CECS 282
Assigned date: 10/1
Due date: Tue 10/8
30 points

Do the matrix operations (add, sub, multiplication) discussed in the class on Tuesday, October 1.

The class Matrix should have the following members, constructor, destructors, and functions:

class Matrix
  int rowSize;
  int colSize;
  int ** ptr;
 Matrix(int rowSize, int colSize);
void add (const Matrix &second, Matrix &result) const;
void subtract (const Matrix &second, Matrix &result) const;
void multiply (const Matrix &second, Matrix &result) const;
void input( ) const;//input the matrix from the keyboard
void print() const; //display matrix to the console window

Write a function to test all the public constructor and methods in the main.

Input two matrices:

Matrix 1

3  2  3  1               
4  4  5  1
4  4  1  5

Matrix 2

4  3  1  3               
3  5  1  5
4  5  1 4

Matrix 3

4  1
5  5
3  4
2  1

Use matrix 1 and matrix 2 for addition and subtraction
Use matrix 1 and matrix 3 for multiplication


Inside the program, put your name at the beginning of your program
// CECS 282 LAB 5