CECS 282
Assigned date: 2/2
Due date: 2/9
20 points


Before doing this lab assignment, you need to do the following activities:

Problem 1 - [10 points]

The Weather Service Bureau department has data representing  monthly rainfall for a year and we would like to create a table categorizing each month as rainy (rainfall 20% higher than average) dry (rainfall 25% lower than average). or average. The data file for monthly rain fall is called rainfall.txt.

The year's average monthly rainfall was 139 mm.
September has the highest rainfall (190 mm).
January has the lowes rainfall (95 mm)

Month      Rainfall(mm)      Classification
-------      ---------------         --------------
    1                   95                   Dry
    2                 100                   Dry
    3                 120               Average
    4                 130               Average
    5                 135               Average
    6                 145              Average
    7                 155              Average
    8                 185                Rainy
    9                 190                Rainy
  10                 160             Average
  11                 130             Average
  12                 120             Average

Program Requirements:

Implement the following functions in the program:

  1. void inputRainfall(int rainFal l[], int size)
    The function reads the monthly rainfall from the file rainFall.txt and stores them in the array rainFall
  2. int calculateAverageRainFall(int rainFall [], int size)
    Return the average monthly rainfall (rounded to the nearest millimeter).
  3. void classifyAndDisplayRainfall(int rainFall[], int months);
    Display the average monthly rainfall, the month with the highest rainfall, and the month with the lowest rainfall.
    Also classify each month as average, rainy, or dry.


Read data from a file.

  1. #include<fstream>
  2. void inputRainFall(float rainFall[], int size)
    //Open the file
    ifstream inputFile;
    //Initialize month counter
    int month = 0; //first month
    //Read the monthly rainfall in the file
    inputFile >> rainFall[month];


Problem 2 - [10 points]

Write a program that create a two-dimensional array initialized with test data. The program should have the following functions:

Use the main method below to test the program.

int main()
// Array with test data
int testArray[ROWS][COLS] =
{ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
{ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 },
{ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 },
{ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }

// Display the total of the array elements.
cout << "The total of the array elements is "
<< getTotal(testArray, ROWS, COLS)
<< endl;

// Display the average of the array elements.
cout << "The average value of an element is "
<< getAverage(testArray, ROWS, COLS)
<< endl;

// Display the total of row 0.
cout << "The total of row 0 is "
<< getRowTotal(testArray, 0, COLS)
<< endl;

// Display the total of column 2.
cout << "The total of col 2 is "
<< getColumnTotal(testArray, 2, ROWS)
<< endl;

// Display the highest value in row 2.
cout << "The highest value in row 2 is "
<< getHighestInRow(testArray, 2, COLS)
<< endl;

// Display the lowest value in row 2.
cout << "The lowest value in row 2 is "
<< getLowestInRow(testArray, 2, COLS)
<< endl;

return 0;

Output sample

The total of the array elements is 210
The average value of an element is 10.5
The total of row 0 is 15
The total of col 2 is 42
The highest value in row 2 is 15
The lowest value in row 2 is 11