GEOG 109-01 News Page

Geographical Research and Writing


Current Deadlines:

* Final exam is Thursday, 17 December, 10 a.m. to noon.
You may bring a few photocopies of Annals reference pages.


Schedule of Student Presentations:

* Tuesday, 1 December:
* Thursday, 3 December:
* Tuesday, 8 December:
* Thursday, 10 December:


Materials Recently Posted:

* Senior thesis proposal peer critique guidelines:
* Crash course in HTML for your Web page design:
* Some resources (41-45) for developing your future resumé:
* Some MORE resources (46-50): three hardcopy abstracting services and two journals.
* Mr. Adam Henderson's guest lecture on placing materials in your web account
* GEOG 109 student web pages début!


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document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
last revised: 12/08/98
