GEOG 216-01

Field Exercise 2: Chico's Retail Structure


Purpose of the Field Exercise:

The purpose of this field excursion is to get you to apply the concepts of location type presented in lecture (and to get your consulting teams to start functioning collectively). In class, you were introduced to the concepts of major downtown, community downtown, strip, regional commercial center, community commercial center, neighborhood commercial center, and office/industrial areas. In this exercise, you will apply relevant types to various Chico locations.


Select a Day Your Group Can Meet and Tour Chico Together

I want you to do this as a group. After the group tour, there will be a variety of tasks involved in completing the report and map, which you need to allocate to individuals.




Complete by Thursday, 24 September

Bring your completed reports to class on the 24th and all three groups will compare and contrast their findings and then submit the reports.

In the reports, indicate who did which part. On a separate sheet, each of you will make a brief comment on your own and your colleagues' helpfulness or laziness, so that I can adjust your individual scores accordingly.

document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
first placed on the web: 09/10/98
last revised: 09/10/98
