GEOG 101-01 Book Report Assessment Form

Global Economic Geography


Student Name: ------------------------------------------------------------

                                                          SCORE   POSSIBLE
     A.  Is the book from the approved list?
         Yes = +1; No = -1    ........................... _____      1
     B.  Does the report specify where and when the
         story takes place?  ............................ _____      1
     C.  Are the MAIN ideas or events of the book
         summarized (i.e., the report isn't some
         blow-by-blow rehash)?
         Bad rehash = 0; fair to good summary  = 1
         VERY sophisticated conceptual summary = 2  ..... _____      2
     D.  Are the main characters described in terms
         of their social vantage points (e.g., their
         ethnic backgrounds and genders; their social,
         economic, and political positions; and their
         religions, if that is mentioned and seems
         relevant)  ..................................... _____      2
     E.  Does the report convince the reader that its
         author learned something about what it is
         like to live in the non-Western world (i.e.,
         political, economic, historical, and cul-
         tural situations in the non-Western world) or
         in peripheral parts of the Western world?  ..... _____      1
     F.  Did the book mention any spatial or regional
         variations in the setting, or is there any-
         thing else in the book that the report uses
         to illustrate or explain concepts covered
         in class or in the textbook? ................... _____      1
     G.  Also, note that authors do not write just
         for the fun of it:  there is always some
         sort of hidden agenda, something to which
         the author wants to sensitize the reader.
         Does this report state what the student
         thinks is the main objective of the author?
         No = 0; Yes = 1; Yes, with a lot of
         thoughtful reflection on this agenda = 2  ...... _____      2

         TOTAL CONTENT: ................................. _____     10

     A.  Is the paper very well organized and
         integrated?  Disorganized panic writing = 0
         Organized and not too hard to follow = 1
         Extremely good flow, like a professional
         publication = 2   .............................. _____      2
     B.  Spelling
         Wholesale misspellings = 0
         A few misspellings = 1
         No misspellings at all = 2  .................... _____      2
     C.  Grammar (subject-verb agreement; consistency
         in tense)  ..................................... _____      1
     D.  Correct, complete, and varied sentences
         Bad = 0; mostly okay = 1; perfect = 2  ......... _____      2
     E.  Punctuation and capitalization (commas
         seem especially problematic) ................... _____      1
     F.  No sexist usage anywhere -- consult the
         guidelines for the paper  ...................... _____      1
     G.  Student has elegant and publishable
         style -- unusual sophistication in the
         use of language.  VERY rare -- maybe 1 or
         2 students show this caliber of writing,
         and it presupposes everything else is
         perfect  ....................................... _____      1

         TOTAL WRITING MECHANICS:  ...................... _____     10


      Total content points  ............................. _____     10

      Divide total writing mechanics points by 2 ........ _____      5

      Now, add these numbers ............................ _____     15

Document maintained by Dr. Rodrigue
Last revised: 02/10/99