Dr. Rodrigue

Graded Lab 6: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

LAB EXERCISE A: Estimation in Sampling

  1. What is the Central Limit Theorem? What does this have to do with inferential statistics?
  2. What is the conceptual and the calculational difference between the standard error of the mean and the regular standard deviation?
  3. You have done a systematic spatial sample of 100 quadrats in your 1 sq. km desert study area. Each quadrat is 100 meters square. In each, you have counted every plant identifiable as Artemisia tridentata (desert sagebrush). You have calculated the mean number and standard deviation of these plants per sampled quadrat, in order to estimate the mean number and standard deviation per 100 sq. m throughout your study area (population).

    Your sample mean is 58.12 A. tridentata plant individuals per quadrat, with a sample standard deviation of 5.50 individuals per quadrat. Construct a confidence interval around the mean of 58.12 that will capture the true population mean of plants per quadrat in your entire study area at the 95 percent confidence level.

  4. For this problem, show your calculations to 2 decimal places of accuracy. As an urban planner in Espalda de Rana, NM, responsible for child-care issues, you want to estimate the mean number of children aged 0-12 per household. The problem is the Census is out of date, creating the need for an estimate based on sampling in the present, but you don't want to spend excessive taxpayer money and staff time on a survey.

    What you know so far is there are estimated to be 4,567 households in Espalda de Rana at the present. The mean number of children per household in the 0-12 range back in 1990 was 0.92, with a standard deviation of 0.50. You have estimates from the State that the mean number has declined slightly Statewide about 4 percent. The standard deviation, however, has increased 20 percent (reflecting a national trend toward diversification of household types and the increased number of childless households).

    Your job is to figure out the number of households the Planning Department needs to sample in order to create a suitable estimate of the number of these children per household. Your estimate should have a 95 percent confidence of catching the true population mean within 0.25 children of precision (now, there's a concept: What's 0.25 of a kid?).

    To do this, you need an estimate of the standard deviation in the population. You've decided to adjust the local numbers for your community by the Statewide changes to create an estimated standard deviation for the formula. The idea behind this is the assumption that the people in Espalda de Rana are just plain folks, regular New Mexicans, and their household formation behavior reflects Statewide trends.

  5. For this problem, show your values to 2 decimal places of accuracy. Continuing with the offspring of Espalda de Rana, let's say the issue was not the mean number of children 0-12 per household but the proportion of the households having children in this range. Again, you want to have a sample size large enough to create an interval of 0.25 around the estimated proportion at the 95 percent confidence level.

LAB EXERCISE B: Hypothesis Testing in One Sample Contexts

  1. What is the logical rationale behind the statement of null and alternate hypotheses?
  2. What is the difference between a directional and a non-directional alternate hypothesis, and how does it relate to number of tails in a test?
  3. What is the difference between a Type I error and a Type II error and how does a researcher connect them in deciding on a confidence level?
  4. Two somewhat different approaches to hypothesis testing were presented in class and in the text: the classical approach and the prob-value method. What is the major difference between them?
  5. Take a look at formulae 8.3 and 8.4 in M&M, for the difference of means t-test. In which way do they differ, and why are they functionally equivalent anyhow?
  6. For this problem, calculate to 2 decimal places of accuracy, e.g., 0.00. Below are the scores for the population of 215 students turning in the midterm during Fall, 1993.