Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Dust and Water in the Atmosphere

 II. The chemical composition of the lower atmosphere (continued)
     B. Solid constituents of the homosphere:
        1. Besides gases (air), the atmosphere also includes small amounts of 
           material in a solid state (solid state atmosphere -- now there's a 
        2. Collectively, these materials are known by the impressive 
           scientific name, "dust."  Sometimes, they're also called 
        3. They include:
           a. Soils, kicked up in duststorms, plowing, animals running about
           b. Salt from sea spray
           c. Pollen and spores, as a lot of you are painfully aware
           d. Ash, as from volcanic eruptions
           e. Soot from combustion
        4. They are a small and highly variable component of the atmosphere
           a. Over the oceans, a cubic centimeter might hold about 500-2,000 
              of these particles; over a city, it might be more like 100,000!
           b. Most of the atmospheric dust is concentrated in the bottom few 
              kilometers of the atmosphere, though volcanoes can lob lots of 
              it over 20 km up and meteors burning up in the atmosphere can 
              add dust even higher.
        5. Even though dust is a relatively small constituent of the 
           atmosphere, it is very important to weather and climate:  Without 
           dust particles, water vapor cannot condense or freeze to form fogs, 
           clouds, and precipitation from clouds.  Water requires a surface on 
           which to condense or freeze, which is what dust provides:  
           "condensation nuclei."
        6. Dust is of scientific concern, too, because one of the most 
           distinctive impacts of human beings on the atmosphere is increased 
           dustiness.  This effect goes back perhaps 1.5 million years, when 
           Homo  erectus began manipulating fire.  Besides fire, we 
           raise dust in plowing and in allowing our animals to overgraze.  
           Overgrazing can set off desertification, or creation of desert in 
           once more heavily vegetated regions.  In fact, dustiness emanating 
           from the Sahara and its borderlands (the Sahel) set off huge plumes 
           of dust visible in satellite imagery, which travel as far west as 
           the Caribbean!
        7. Dustiness affects weather and climate by providing condensation 
           nuclei and by the cooling that its microshadows cast on the air and 
           ground below it.
           a. More dust can permit more clouds, which reflect more of the 
              sun's radiation into space.
           b. More dust also creates measurable cooling below due to its 
              shadow effect, as it reflects and scatters light into space.
           c. Dust also absorbs energy, but that warming is done higher in the 
           d. However you look at it, less radiation is available to be 
              absorbed at the ground and this can create more stable air less 
              prone to precipitation (more about instability and precipitation 
              in a later lecture)
        8. In fact, some scientists worry more about the overall balance of 
           human activity being an ice age!
           a. Scientific opinion was pretty much divided between those worried 
              about global warming due to carbon dioxide and those worried 
              about an ice age due to dust production, this up until about 20 
              years ago.
           b. At present, majority opinion in the scientific community favors 
              greater concern over global warming, and even those worried 
              about dustiness fear that, in the short run, the net impact of 
              human activities will be atmospheric warming, while, perhaps, in 
              the long run (centuries to millenia), the net effect will be 
              dust-induced cooling.
           c. Overshadowing the debate are the unknowns about secular changes 
              in Earth's climate due to orbital changes and other causes. 
     C. In addition to gaseous and solid constituents of the atmosphere, there 
        is also water, which is, like dust, a highly variable component.
        1. Water vapor ranges from 0 to 4 percent of the atmosphere, depending 
           on where and when it's measured
        2. Atmospheric water, however, exists in all three states of matter:
           a. Gaseous, as water vapor
           b. Liquid, as, well, water
           c. Solid, as ice 
        3. The most important thing about atmospheric water is that it 
           constantly changes state.
           a. Water is added to the atmosphere and leaves the hydrosphere 
              (oceans and other bodies of water) and land surfaces by 
              evaporating into the air.
           b. Water vapor can condense or freeze into clouds and fogs.
           c. Some of the water or ice in clouds will leave the atmosphere as 
              precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) over the land or the 
           d. Water vapor can also be lost to the atmosphere when it condenses 
              or freezes onto surfaces on the ground (dew and fog drip or 
        4. Obviously, one reason this change of state in water is important is 
           that it governs cloudiness, fogginess, and precipitation (and the 
           distribution of fresh water).
        5. Less obviously, a critical aspect of this change of state is its 
           effect on temperatures:  It is a major regulator of air 
           a. Whenever ice melts into water or water evaporates into vapor or 
              ice directly sublimates into vapor, radiant energy is absorbed 
              and hidden in the water (without producing a change in the 
              water's temperature).  In short, water stores heat whenever it 
              changes state in this direction and, because the effect on its 
              own temperature is hidden from our instruments at the point of 
              transition, this stored heat is called "the latent (hidden) heat 
              of evaporation."  There's a nice elaboration of this in your 
              textbook on pp. 70-72.
                i. It takes 330,000 Joules (or 78,820 calories) to heat ice 
                   into one kilogram of water, that is, 330 J/g or 79 cal/g.
                   a. a calorie is the energy needed to heat one gram (about 
                      the mass of a paperclip) of water 1° C, from 14.5 to 
                      15.5° C.  You may be familiar with the kilocalorie 
                      -- that's the "big calorie" people use to keep track of 
                      their food intake when they're dieting.
                   b. a Joule is 0.2388 of a calorie; there are 4.1868 Joules 
                      per calorie.
               ii. It takes a lot more energy for water to evaporate: 
                   2,480,000 Joules (that is, 592,340 calories):  2,480 J/g or 
                   592 cal/g.
              iii. For ice to sublimate into vapor, then, it would take 
                   2,810,000 J/kg (2,810 J/g) or 671,157 cal/kg (671 cal/g).
           b. Whenever water changes state in the opposite direction, it 
              surrenders its latent heat, which then becomes sensible heat in 
              the air.
                i. So, whenever vapor condenses into liquid water, it gives up 
                   roughly 600 cal/g, which heats the air.
               ii. Whenever water freezes into ice, then, it gives up roughly 
                   80 cal/g to become sensible heat in the air.
              iii. And, whenever vapor directly freezes, it surrenders not 
                   quite 680 cal/g for sensible heating of the air.
        6. This process of storing and releasing latent heat, then, slows down 
           the rate of temperature change, whenever there is enough water 
           a. If temperatures are dropping, say, at night, and atmospheric 
              water begins to condense and/or freeze, it surrenders some of 
              its latent heat as sensible heat in the air.  Mind you, the air 
              doesn't get warmer:  It just doesn't get as cold as it would 
              have otherwise.  The release of latent heat partially offsets 
              the drop in temperatures.
           b. If temperatures are rising, say, in the morning when the sun 
              comes up, and water and/or ice evaporates, it will absorb some 
              of that increasing heat and so slow down the climb in 
              temperatures.  It partially offsets the warming.  So, 
              temperatures don't get as hot as they otherwise would when water 
              or ice are around.
        7. This is why deserts get so awfully hot in the daytime and can get 
           life-threateningly cold at night.  There is too little water to 
           interfere with the sun-driven temperature swings.  This is also why 
           humid tropical areas, such as Puerto Rico or Hawai'i, never get 
           terribly hot, either (nor do they cool off much at night):  
           Atmospheric water interferes with the solar radiation forcing of 
           temperatures.  Now, you can understand why places like the San 
           Fernando Valley are so much more extreme than Long Beach:  hotter 
           in the days/summers and colder in the nights/winters.  Long Beach 
           has beaucoup water available from its convenient location 
           against the Pacific, while the Valley is isolated from humid ocean 
           air by the Santa Monica Mountains.  You can even see this contrast 
           (though not as strongly) from Downtown L.A. and Long Beach.

Come away from this lecture knowing the sources of atmospheric dust and its 
impact on climate and really focus on the changes of state in water and the 
concept of latent heat and its relation with sensible heat.

In the next lecture, I'll "talk" about the vertical pressure structure and the 
vertical temperature structure of the atmosphere.


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 10/08/00
Last revised: 02/17/01
