Internet Recruitment and Activism
in Constructing Technological Risk

presented to the:

American Association for the Advancement of Science
Washington, DC, 17-22 February 2000.

Christine M. Rodrigue

Department of Geography
California State University
Long Beach, CA 90840
(562) 985-4895



Social construction of a technological risk policy entails a risk assessment dialogue between technical experts and public interest activists and between each of these and elected risk management policy-makers. These dialogues are conducted in the charged presence of media and take place in the contested terrain of public involvement and recruitment to political action.

This paper presents a case study of a recent technological risk controversy: the use of plutonium dioxide radioisotope thermal generators (RTGs) on board the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn, in light of its gravity-assist swing by Earth in August 1999. The data consist of Internet dialogues on the topic, specifically, UseNet postings from 1 April 1995 through 31 March 1999. They illustrate the exponential impact of a very small and well-organized opposition movement, which utilized the Internet to exert pressure to abort the launch and flyby. Though Cassini went on to Saturn, the resulting political pressure on NASA has created an atmosphere of public controversy in which new missions may be very difficult to authorize if their goals and design require RTGs.

The success of the anti-Cassini activists raises questions about the nature of technological risk decision-making in a democratic but unevenly informed society. It underscores the empowerment of small but well-organized groups in the realm of natural and technological hazard policy and the potential of the Internet in heightening individual empowerment in such debates, particularly when science itself is under critical interrogation. It also raises less heartening issues of demagoguery in cyberspace.



The Mission:

The Cassini-Huygens mission to the Saturn planetary system is physically the largest, scientifically the most ambitious, and organizationally the most international project ever undertaken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) or by its partners, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI).

Contested Decisions:

NASA dismissed solar power for mission instrumentation and temperature maintenance needs because of:

Instead, NASA decided on the compact radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) and radioisotope thermal unit (RHU) design, which generate heat and, in the case of the RTGs, electrical power through the alpha radiation emitted by ceramicized plutonium-238 dioxide.

NASA further opted for a Venus-Venus-Earth-Jupiter Gravity Assist (VVEJGA) trajectory:

Risk assessment performed for NASA as part of the Environmental Impact Statement for the mission characterized the risk of plutonium release on launch or a swingby accident as negligible and acceptable. Probabilities and their consequences in additional cancer deaths were estimated at:

The opposition:

The plutonium and the Earth swingby and the risk assessment performed for NASA erupted into controversy by 1996, resulting in sustained efforts:


Prior Work in Hazards Perception

Lay perceptions differ markedly from expert perceptions, e.g., exaggerating certain hazards and trivializing others far from the expectations of risk assessors. This is the case with Cassini, with the assertion by NASA that the risk of plutonium exposure from launch or flyby accidents is negligible and its opponents' claim that NASA is covering up the extent of the risk.

People often make up their minds about an issue before seeking facts about it, often taking the position of a reference group they trust, and then become very confident in their opinions. Once the pattern gels one way or the other, new facts and arguments are fit into the framework in a way that further solidifies it, to avoid the cognitive dissonance of holding two conflicting interpretations.

The public is often characterized, perhaps unfairly, as irrational and ignorant: It may be that laypeople judge hazards along multiple axes, not just the quantifiable probability of mortality/ morbidity. This implies that experts may have narrow, faulty perceptions of their own.


Purpose and Focus

The purpose of this paper is to observe the recruitment of activists from the larger public through the Internet and to observe the discussions triggered by activist claims. The Internet offers the possibility of an exponential propagation of ideas and of recruitment to a cause due to the ease of composing or forwarding information. As such, a small and well-organized group can potentially enjoy considerable power in technological risk (or, indeed, any political) debates by recruiting through such a medium. The Internet, then, to a certain extent, opens access to political power to people without the resources usually needed to affect the course of policy development. The focus of this paper is specifically on UseNet activism. UseNet is a division of the Internet that functions as a sort of community bulletin board, where people can read comments posted by others on subjects of interest to them, forward particular posts to other individuals by e-mail, and, by registering with a given forum, add their own comments to the published discussion. Archived UseNet discussions about Cassini were followed over a four year period to identify the types of people drawn to support or oppose the Cassini-Huygens mission and the sorts of concerns they voice in adopting and arguing for their stances.


Research Questions

These observations are related to the prior work on hazards perception through the five themes below:


Data and Methods

Using the Dé UseNet reader and search engine, I searched, by month, for all comments on Cassini for a 4 year period from the first posting on the subject, in April 1995, through March 1999. The population for potential inclusion comprised all messages with the keyword, "Cassini," anywhere in them for the 4 year period: 19,853 messages. The number of postings varied from a low of 3 comments in a month to a high of 4,385 (October 1997, the month of the spacecraft's launch).

From this population, I created a sample, by confining my examination to a maximum of 250 messages per month. I chose to scan up to the first 250 messages turned up by the search engine, because sorts message by "confidence," basically the number of times the keyword turns up in a message. From this maximum of 250 messages per month, I extracted only those on the subject of the spacecraft, saving their authors' names and e-mail addresses and an abstract of their messages in a word processor. Furthermore, I saved only the most recent posting by a given author and then categorized the author's stance on the basis of this comment as proponent, opponent, or neutral. If their stances were not decipherable from these comments, I would search on these authors' names and read their other messages on the subject, until I could classify their stances. Additionally, I did searches on author names and Cassini to identify numbers of postings per author as an indicator of interest level.

This method yielded comments by 937 authors. These individuals posted a total of 8,020 messages or forty percent of the Cassini messages dating from the four year study period.

Later, this text database became the basis of a spreadsheet database including fields for author name, login name, e-mail, gender, basic stance, central concerns raised in their messages, and number of postings an author had made on the subject. I also noted whether the message had been originally composed by the author or was basically a forward of someone else's writing. This database was sorted on various of these fields to yield the results summarized in the following tables.


Table 1 - Stance by gender

      STANCE       Gender           Individuals           Posts    
                                        #     %        #      %     
      Neutral      female               7   3.9       10    0.9     
                   male               139  78.1      930   87.5     
                   organization         4   2.2       14    1.3     
                   unknown             28  15.7      109   10.3     
      19.0% of     authors            178 100.0     1063  100.0     
      13.3% of     posts                                            
      Opponent     female              16   8.2      103    4.1     
                   male               132  68.0     2067   82.4     
                   organization         6   3.1      121    4.8     
                   unknown             40  20.6      217    8.7     
      20.7% of  authors               194 100.0     2508  100.0     
      31.3% of  posts                                            
      Proponent    female              19   3.4      154    3.5     
                   male               468  82.8     3946   88.7     
                   organization         3   0.5       24    0.5     
                   unknown             75  13.3      325    7.3     
      60.3% of authors                565 100.0     4449  100.0     
      55.5% of posts                                             
       937 = n (authors)                                         
      8020 = n (posts made by these authors)                     


Table 2 - Gender by stance

      GENDER       Stance           Individuals           Posts    
                                        #     %        #      %     
      Female       neutral              7  16.7       10    3.7
                   opponent            16  38.1      103   38.6
                   proponent           19  45.2      154   57.7
      4.5% of authors                  42 100.0      267  100.0
      3.3% of posts
      Male         neutral            139  18.8      930   13.4
                   opponent           132  17.9     2067   29.8
                   proponent          468  63.3     3946   56.8
      78.0% of authors                739 100.0     6943  100.0
      86.6% of posts
      Organization neutral              4  30.8       14    8.8
                   opponent             6  46.2      121   76.1
                   proponent            3  23.1       24   15.1
      1.5% of authors                  13 100.0      159  100.0
      2.0% of posts
      Unknown      neutral             28  19.6      109   16.7
                   opponent            40  28.0      217   33.3
                   proponent           75  52.4      325   49.9
      16.0% of authors                143 100.0      651  100.0
      8.1% of posts
       937 = n (authors)
      8020 = n (posts made by these authors)


Table 3 - Central concerns raised by stance

     NEUTRAL ISSUES                                        #       %
        Technical questions/answers                       72    40.4  
        Asking/providing basic information                20    11.2  
        Passing on others' messages                       14     7.9  
        Nostradamus fan asking basic question             13     7.3  
        Risk question                                     12     6.7  
        Flames                                             7     3.9  
        Costs, taxes                                       6     3.4  
        Politics/bureaucratization                         5     2.8  
        Privatization of space                             4     2.2  
        Vulnerabilty of big mission                        2     1.1  
        Other                                             23    12.9  
     sum                                                 178   100.0  
     OPPONENT ISSUES                                       #       %
        Passing on others' msgs                           46    23.7  
        Risk                                              46    23.7  
        Nostradamus/astrology/666 fears                   41    21.1  
        Calls to action                                   11     5.7  
        Costs, scale, opportunity costs                    9     4.6  
        Censorship by media                                7     3.6  
        Conspiracy/militarization of space                 6     3.1  
        Flames                                             4     2.1  
        Privatization of space better than NASA            3     1.5  
        Other                                             21    10.8  
     sum                                                 194   100.0
     PROPONENT ISSUES                                      #       %
        Opponents a small # unqualified Luddites          95    16.8  
        Risk overstated, disproproportionate              91    16.1  
        Enthusiasm for the mission and space              73    12.9  
        Flames                                            59    10.4  
        Orbit/trajectory aimed to be safe                 36     6.4  
        Passing on others's messages                      36     6.4  
        Past nuke/RTG failures didn't kill life on Earth  27     4.8  
        Solar not feasible                                22     3.9  
        Big missions=big results                          20     3.5  
        Nostradamus critiques                             23     4.1  
        Cass budget doesn't allow for cruise science      16     2.8  
        Opportunity costs of opponent activism            11     1.9  
        Media censorship/bias against science              9     1.6  
        Calls to action                                    8     1.4  
        Privatization critique for large-scale missions    4     0.7  
        Other                                             35     6.2  
     sum                                                 565   100.0
     937 = n (authors)



Gender of authors:
The debate over Cassini is overwhelmingly a male preserve:

  • fewer than 5% of the authors are female

  • those women who do post are quieter than their male counterparts, making only 3.3% of the posts on the subject

This may reflect a greater male interest in technology. Too, it may reflect the lingering numerical predominance of men on the Internet over women.

Balance of opinions:

Also, the great majority of authors are supportive of Cassini:

  • 60% are proponents

  • 21% are opponents

  • 20% are neutral or conflicted

These percentages depart significantly from the expected uniform distribution at the 0.000 level (a Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test statistic of 307.007 at 2 degrees of freedom).

Originality of messages versus forwarding of others' messages:

Proponents and neutrals are much likelier to compose their own, individual messages; opponents are far likelier just to pass on a message or article originally composed by someone else.

  • 46 or 24% of opponents just passed on others' messages

  • 36 or 6% of proponents did so

As measured by a Chi-squared goodness-of-fit test against an expectation of proportional numbers of passed-on messages, this disparity is significant at the 0.000 level (Chi-squared is 180.413 with 2 degrees of freedom). This suggests a certain thinness in the opposition, a sort of activism-by-the-forward-button quality.

Opinions by gender:

Within the limitations of such a badly skewed sex-ratio, there is a significant difference in the allocation of stances between the genders.

  • 16 or 38% of the women were opponents, while 132 or 18% of the men were

  • 19 or 45% of the women were proponents, while 468 or 63 % of the men were

Chi-squared for 2 degrees of freedom and n=781 is 10.769, which yields a prob- value of 0.005. When these results are calibrated for the sample size through Cramer's V, however, the strength of the association proves extremely weak at 0.117.

With these caveats, women are likelier to be opponents than are men. Were the sample of UseNet postings more balanced by gender, then, it can be expected that proponents and opponents would be somewhat more evenly balanced.

Distribution of opinions if sample had been gender-balanced (hypothetical scenario):

To see if a gender-balanced sample would be more evenly balanced, I created an artificial distribution of frequencies, weighting the proportion of authors across stances as though female and male authors were equally represented. Even so, the proponent position would still predominate far beyond the expectations of a uniform distribution of opinion (Chi-square = 199.805, which at 2 degrees of freedom, yields a prob-value of 0.000).

Concerns of the neutral authors:

Neutrals are those generally asking for information or who make conflicted statements.

  • some (20, or 11%) ask for elementary information and so are probably truly neutral, though interested in Cassini

  • a large minority (72, or 40%) ask very specific, technically-informed questions, and they seem conversant with and supportive of the space program but never actually endorse it

  • still others (12 or 7%) report conflicted emotions -- they are enthusiastic about the mission but troubled about its plutonium

  • relatively few just pass on others' messages (14, or 8%)

Concerns of the opponents:

Opponents are dominated by three subtypes:

  • those simply passing on messages from a handful of activist authors, often without comment (46, or 24%)

  • those making independent compositions focussed on the risks of plutonium in general and during the launch and flyby phases in particular (46, or 24%)

  • those interested in Nostradamus and astrology, who were genuinely terrified that Cassini could be the "King of Terror" Nostradamus predicted would come from the skies in summer of 1999 and destroy Earth (41 or 21%)

Concerns of the proponents:

Proponents, given their much larger numbers, discuss a wider range of issue types, with no one issue commanding as much as a fifth of the authors.

  • the most common type of comment claims that the opposition is very small in number, if vocal, and unqualified (95, or 17%)

  • the second most common concern is that the risk of the mission and of the RTGs is much overstated and fears over that risk are disproportionate (91, or 16%)

  • proponents "flame" more than the other two groups (59, or 10%, compared to 4 of the opponents (2%) and 7 of the neutrals (4%)

  • many simply enthuse about the mission and its goals (73, or 13%)

  • as with the neutrals, these messages are overwhelmingly individually composed (529 or 94%)



Control not a concern

These postings did not reveal a stated concern over the control dimension, even among the opponents. This particular controversy, then, does not support the salience of control raised in prior work.
Fairness a minor concern
Fairness issues do come up, as expected, but are a minor part of the discussion, eliciting comments from 23 individuals. Their foci were opportunity costs on both sides of the debate and a few comments that NASA's monopoly in space hurts the private sector.
Dread is the central axis of the debate
The dread factor, however, far and away dominates the UseNet debates on Cassini, as expected. Two thirds of the opponent postings expressed dread of nuclear contamination to one extent or another and, in the case of the Nostradamus discussants, of Cassini actually bringing on the end of the world. Among neutrals, the issue comes up, too, in the form of 12 authors asking about the probability of a nuclear catastrophe. Proponents inadvertently address the dread factor, mainly by trivializing the probability of an accident and the consequences of an accident should one occur (154 authors). Dread is the central axis of this emotionally-charged technological risk debate.
Mistrust of public institutions an important concern
Another factor cited in the hazards literature and in this case study is mistrust of public institutions. Six opponents cite a conspiracy to militarize space, claiming that NASA is in "kahoots" with the Pentagon and that the small amount of plutonium on board Cassini is the proverbial camel's nose in the tent. Seven others assert that media have censored coverage of the debate over Cassini, because the corporations that own the media are themselves military or NASA contractors (7 authors). Both of these arguments are also often cited in the messages penned by a handful of prominent activists and forwarded by 46 of the Cassini opponents on UseNet. Interestingly, a few proponents (9) have claimed that the media in fact are biased towards the Cassini opponents because of sensationalist drama and do not give NASA equal time to defend the mission. So, suspicion over NASA's reliability as a government institution responsible for public safety is raised by opponents, as expected. Also, there is much suspicion of media, which is common on both sides of the debate.
Minor gender gap
There is a small gender gap in stance taken toward this debate, though both genders are likelier to support the Cassini mission than oppose it. The big gender gap, however, is in degree of participation in the debate: The number of men absolutely swamps those of women in UseNet discussions. Other demographic attributes could not be detected among the discussants, and it is unknown how these might affect the debate.



The Internet offers empowerment to political activists. A few people can alert others to gravely concerning issues and enlist them to spread the news. The population notified of the issue expands geometrically and, even if a small number of those exposed to the idea respond politically, the result can be tremendous political pressure. The "Battle in Seattle" over the World Trade Organization illustrates the potential of Internet organizing.

Examination of the forwarded messages among the 24 percent of opponents who simply passed on others' messages revealed that these overwhelmingly came from about 5 individuals. Similarly, among the 7 percent of proponents passing on others' messages, these emanated from about 5 individuals, mainly publicity employees of NASA. While they did not win their battles to cancel the launch or abort the gravity-assist around Earth, opponents may have won the war, as NASA and Congress are now more concerned about approving new missions that must depend on RTGs.

Potentially very empowering to ordinary citizens, the Internet offers a counterweight to the political power of great corporations and wealthy individuals. The demagogic use of the Internet, however, remains the shadow of empowerment. Appeals to conspiracies, ad hominem attacks, exaggeration, and other emotionally-manipulative devices are the hallmark of demagoguery, and they are abundant in this debate, particularly among the opponents but also among flame-prone proponents. The nature of the technology embodied in Cassini and similar missions makes it inaccessible to the average citizen, who yet must decide whether to act politically for or against this and other technological applications or, worse, for a democratic society, remain uninformed and apathetic.

Risk management decision-makers, particularly politicians, would be well-reminded that they may be hearing from an unrepresentative selection of their voting and contributing constituents in technological risk debates, as in many other issues. This sample may be responding to demagoguery, self- interest, or the rational consideration of risks and benefits: The source of political pressure may not be too apparent when decision-makers consider policy to manage a technological hazard. While one would hope they rely on risk assessment science in framing their responses, they must do so in an atmosphere of political risk and uncertainty, with its own Type I and Type II hazards to their own careers! The next phase of this project will query those decision-makers about the volume of constituent communications on this subject and their own quandaries in responding to them.



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document maintained by author
© Christine M. Rodrigue, Ph.D., 2000
last revised: 02/28/00
