Geography 140
Introduction to Physical Geography

Lecture: Introduction to the Biosphere


  I. Definition of the biosphere: The living part of our planet. It represents 
     another overlap among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, as 
     living things consume substances from each of these three and add them 
     A. We consume:
        1. Oxygen by breathing
        2. Water by drinking or root uptake
        3. C6H12O6 by respiring (using) or photosynthesizing (producing)
        4. Other minerals by eating or root and even leaf uptake
     B. We contribute:
        1. CO2 through respiration
        2. Water by breathing, sweating, urinating, excreting, or, in the case 
           of plants, by transpiration.
        3. Our minerals, sugars, waters by excreting, shedding, and dying

 II. Components of the biosphere
     A. Simplest "lumping" classification of kingdoms:
        1. Animals
        2. Plants
        3. Microörganisms
     B. Another common classification:
        1. Animals
        2. Plants
        3. Fungi (not with plants here because they don't photosynthesize)
        4. Protists: one-celled (unicellular) organisms based on eukaryotic 
           cell (cells with internal differentiation into a nucleus, 
           mitochondria, and other structures), including protozoa 
           (microscopic "animals") and algae
        5. Prokaryotes: unicellular organisms based on the prokaryotic cell 
           (no separation of genetic material into a nucleus, no internal 
           differentiation, e.g., bacteria). 

III. Community:  The group of interacting populations of the species found in 
     an area (plants, fungi, animals, microörganisms).  Their 
     interactions move energy and matter around among them and include:
     A. Predation and parasitism:  One preys on (or parasitizes) another.
     B. Competition: One needs the same resources as another.
     C. Symbiosis: Two interact in a win-win situation of roughly equal 
        benefit to both parties. 

 IV. Ecosystem: The relationships among these components and between all of 
     them and the physical environment with which they interact.  We can 
     divide these into energy relationships and material relationships.
     A. Energy Relationships
        1. Energy basically flows in one direction through an ecosystem. 
           a. Its source is that portion of insolation trapped by plants 
              though photosynthesis (only about 1% of the insolation that 
              impinges on a plant is trapped by its photosynthesis 
              6H2O + 6CO2 + ~680 kcal ----> C6H12O6 + 6O2 
              (6 water molecules plus 6 carbon dioxide molecules and solar 
              radiation, are transformed into 1 molecule of glucose (a simple 
              sugar) and 6 molecules of ordinary oxygen.  The approximately 
              680 kilocalories of energy are fixed in the chemical bonds of 
              the sugar. 
           b. Energy eventually leaves the ecosystem (and the earth) by being 
              re-radiated through an atmospheric window, as heat.  It cannot, 
              then, re-enter.
        2. There are a few different ways of describing this one-way energy 
           flow through an ecosystem.
           a. You may have heard of a "food chain."  This tracks a particular 
              packet of energy as it is fixed by green plants and then eaten 
              by animals, which get eaten by other animals, etc.
           b. Another related concept is that of the "food web."  This shows 
              all the different tracks that a packet of energy COULD 
              potentially use to move through an ecosystem.  Each plant 
              species could be eaten by any number of animals, and each of 
              them can be eaten by a variety of predators.  
           c. "Energy pyramid" describes the energy flow through the ecosystem 
              in terms of how much biomass (weight of living tissue) can be 
              supported at each link in a food chain.  I'll use the "energy 
              pyramid" or "trophic pyramid" to describe this one-way energy 
              flux through an ecosystem.  "Trophic" is just a fancy way of 
              saying "feeding."
        3. Expanding on the trophic pyramid:
           a. The energy pyramid concept divides an ecosystem into "trophic 
                i. These have to do with how close an organism typically is to 
                   the ultimate source of energy: insolation.
               ii. This closeness has to do with who preys on whom and who 
                   gets preyed on by whom.
           b. Trophic levels:
                i. Primary producers: these are the green plants, which trap 
                   insolation through photosynthesis.  These are sometimes 
                   called "autotrophs," for "feeding themselves."  Everyone 
                   else in the ecosystem is a "heterotroph," "feeding on 
                   something else."
               ii. Primary consumers: these are the basically vegetarian 
                   species, which consume the primary producers. They are also 
                   called "herbivores."
              iii. Secondary consumers: These are the animals, which eat 
                   herbivores (aka "predators" or "primary carnivores").
               iv. Tertiary consumers: animals that eat the predators 
                   ("secondary carnivores").
                v. etc.
               vi. Detritus feeders are the organisms that eat dead organic 
                   matter: animals that die by accident, animal parts left 
                   behind by messy predators, plant parts not eaten by 
                   herbivores before falling off, excreta. These are also 
                   called "scavengers" and "detritivores."  They're the ones 
                   that clean up the mess left by the rest of us:  Hyaenas, 
                   vultures, many fungi, ants, and dung beetles (charming! the  
                   ancient Egyptians called them "scarabs" -- now you know 
                   what all that New Age jewellery symbolizes!)
           c. Available energy decreases the higher a species is on the energy 
              pyramid.  This is a very important point!  There is less and 
              less energy available to support biomass the higher up the 
              trophic pyramid we go.  There is very little top predator 
              biomass compared to herbivore biomass.
                i. This is because each trophic level uses up much of the 
                   energy from the level beneath it through respiration. These 
                   uses include:
                   a. Movement 
                   b. Generating heat to keep warm
                   c. Catching food
                   d. Finding mates (cruisin'!)
                   e. Feeding offspring
                   f. Growing and repairing tissue
               ii. These uses cause energy loss, because the energy is 
                   dissipated as heat, re-radiated out an atmospheric window, 
                   or absorbed and removed by evaporation (sweat, breathing, 
             iii.  The amount of this loss is determined by the kind of 
                   organism at a particular trophic level.
                   a. It's relatively low in the case of plants, which use up 
                      roughly one third to one half of the energy they fix for 
                      their own respiration, ~.33-.50
                   b. It amounts to roughly 90 percent in hot-blooded animals 
                      ("endotherms," for "heated from the inside") or very 
                      active ones, and this is a conservative estimate for 
                      some extremely active endotherms. Endotherms burn a lot 
                      of food energy in order to maintain an internal 
                      temperature in a narrow range where all their enzymes 
                      and chemical reactions work best.  For our species, most 
                      of us maintain an internal temperature of 37.0° C.
                   c. It's more like 67 percent in cold-blooded animals 
                      ("ectotherms," for "heated from the outside," so they're 
                      not really "cold" blooded but their internal temperature 
                      varies a lot depending on outside conditions, and they 
                      maintain their internal thermostat by moving around to 
                      bask in sunshine when they're cold and hiding in shade 
                      when they're overheated).
                   d. Endothermy and ectothermy have both benefits and costs 
                      to the lineages that have evolved one way or the other.  
                      1. Endotherms enjoy the advantage of having their bodies 
                         constantly at an ideal temperature for the efficient 
                         operation of all their metabolic processes and they 
                         can rely on their bodies to move instantly when they 
                         need them to boogie.  The disadvantage is it takes a 
                         LOT of food to maintain that thermostat, which means 
                         endotherms have to eat a LOT.  Endothermy is 
                      2. Ectotherms' big disadvantage is that they're at the 
                         mercy of their external environments to get their 
                         internal temperatures at the right level for 
                         efficient motion and metabolism, and they may not be 
                         able to find the right external surroundings to 
                         create the right internal temperature.  The upside of 
                         ectothermy, though, is it takes a lot less food:  
                         You've all seen snakes that swallow some hapless 
                         critter and then they just sit there, vegging 
                         happily, enjoying the meal for DAYS.  We endotherms 
                         have to eat constantly, which takes a lot of work.
                      3. Six of these and half dozen of the other:  Endothermy 
                         and ectothermy have their benefits and costs and, 
                         ultimately, both metabolisms have proven their worth 
                         over the last 200,000,000 years or so of competition 
                         for life between the two lifestyles.
                   e. Because of the difference in respiration heat loss in 
                      ectotherms and endotherms, ecosystems dominated by 
                      ectotherms tend to feature taller energy pyramids (more 
                      links in the food chain) than ecosystems dominated by 
                      endotherms (three or four links in the food chain:  
                      grass --> cow --> human).  
                   f. Terrestrial ecosystems tend to have more endotherms, so 
                      land-based trophic pyramids tend to be pretty short; 
                      aquatic ecosystems are largely dominated by ectotherms, 
                      so they can be much taller (phytoplankton --> 
                      zoöplankton --> shrimp --> small fish --> bigger 
                      fish --> sharks).
               iv. Heat loss up a pyramid can be diagrammed as below, in a 
                   very highly idealized manner.  All animals in this example 
                   are endotherms, highly wasteful of energy. The table has 
                   four columns of numbers:
                   a. "% Used..." means the percentage of fixed energy that a 
                      given trophic level uses in respiration, which is 
                      "wasted" (from the point of view of any organism higher 
                      up, of course) in that level's respiration.
                   b. % Transmitted..." means the percentage of energy in a 
                      given level, which is passed on to the next level 
                      through predation.
                   c. % Original..." means the percentage of the original 
                      fixed energy still left in the ecosystem after a given 
                      level is "done" with it (by getting itself killed).
                   d. "Standing biomass..." means the standing mass of living 
                      tissue that can be supported at a given level, in light 
                      of the original energy left in the system.
                   e. "Number..." means the number of individuals that the 
                      standing biomass represents, given the average weight 
                      for that species.

 Example      % Used  % Transmitted   % Original        Standing       Number
 of organism   at a    to the next    insolation         biomass         of
 at a level    level      level      left in system    at a level  individuals
 Hawks          90          10            0.06            100 kg          100    
 Weasels        90          10            0.60          1,000 kg        7,000
 Mice           90          10            6.00         10,000 kg      500,000         
 Grass          40          60           60.00        100,000 kg

                v. When you look at the number of individuals that a given 
                   biomass represents, you see how really very scarce a high 
                   level predator is.  In this example of a trophic pyramid 
                   supported by a hypothetical 100,000 kg of standing grass 
                   biomass, you see that, by the time you get to the tertiary 
                   consumer level, there are only about 100 individuals that 
                   can be supported.  One hundred individuals may not be 
                   sufficient to maintain a viable breeding population, 
                   particularly if the species is slow in reproducing 
                   (inbreeding effects, vulnerability to random chance 
                   catastrophes, the accumulation of toxins in the flesh of a 
                   high level predator).  In this little ecosystem, the mice 
                   are in no significant danger of local extinction (there are 
                   500,000 of these very rapidly-reproducing creatures), but 
                   the hawks are.  Funny, isn't it?  Even though we tend to 
                   feel terribly sorry for the victims of predation who often 
                   suffer awful deaths when caught by a predator, in many ways 
                   it is the predator that may deserve as much if not more 
                   sympathy:  It is actually the more fragile of the two 
                   species and more subject to extinction!
     B. Material Relationships
        1. Unlike energy, matter is recycled back through an ecosystem over 
           and over (energy flows through once, matter recycles).
           a. The sources of matter in an ecosystem are the other spheres of 
              our planet:
                i. Atmosphere            O2, CO2, even H2O
               ii. Hydrosphere           H2O
              iii. Lithosphere           N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Mg, Ma, z, etc.
           b. These substances eventually return to their sources, after a 
              trip through living tissue.
        2. Examples:
           a. The oxygen cycle
           b. The carbon cycle
           c. The water cycle
           d. The nitrogen cycle
           e. The phosphorous cycle
           f. The calcium cycle
           e. And loads of others
        3. The diagram below represents the cycles linking carbon, hydrogen, 
           and oxygen together through photosynthesis and respiration.
           a. You'll notice that photosynthesis inputs carbon dioxide and 
              water and fixes about 680 kcal of energy in a molecule of sugar 
              and outputs oxygen.
           b. Looking closely, you'll see that respiration is the complement 
              to photosynthesis, inputting oxygen and combining it with sugar 
              to release energy and output carbon dioxide and water.
           c. Each of these elements, C, O, and H cycle through the other 
              spheres of our planet in complex biogeochemical cycles, both 
              gaseous and sedimentary, which I'll just represent by "black 
              boxes" standing for the atmospheric parts of the cycles, the 
              lithospheric parts of the cycle, and the hydrospheric parts.

   -------------------------------->|  atmosphere |<-----------------.

  |                                 +-------------+                  |
  |                                     ^       |                    |
  |   +-------------+                   |       |_______________     |
  |   | lithosphere |<------------------                        |    |
  |   +-------------+      +--------------------------------+   |    |         
  |         ^     '------->| 6H2O + 6CO2 ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2 |   |    |     
  |         v              |       photosynthesis           |   |    |     
  |   +-------------+      +--------------------------------+   |    |     
   -->| hydrosphere |         ^      ____________|              |    |                                 
      +-------------+         |     |        ___________________|    |
                  '-----------'     |       |                        |
                                    v       v                        |   
                               +--------------------------------+    |   
                               | C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---> 6H2O + 6CO2 |___/|       
                               |   respiration                  |    |  
                               +--------------------------------+    |  

  V. Environment
     A. Definition: Surroundings of any biological entity (community, species, 
        population, individual, heck, even organs and cells, for that matter, 
        or the whole planet even).
     B. Components
        1. Energy Components
           a. Insolation 
                i. Fixed by primary producers and available for metabolism
               ii. Sensible heat
           b. Prey or host animals or plants from which primary productivity 
              can be taken.
           c. Predators or parasites to which "your" energy might be given if 
              you don't use it to escape.
           d. Competitors for same energy sources you need.
        2. Matter Components
           a. Water
                i. Enough water to drink or absorb
               ii. Sufficient humidity or moisture
                   a. Desert creatures are very tolerant of low humidity
                   b. Aquatic animals and many other creatures need to be 
                      actually covered with water (e.g., mangroves, 
                      hippopotamus, salamander).
           b. Oxygen sufficient for respiration (rarely a limiting factor)
           c. Carbon dioxide sufficient for photosynthesis (if you're of the 
              plant persuasion).
           d. Prey or host animals or plants from which to obtain nutrients 
              (proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, etc.).
           e. Predators looking to take same from you.
           f. Nutrients otherwise variable (including water quality, quality 
              of the soil medium to support quality primary production). 
        3. Reproductive components of the environment.  Evolution doesn't give 
           a fig about your unique individuality: It is interested in you only 
           so far as you live long enough to transmit your genetic message to 
           the next generation (get lucky and reproduce successfully).
           a. All the above are relevant to reproductive success, since you 
              have to live long enough to reproduce.
           b. The social aspect of the reproductive environment provides: 
                i. Access to suitable mates likely to help you produce viable 
                   offspring (important both to most animals and to sexually-
                   reproducing plants)
               ii. Psychological balance so that, by interacting with others 
                   of your kind, you are kept from becoming so weird that no-
                   one in their right mind would reproduce with you 
                   (obviously, an animal "thing").
           c. There are also social hindrances and competition.
                i. Unfortunately for you in your quest for being a breeder, 
                   not all other members of your species belong to the 
                   opposite sex:  You have competition for mates.
               ii. Sometimes, the social milieu provides more than 
                   psychological balance in your interactions:  There are 
                   nasty confrontations that can directly knock you out of the 
                   gene pool:
                   a. You can get killed by other members of your species.
                   b. You can get injured badly enough to ruin your ability to 
                      mate (ouch) or your ability to attract a mate.

Okay, this time you have a mercifully short lecture, because this is a good 
place to break the subject.  Come away from this lecture knowing the 
definition of the biosphere, its common components, and the difference between 
a community and an ecosystem.  Be able to describe the energy and matter 
relationships within an ecosystem (energy flows through once; matter recycles 
endlessly).  Be able to express the difference between an ecosystem and an 
environment, too.  Know the energy and matter sources and sinks in the 
environment and the nature of an individual's, population's, or species' 
reproductive environment. 


Document and © maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First placed on web: 10/27/00
Last revised: 06/26/07
