some archaeologists are making similar objections to  theor-
                    izing in their field
          Even as one can jump to the theoretical level too hastily, it  is 
               also possible to do the opposite:  avoid theory and cling to 
               mindless  empiricism  and  thereby  sterilize  any  inherent 
               interest in your field
The role of abstraction in science
     One of  the  biggest problems in science is the sheer  complexity  and 
          confusion of the real world
     Abstraction one way around that:  simplify the conditions under  which 
          you collect data or analyze it
     Methods of abstraction
          Laboratory experiments
          Computer simulations
          Thought experiments
          Principal components analysis and classification systems
     Generally involves analysis:
          Setting up your cartoon world by isolating it from grubby reality 
          Stating your expectations in a rigorous manner
          Seeing if your expectations hold up under these special, isolated 
               circumstances, if you in fact understand your system  
     Once you've  done this, you can plug grubby reality factors back  into 
          your cartoon world
          If the model resembles the real world after a few rounds of  syn-
               thesis, you may be justified in claiming you understand  the 
               basic factors underlying that reality
     Science and technological development can eventually produce a body of 
          tested theory and technological tools, which can then be  applied 
          to the resolution of human problems
     An  applied  and  technological  investigation,  though  it   involves 
          scientific concepts and theories, is actually quite distinct from 
          science and is judged by different standards than pure science
     A technology-focussed investigation is justified, not by its situation 
          in  a body of theory, but in terms of the need it is designed  to 
          So, if you were doing a planning study in a city planning office, 
               perhaps  a revision of the general plan safety element,  you 
               would review the laws that mandate general plans be made for 
               California  cities  (social  need) and the  changes  in  our 
               understanding   of,  say,  seismic  processes  and   seismic 
               engineering (pure science and applied science) that force  a 
               revision of the safety element (social need again)
          If  you  were  working  on  using  fine-resolution  hyperspectral 
               imagery  to identify evacuation routes, you'd refer  to  the 
               social  need of getting people safely out of the path  of  a 
               fire and firefighters quickly in to the area where the  fire 
               is  being fought (social need).  You'd review  the  spatial, 
               spectral,  and  temporal resolution of  the  imaging  system 
               you're  working  with and the software that  allows  you  to 
               process  it  (the science) and how you'd like  to  test  out 
               whether  this  is  a  feasible  application  (an  open-ended 
               endeavor more than a formal hypothetico-deductive exercise).

first placed on web: 07/22/03
last revised: 01/26/04
© Dr. Christine M. Rodrigue