GEOG 205-01 Readings

Nature and Society


Readings, in order of assignment

Pfeiffer, J.E. 1977.
Man (sic), a new kind of evolution. Ch. 1 of his The Emergence of Society, pp. 27-41. New York and other places: McGraw-Hill. (handout)

Rodrigue, C.M. 1987.
The origins of women's subjugation: A tentative reconstruction. Presentation to Association of American Geographers, Portland, OR.

Rodrigue, C.M. 1986.
Excerpts from Theoretical evaluation of ritual sacrifice. Ch. 3 of her An Evaluation of Ritual Sacrifice as an Explanation for Early Animal Domestications in the Near East, pp. 139-153. Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1987. (on reserve in Butte 507)

Rodrigue, C.M. 1986.
(More) excerpts from Theoretical evaluation of ritual sacrifice. Ch. 3 of her An Evaluation of Ritual Sacrifice as an Explanation for Early Animal Domestications in the Near East, pp. 146-150, 160-164, 179-183. Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1987. (on reserve in Butte 507)


Ziegler, P. 1969.
Origins and nature. Ch. 1 of his The Black Death, pp. 13-29. New York and other places: Harper and Row. (on reserve in Butte 507)

Lovell, W.G. 1992.
"Heavy shadows and black night": Disease and depopulation in colonial Spanish America. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82, 3: 426-443. (on reserve in Butte 507)


de Souza, A.R. and Foust, J.B. 1979.
Why drought threatens the Sahel. Box inset in Ch. 10 of their World Space-Economy, pp. 498-501. Columbus, OH, and other places: Merrill (handout).

Wisner, B. 1977.
Constriction of a livelihood system: The peasants of Tharaka Division, Meru District, Kenya. Economic Geography, 53, 4: 353-357. Special issue: The Human Face of Desertification. (on reserve in Butte 507)


Terborgh, J. 1989.
The whys and wherefores of deforestation. Excerpts from his Where Have All the Birds Gone?. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Ch. 6 of Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition, ed. S.E. Place, pp. 31-36. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Reprints, 1993. (on reserve in Butte 507)

Lutzenberger, J.A. 1987.
Who is destroying the Amazon rainforest? The Ecologist 17: 155-60. Ch. 11 of Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition, ed. S.E. Place, pp. 80-88. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Reprints, 1993. (on reserve in Butte 507)

The Ecologist. 1987.
Tropical forests: A plan for action. The Ecologist 17: 129-31. Ch. 13 of Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition, ed. S.E. Place, pp. 97-102. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Reprints, 1993. (on reserve in Butte 507)

Plotkin, M. 1990.
The healing forest. The Futurist 24: 9-14. Ch. 17 of Tropical Rainforests: Latin American Nature and Society in Transition, ed. S.E. Place, pp. 125-131. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Reprints, 1993. (on reserve in Butte 507)




Minnich, R.A. 1988.
Excerpts from his The Biogeography of Fire in the San Bernardino Mountains of California: A Historical Study, pp. 14-25, 41-45, 55-72.

Rodrigue, C.M. 1993.
Home with a view: Chaparral fire and the social geographies of risk and vulnerability. The California Geographer 33: 29-42. Also available at:


Alexander, D. 1993.
Excerpts from Atmospheric and hydrological hazards. Ch. 3 of his Natural Disasters, pp. 120-144. London: University of College London Press.


Rowan, A.N. 1997.
The benefits and ethics of animal research. Scientific American 276, 2: 79.

Barnard, N.D. and Kaufman, S.R. 1997.
Animal research is wasteful and misleading. Scientific American 276, 2: 80-82.

Botting, J.H. and Morrison, A.R. 1997.
Animal research is vital to medicine. Scientific American 276, 2: 83-85.

Mukerjee, M. 1997.
Trends in animal research. Scientific American 276, 2: 86-93.

Dove, J. 1996-97.
The animal lab debate. Earth Island Journal (winter, northern hemisphere; summer southern hemisphere): 34-35.


Clark, A.H. 1956.
Excerpts from The impact of exotic invasion on the remaining New World mid-latitude grasslands. In Man's (sic.) Role in Changing the Face of the Earth, ed. W.L. Thomas, Jr., with C.O. Sauer, M. Bates, and L. Mumford, pp. 737-739, 748-751, 755-756. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Barrett, S.C.H. 1989.
Waterweed invasions. Scientific American 261, 4: 90-97.

Meadows, R. 1999.
Medfly -- going but not gone. California Agriculture 53, 2: 6. (handout)

White, J. 1999.
Can integrated methods stop starthistle? California Agriculture 53, 2: 7. (handout)

Dowell, R.V.; Siddiqi, I.A.; Meyer, F.; Spaugy, E.L. 1999.
Early results suggest sterile flies may protect S. California from medfly. California Agriculture 53, 2: 28-32. (handout)


Document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
Last revision: 05/13/99