CECS 282
Assigned date: 9/7
Due date: 9/14
45 points

Problem 1 [15 points] Monday 9/12

Write a program that remove duplicates from an array. You are required to create functions that has an array as an arguments.

Problem 2 [30 points] Wed 9/14

A square is called a magic square if the sum of the elements in each row, in each column, and in the two diagonals is the same value. For example

16    3    2    13
5     10  11    8
9     6    7      12
4     15  14    1

Implement the following algorithm to construct magic n x n squares. It works only if n is odd. Place a 1 in the middle of the bottom row. After k has been placed in the (i,j) square, place k+1 into a square to the right and down, wrapping  around the borders. However, if you reach a square that has already been filled, or if you the lower right corner, then you must move one square up instead. Here is the 5 x 5 square that you get if you follow this method:

Enter an odd number: 5

11   18   25   2    9
10   12   19   21   3
4       6   13  20   22
23     5   7    14   16
17   24   1     8    15

You are required to create functions that has an array as an arguments.

Note: The problem is created by Cay Horstmann from the book C++ for everyone.
