CECS 282
Assigned date: 10/24
Due date: 10/31
40 points
Payroll System Using Inheritance and Polymorphism
Define the following constants in a header file.
Implement an abstract class Employee with the following requirements:
- Attributes
- last name (String)
- first name (String)
- ID number (String)
- Sex - M or F
- Birth date (Date)
- Default argument constructor and argument constructors.
- Public methods
- putData that displays the following information:
ID Employee number :_________
Employee name: __________
Birth date: _______
- get and set methods
- pure virtual method monthlyEarning that returns the monthly earning.
3. Implement a class called Staff extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:
- Attribute
- Default argument and argument contructors
- Public methods
- get and set
- The method monthlyEarning returns monthly salary (hourly rate times 160)
- putData that displays the following information:
ID Employee number :_________
Employee name: __________
Birth date: _______
Full Time
Monthly Salary: _________
Implelment a class Education with the following requirements:
- Attributes
- Degree (MS or PhD )
- Major (Engineering, Chemistry, English, etc ... )
- Research (number of researches)
- Default argument and argument constructors.
- Public methods
Implement a class Faculty extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:
- Attributes
- Level
"AS": assistant professor
"AO": associate professor
"FU": professor
- Education object
- Default argument and argument constructor
- Public methods
- get and set
- The method monthlyEarning returns monthly salary based on the faculty's level.
AS - faculty monthly salary
AO - 1.2 times faculty monthly salary
FU - 1.4 times faculty monthly salary
- putData that displays the following information:
ID Employee number :_________
Employee name: __________
Birth date: _______
XXXXX Professor where XXXXX can be Assistant, Associate or Full
Monthly Salary: _________
Implement a class called Partime extending from the class Staff with the following requirements:
- Attributes
- Default argument and argument constructors
- Public methods
- set and get
- The method monthlyEarning returns monthly salary which hourly rate multiplied hours worked per week multiplied four.
- putData that displays the following information:
ID Employee number :_________
Employee name: __________
Birth date: _______
Hours works per month: ______
Monthly Salary: _________
Implement a test driver program that creates a one-dimensional array of class Employee to store the objects Staff, Faculty and Partime.
Using polymorphism, display the following outputs:
a. Employee information using the method putData.
- All employees
- Staff
- Faculty
- Part-time
b. Total monthly salary for all the part-time staff .
c. Total monthly salary for all employees.
Test Data
- Last name: Allen
First name: Paita
ID: 123
Sex: M
Birth date: 2/23/59
Hourly rate: $50.00
- Last name: Zapata
First Name: Steven
ID: 456
Sex: F
Birth date: 7/12/64
Hourly rate: $35.00
- Last name:Rios
First name:Enrique
ID: 789
Sex: M
Birth date: 6/2/70
Hourly rate: $40.00
- Last name: Johnson
First name: Anne
ID: 243
Sex: F
Birth date: 4/27/62
Level: Full
Degree: Ph.D
Major: Engineering
Reseach: 3
- Last name: Bouris
First name: William
ID: 791
Sex: F
Birth date: 3/14/75
Level: Associate
Degree: Ph.D
Major: English
Reseach: 1
- Last name: Andrade
First name: Christopher
ID: 623
Sex: F
Birth date: 5/22/80
Level: Assistant
Degree: MS
Major: Physical Education
Research: 0
- Last name: Guzman
First name: Augusto
ID: 455
Sex: F
Birth date: 8/10/77
Hourly rate: $35.00
Hours worked per week: 30
- Last name: Depirro
First name: Martin
ID: 678
Sex: F
Birth date: 9/15/87
Hourly rate: $30.00
Hours worked per week:15
- Last name: Aldaco
First name: Marque
ID: 945
Sex: M
Birth date: 11/24/88
Hourly rate: $20.00
Hours worked per week: 35
- Inside the program, put your name at the beginning of your program
// CECS 282 LAB 7
- Return a hard copy of the lab assignment
- Demonstrate the lab assignment in the lab
- Grade based on the successful execution of the program and the coding efficiency.