GEOG 215-01 News Page

Quantitative Methods



* Midterm, 10/27/98, open book, note, computer, WWW, and lab (may take more than one day)
* Final, 12/17/98, 12-2 p.m., open book, note, computer, WWW, and labs (will consist of essays)



* Lab 1 (Spreadsheet Bootcamp), 09/03/98, resubmit, 09/22/98
* Lab 2 (Basic Data Description and Presentation), 09/17/98, resubmit, 10/15/98
* Lab 3 (Spatial Measures of Central Tendency and Disperson), 10/01/98, resubmit, 10/15/98
* Lab 4 (Introduction to Probability), 10/13/98 , resubmit, 11/12/98
* Lab 5 (Elements of Sampling and Spatial Sampling), 10/20/98 , resubmit, 11/17/98
* Lab 6 (Introduction to Hypothesis Testing), 11/19/98
* Lab 7 (Bi-Variate Hypothesis Testing with Interval and Ratio Data), 12/03/98
* Lab 8 (Nearest-Neighbor Analysis and Bi-Variate Hypothesis Testing with Nominal Data), 12/10/98
* Lab 9 (Simple Linear Correlation and Regression), 12/17/98



* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 1-2, 09/08/98 (introduction and data preparation)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 3-4, 09/17/98 (basic descriptive statistics and their spatial analogues)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 5, 10/08/98 (probability overview)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 6, 10/15/98 (basics of sampling)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 7, 11/10/98 (point and interval estimation)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 8, 11/17/98 (classical and prob-value hypothesis testing in one-sample situations)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 9, 12/01/98 (multiple sample tests, including between-subjects ANOVA)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 10-11, 12/08/98 (contingency table analysis and nearest-neighbor analysis)
* McGrew and Monroe text, Ch. 12-13, 12/08/98 (introduction to Pearson's correlation and simple linear regression)


Optional Supplementary Readings:

* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 1-2, 09/22/98 (introduction and basic descriptive statistics)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 4, 10/08/98 (basics of probability)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 5, 10/08/98 (the normal distribution)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 6.1-6.6, 11/10/98 (sampling distribution of the mean and one sample difference of the mean)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 6.12-6.13, 7-9, 11/17/98 (estimation, intervals, and basics of hypothesis testing)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 12-14, 12/01/98 (ANOVA)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 16, 12/08/98 (Chi-squared)
* Lane's HyperStat Online, Ch. 3, 15, 12/17/98 (introduction to simple linear correlation and regression)
* Reynold's (Unofficial) GGR 270Y First Term Course Notes, 12/17/98 (a very helpful set of lecture notes for a similar class)


document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
last revised: 11/29/98
