Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Introduction to Gradational Processes


  V. Gradational forces in the earth's crust
     A. In the last section, we went over those forces which tend to build up 
        the earth's crust and to increase topographic contrasts of all sorts. 
        These tectonic forces included vulcanism, faulting, and folding, all 
        produced by plate tectonic forces.
     B. In this section, we review those forces which tend to even out the 
        surface of the continents.  These forces break up rock materials, 
        sometimes altering them chemically, erode them, transport them, and 
        deposit them.  The overall effect is for erosion to wear down high 
        places or prominences and for deposition to build up low spots and 
        other low energy places.
     C. Collectively, these forces are called "gradation," and they comprise 
        fluvial (flowing water), glacial (moving ice), coastal (waves), and 
        æolian (wind) processes, together with weathering and mass 
        wasting.  This lecture will discuss weathering and mass wasting.
     D. Weathering
        1. Refers to any process, which tends to break up rock materials into 
           smaller and smaller clasts (or bits) and/or alter them chemically.  
           Weathering can be subdivided into mechanical weathering and 
           chemical weathering.
        2. Mechanical weathering involves mechanical forces working to 
           disintegrate rock materials.  Compression, tension, and shearing 
           stresses are applied to the rock, eventually overcoming its shear 
           strength, which results in deformation and failure.
           a. A rock's resistance to shear stress comes from:
                i. The cohesion produced by electrostatic and magnetic bonds 
                   between minerals making up the rock.
               ii. The frictional resistance provided by the roughness of 
                   individual rock grains and crystals in a rock. Roughness 
                   causes the grains and crystals to interfere with one 
                   another's motion, locking them in place.
              iii. Any cementing agents between rock grains, such as calcium 
               iv. Water in the rock's pore spaces, which plays a 
                   contradictory rôle, depending on how much moisture 
                   there is in the rock.
                   a. It can enhance shear resistance up to a certain point, 
                      because its surface tension acts as a sucking force 
                      helping to hold the rock together.
                      1. Surface tension is that film at the surface contact 
                         between water and air, which can actually support 
                         water strider insects as they walk on water, and 
                         which makes water bead up on surfaces it doesn't 
                         adhere to very well (such as a well-waxed car).  
                      2. This suction force produces negative pore pressure, 
                         and it dominates the rôle of water when there's 
                         just a moderate amount of water in the rock, that is, 
                         as long as there is still some air together with the 
                         water in those pore spaces to form those water-air 
                         tension surfaces. 
                   b. Water can, however, weaken shear resistance once all the 
                      pores in the rock are saturated with water.  Any 
                      additional water now exerts positive pore pressure, 
                      pushing outward in each of those tiny little spaces 
                      among the rock grains.  This reduces friction by 
                      providing lubrication, making it easier for the rock to 
                      shear apart along some particularly weak internal 
                      discontinuity, some small crack or fracture.
           b. Examples of mechanical weathering agents:
                i. Frost wedging or cryofracture, in which liquid water 
                   introduces itself within the cracks and crevices of a rock 
                   and then freezes. Water expands about 9 percent when it 
                   freezes, and this wedges the rock apart still further 
                   through tension stress at the bottom of the cracks.  When 
                   the ice melts, the water works its way even farther into 
                   the rock's extended cracks and crevices.  This form of 
                   mechanical weathering is common in cold, humid climates and 
                   seasons where water freezes at night and melts in the 
               ii. Salt crystallization, which involves water dissolving salts 
                   as it moves within rocks and then evaporating from their 
                   surfaces. The water evaporates from the surface of the 
                   rock, and that draws water deeper inside the rock up to the 
                   surface, because water molecules are drawn to other water 
                   molecules.  This tendency for water molecules to follow 
                   other water molecules is called capillary attraction.  The 
                   water goes to the surface of the rock and evaporates, but 
                   the salts it carries cannot evaporate. This means the salts 
                   crystallize in surface openings in the rock. As these 
                   precipitated crystals grow, they wedge the rock apart.
              iii. Root wedging, in which a plant's roots or rootlets find a 
                   crack or other open space in rock and grow into it, wedging 
                   it open further.  You often see this in urban environments, 
                   when tree roots wedge up sidewalks and curbs.
               iv. Expansion/contraction of minerals in the rock with 
                   temperature changes.  This is sometimes called insolation 
                   weathering, because it is common in the hot, dry climates, 
                   which see dramatic temperature changes with the rise and 
                   setting of the sun.  This creates strong expansion and 
                   contraction at the surface of the rock, which is less 
                   pronounced a short distance in from the surface of the 
                   rock.  This can create exfoliation fractures paralleling 
                   the surface (the rock fails in sheets) or crumbling if the 
                   rate and magnitude of volume changes differs markedly among 
                   different minerals in the rock.
                v. Unloading, in which erosion removes a rock's "overburden," 
                   releasing the pressure of the materials above bearing down 
                   on the rock. As pressure decreases, rock can expand and so 
                   fracture off in sheets, that is, exfoliate.
               vi. Slaking of clay minerals by water can also stress a rock, 
                   if the rock contains shrink-swell clay minerals, such as 
                   montmorillonite and vermiculite.  These clays contain 
                   micro-fine sheets of silica in them.  As the water hydrates 
                   the clay, it pushes these sheets of silica apart, which 
                   puffs up the volume of the mineral.  Going on inside a 
                   rock, this generates expansion stresses when the rock is 
                   wet and stresses associated with contraction when the rock 
                   dries out.
           c. Mechanical weathering, then, is most common in high elevations, 
              high latitudes, and deserts, where the forces behind them (e.g., 
              evaporation, hot-cold temperature alterations) are likeliest to 
           d. Landscapes that are predominantly mechanically weathered are 
              typically angular and rugged, beautiful in a spectacular sort of 
              way (e.g., Canadian Rockies, Sierra Nevada, Andes, Monument 

              [ Monument Valley, AZ, USGS, Peter Kresan ]

              [ Grands Tetons, C.M. Rodrigue ]

        3. Chemical weathering involves rock decomposition or rotting due to 
           chemical reactions.
           a. Examples of chemical unions that result in weathering:
                i. Hydration entails chemical union of a mineral with water, 
                   which is incorporated in its molecular crystal lattice.  
                   This results, obviously, in chemical alteration and it also 
                   generates a microscopic scale tensile stress in the rock.  
                   Iron oxides are susceptible to this.
               ii. Hydrolysis is also a chemical union of certain rock 
                   minerals with water, not with regular water H2O 
                   but with its dissociated ions (those electrically 
                   imbalanced atoms and molecules we keep bumping into): 
                   H+ and OH-.  Plagioclase feldspar in 
                   granite is particularly susceptible to hydrolysis, giving 
                   us "DG" or decomposed granite and kaolinite clay.
              iii. Oxidation is chemical change due to union with oxygen 
                   (e.g., rust of iron).  In mafic rocks, ferrous iron oxides 
                   can be further oxidized into ferric iron oxide, which 
                   destabilizes the mineral's crystal lattice and the rock in 
                   which it's incorporated.
               iv. Reduction is chemical change due to the removal of oxygen 
                   or the addition of hydrogen.  Iron oxide can be reduced 
                   back to elemental iron by carbon monoxide, for instance.
                v. Carbonation involves the presence of carbonic acid in                    
                   surface or ground water.  Carbonic acid is formed when 
                   carbon dioxide builds up in soils due to plant and 
                   microbial respiration and combines with water: 
                   H2CO3.  It is mildly acidic and combines with calcium 
                   carbonate or CaCO3 (e.g., limestone) to form calcium 
                   bicarbonate (Ca(HCO3)2), which is easily dissolved 
                   in water and carried off.  Limestone and marble are, thus, 
                   apt to dissolve in humid climates with a lot of plant cover 
                   on the ground over these rocks.  
           b. Chemical weathering prevails then in warm, humid climates, which 
              provide conditions that increase the rate of these chemical 
           c. Chemical weathering tends to produce a gently rounded landscape, 
              pretty but not spectacular, such as much of the Southern 

              [ Shenandoah Valley, Southern Appalachians, Rahul 
Mishra, George Mason University ]

           d. There is one quite spectacular landscape, however, that can, 
              indeed, result from chemical weathering. This is karst.
                i. Karst involves limestone beds in a warm, humid climate with 
                   a dense vegetative cover.
               ii. Groundwater gets into the limestone, traveling along the 
                   cracks paralleling the beds, turning the calcium carbonate 
                   into calcium bicarbonate and schlepping it off.
              iii. The rock beds develop openings, which widen into caves and 
                   often quite elaborate cavern systems (the largest cavern 
                   system in the New World is found in our own Puerto Rico 
                   [well, PR is an American commonwealth, which is a euphemism 
                   for colony]:  The Río Camuy cavern system in 
                   northwestern PR).  This cavern system is well worth a trip 
                   to the island, folks!
               iv. The caverns widen and develop flowstone features:

                   [ flowstone in a cavern, D. Bunnell ]

                   a. Stalactites are rods of flowstone that hang down from 
                      the ceilings of the caves as water drips or evaporates, 
                      leaving the dissolved mineral behind:  
                      Stalactites hang tight to the ceiling!
                   b. Stalagmites are mounds of flowstone on the floors of 
                      caverns directly under the stalactites:  
                      Stalagmites mound up on the floor!
                   c. Columns form when stalactites reach down to the 
                      stalagmites building up below below them, and they fuse.
                   d. Curtains are sheets of flowstone.
                v. Eventually, the caverns get so big that there are cave-ins, 
                   creating sinkholes or dolines on the surface above 
                   (sometimes pretty catastrophically:  There have been cases 
                   in Florida where a home or a car has been undermined and 
                   slid in).

                   [ big urban sinkhole, USGS ] 

                   [sinkhole swallowing house, USGS ] 

               vi. With enough of this activity, sometimes a spectacular karst 
                   landscape results:  A bizarre, almost vertical collection 
                   of baguette-shaped mountains towering over narrow valleys 
                   that used to be the floors of caverns long ago.  You've 
                   seen those Chinese landscape paintings of surreal mountains 
                   in the mist?  You thought that was artistic license?  Nope 
                   -- it's an accurate rendition!

                   [ Chinese karst painting, 


                   [ Chinese karst photograph, GlobalEd, The China 
Project ]

     E. Mass wasting refers to the transport of weathered materials through 
        the action of gravity alone, that is, not requiring erosion and 
        transport in flowing water, ice, or wind or wave action. This movement 
        may be sudden and catastrophic, or nearly imperceptible.
        1. Rockfall is the dropping of mechanically weathered rock down the 
           face of a cliff. 
           a. It forms an apron of broken rock at the bottom, called a "talus 
              slope" or "scree."  
           b. This slope of broken rock material retains an angle reflecting 
              the material's friction strength:  High friction strength 
              permits high angles of repose.
           c. Friction strength is the strength given to a soil or rocky 
              material by the frictional resistance created as the edges of 
              its constituent particles lock into one another.  
        2. A debris avalanche is a very sudden slope failure that moves at 
           tremendous speed.  The material may have been destabilized by an 
           earthquake, which releases the normal downward stress on it exerted 
           by gravity.  When normal stress is suddenly relieved, the mass 
           loses cohesion, so that it takes very little shear stress to set it 
           in motion downslope.  
           a. This is particularly apt to happen when all pore spaces among 
              the rock or soil grains are saturated, at which point the pore 
              water begins to exert positive pressure on the surrounding rock 
              grains.  At this point, it's the water itself which is bearing 
              normal stresses instead of grains of rock or soil locked 
              together around their rough edges, and this amounts to 
           b. The whole mass then breaks past the liquid limit, meaning it 
              becomes completely incoherent and fluidized and then flows just 
              like a liquid.
           c. Each rock particle is on its own, lubricated against the 
              frictional resistance of other particles and, in fact, when the 
              individual particles smack into one another during the chaos of 
              the avalanche, their bouncing off one another actually enhances 
              the buoyancy and fluid behavior of the whole pack of debris. 
           d. Debris avalanches are extremely hazardous because of their 
              tremendous speeds (try 300 km/hr!) and lack of time to warn and 
              evacuate people.  
           e. There was an awful incident of this type, when a 1970 earthquake 
              triggered a debris avalanche of 100 million cubic meters of 
              debris down the side of Nevado Huascarán, the tallest 
              peak in the Andes.  This avalanche dropped over 4 km vertically 
              and 16 km horizontally is just a few minutes, burying a city 
              named Yungay, killing 18,000 people in an instant.
        3. Landslide is the sudden sliding of large, coherent masses of rock 
           or soil down a steep slope as a unit.  This can take a variety of 
           forms, depending on the slope angle and the angle of any 
           discontinuity or weak plane in the material with respect to the 
           slope angle.
           a. Planar slides involve reduction of cohesion along a 
              discontinuity that roughly parallels the slope angle or is 
              steeper than the slope angle.  So, the still coherent material 
              above the failure plane just shears off and down the slope.
           b. Wedge slides involve a more complex geometry, featuring two 
              discontinuity planes that intersect with one another.  The line 
              marking their intersection roughly parallels or is steeper than 
              the slope angle and, again, a reduction of cohesion along this 
              line can free a wedge of coherent material to slide down slope.  
              The gouge in the slope created by this mass movement is 
              typically V-shaped (where the two discontinuity planes crossed 
              one another).
           c. Circular slides involve loose materials with little cohesion.  A 
              slide may start high up on a steep slope and, as it moves 
              downslope, it destablilizes otherwise cohesive materials farther 
              down at lower slope angles and these fail, too.  The result is a 
              concave gouge in the slope.
        4. Slumping, occurs when soil, weathered rock, or weak bedrock becomes 
           saturated and then oozes down a slope.  
           a. All pores in these materials are filled with water, which then 
              exerts positive pore pressure outward on the rock or soil 
              material, but the amount of water (and pore pressure) is only 
              enough to push the material past the plastic limit but not all 
              the way to the liquifaction limit.  
           b. So, it flows as a soft solid, a plastic flow (kind of like the 
              flow in the æsthenosphere or in glaciers).  
           c. This kind of mass movement creates a typical scar on a slope, 
              with a concave, stepped area at the top where the slump detached 
              (the scarp zone, for those step-like features), a gouged track 
              marking its path downslope, and a convex, bulging area at the 
              end where the material piled up (the toe, because it sort of 
              looks like a sore toe!).  
           d. You see a lot of these in the hills of Southern California but 
              you have to look closely to see the older ones, because they get 
              covered with vegetation eventually. 
        5. Solifluction is a type of small-scale slumping in tundras. 
           a. Top layers of permafrost (permanently frozen ground) melt in 
              summer and saturated soil oozes downslope.  
           b. The slumps may be only a few centimeters or a couple meters in 
           c. Solifluction produces a lumpy or stepped slope, which is very 
              characteristic of tundra environments.  
           d. At the bottom of the slopes, there may be pooled water (it can't 
              drain downward into the soil because of the ice below, and it 
              commonly can't find a stream to begin flowing to the sea, 
              because tundra environments had their drainage patterns deranged 
              during the Pleistocene ice ages. Perfect mosquito habitat. 
        6. Mud and debris flows occur when soils become saturated. 
           a. Positive pore pressure fluidizes them and they then flow 
              downslope as though they were water ("no-one here but us water 
           b. Soon, they thicken enough to re-assert normal stress, which 
              raises the threshold required for shear stress to keep them 
              going against frictional resistance.  
           c. Back in 1925 near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, a massive flow moved 
              some 37 million cubic meters down one side of the Gros Ventre 
              River canyon and actually back up about 30 meters on the other 
              side of the river!  This dammed up the river for a few years!!
        7. A lahar is the same thing as a mudflow, but it involves mud created 
           by the melting of snow or glaciers on a volcano that has erupted.
           a. Again, you get sudden saturation of rock, soil, and new ash and 
              tephra, and down it comes.  
           b. This is the sort of mass movement that took place around Mount 
              St. Helens in 1980, where some of the flows travelled over 20 km 
              down the Tuttle River valley (wiping out that poor idiot, Harry 
              Truman, who refused to evacuate Spirit Lake where he ran a 
              resort, explaining that he had talked to the mountain and "she" 
              had said "she" wasn't going to blow -- watch out for the advice 
              of mountains you think you hear talking to you!!!).  
           c. A truly horrible example took place in Colombia back in 1985, 
              when the Nevado del Ruiz volcano blew.  Civil authorities did 
              not take geologists' warnings seriously and, so, people were not 
              effectively evacuated from the hazard zone.  Sure enough, a 
              monstrous lahar swept down and killed more than 23,000 people in 
              the town of Armero. This tragedy was particularly controversial 
              because of the inadequate government response to clear 
              geological warnings.
        8. A nuée ardente is another volcano-related mass movement.  
           a. It's a glowing avalanche of extremely hot volcanic gas, 
              boulders, and ash, which moves with extremely high speed down 
              the side of an erupting volcano, if that volcano is effectively 
              plugged at the top and, so, erupts out a side vent.  
           b. Again, this is an incoherent mass of independently moving 
              debris, fluidized this time by the erupting gas, which accounts 
              for its tremendous speed.  
           c. This is the mass movement that destroyed everyone in the town of 
              St. Pierre in Martinique (Caribbean) back in 1902, except for a 
              single man, who was a prisoner in the town jail.  Ironically, 
              this sole survivor of the 30,000 residents of St. Pierre was 
              scheduled for execution the day after the catastrophe!!!  Talk 
              about "Twilight Zone"!  The nuée ardente crossed the 8 km 
              from Mt. Pelée to St. Pierre in less than a minute!  
              Here's a photograph taken right during the process:

              [ nuée ardente, Martinique, 1902 ]

        8. Soil creep is the much less exciting, extremely slow, almost 
           imperceptible motion downhill of soil particles on a hill (it 
           sounds to me like the ultimate in geographical epithets, "you soil 
           creep, you!").  It is most active closest to the surface and less 
           prevalent deeper in a slope's soil.  What happens is some sort of 
           vibration or perhaps soil expansion/contraction due to 
           hydration/dehydration or even just diurnal temperature changes 
           causes soil particles to "jump" a microscopic distance upward.  
           They go up at right angles to the slope but descend straight down 
           under the influence of gravity, thus producing a tiny net motion 
        9. For a lot of these, the Mohr-Coulomb equation is a helpful 
           framework for visualizing what's going on in a slope. It states 

           S = C + N (tangent F), where S = shear stress
                                        C = cohesion
                                        N = normal stress (gravitational 
                                            stress held in balance with 
                                        F = angle of internal friction

           a. Shear stress is that lateral stress that we see along strike 
              slip faults:  one side trying to move one way and the other side 
              trying to move in the opposite direction along a plane.
           b. Normal stress is everyday gravity.  The higher the downward 
              stress of gravity, the greater the shear stress has to be to 
              release materials from inertia to slide.
           c. The amount of shear stress needed to move masses in zero gravity 
              is the inherent cohesion of the material.  It is greater in 
              solid, unfractured materials and in materials with a lot of 
              frictional resistance to moving.  It is less in saturated 
              materials because of positive pore pressure.
           d. Internal friction governs the angle of repose of a pile of 
              material:  Higher internal friction permits steeper sided piles, 
              and lower interal friction means not much of a slope angle can 
              be supported against gravity.
       10. Mass wasting can be an extremely dangerous hazard, causing massive 
           loss of life, as in the Nevado del Ruiz lahar and the Nevado 
           Huascarán debris avalanche, and the hillsides of Southern 
           California are prone to slumps, flows, and slides.  It is a good 
           idea to investigate the mass movement history of any home you are 
           considering, above and beyond real-estate disclosure requirements.  
           a. If you would like to check out the earthquake-triggered 
              landslide or liquefaction hazards where you live, work, and 
              (ahem) study now, have a look at the California Geological Survey
              hazard zones website.  It shows a small scale map of Southern 
              California, which you can click on to get to your community (and 
              you can click on those to see really large scale maps of your own
              locale).  Morbidly fascinating.  
           b. A really angry victim of the Anaheim Hills Landslide of 1993
              put together an absolutely amazing website detailing the 
              disaster, the effects it had on him and his neighbors, the 
              inadequate disclosure by local government before the hazard, 
              some really bad zoning changes that may have triggered the 
              landslide, some fabulous photographs and animations (brownie 
              points to whoever finds the photo of the constant street 
              resurfacing program and an unfortunate rat that got in its way), 
              and some pretty intense invective.  This site illustrates the 
              possibilities for effective political action offered by the web.

Well, th-th-th-that's all, folks, for weathering and mass wasting. And here 
you thought mass wasting meant the parties after finals week!  

Know the two styles of weathering (mechanical and chemical), examples of each, 
and the kinds of climates you would expect to find one dominant over the other 
in shaping the landscape.  Also, know the basic appearances of landscapes 
dominated by one or the other weathering style.

Understand karst processes and landscape features.

Know what mass wasting is and how its several subtypes work (and the book 
details more).  Have a basic understanding of the Mohr-Coulomb equation of 
material failure and how it might apply to each of the mass wasting examples.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 11/29/00
Last revised: 07/08/07
