GEOG 216-01

Group Projects


Group Project 1:

Do a market area analysis, site location analysis, and competition analysis for a new pizza restaurant in Chico. The entrepreneur who is engaging your services wants a typology of pizza venues in town, the kinds of location each type tends or needs to occupy, the demographics to which each type appeals, where the target demographics for each type are located in town, the type that might be the best bet for the market given the competition and market dynamics, the block and currently empty site best suited for this optimal pizza type, and your recommendation as to whether a pizza place is a good bet for this individual's hard-earned money and venture capital.


Group Project 2:

Survey the empty retail spaces in the North Valley Plaza and the kinds of businesses hanging on there to determine the seriousness of the "old mall's" problems. Then, survey the vendors in the Chico Mall and downtown and the vacancies in each. From these, determine what the competitive advantages of the CM and downtown are, vis à vis the NVP. Is there is an underserved demographic abundant in Chico, which might be attracted a restructured NVP? What kinds of retailing are necessary to attract that demographic? This group project will essentially be redesigning the NVP!


Group 3:

Could a Trader Joe's make it in this town? This involves finding the extant Trader Joe's in California and determining the demographic attributes of the areas surrounding the present store locations in order to figure out the target market segment. Does the demographic structure of Chico provide enough of the target groups to justify expansion here. If not, are there any mitigating circumstances not obvious from a simple demographic analysis that might justify opening here anyway? Whatever the result of this analysis, indicate where you'd situate a Trader Joe's, if the company decided to try Chico because of your analysis or in spite of it.

document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
first placed on the web: 09/22/98
last revised: 09/22/98
