GEOG 140

Introduction to Physical Geography

Lab 2: The Ozone Hole over Antarctica



Lab 2a: Antarctic Annual Minimum Ozone Values

Your graph should have come out something like this, showing the ozone hole annual minimum value decreasing erratically from just over 200 Dobson units in 1979 to just over 100 DU in 1998:

[ ozone hole minimum values through time, NASA GSFC ]


Lab 2b: Average Spatial Extent of the Ozone Hole over Antarctica

Your graph should have resembled this one, which shows the spatial extent of the ozone hole (the 220 "isodobson") growing erratically from about 2 million square kilometers in 1979 to over 20 million square kilometers by 1998:

[ ozone hole minimum values through time, NASA GSFC ]


Lab 2c: Brief Lab Report

Your brief lab report should have stated that the ozone hole is both deepening through time and covering a larger and larger area. This is of concern because ozone in the stratosphere absorbs the more dangerous UV rays, protecting life on the earth's surface from the effects of such short-wave, high-energy radiation.


This document is maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
First Placed on Web: 10/25/00
Last Updated: 03/06/01
