CECS 282
Assigned date: 8/28
Due date: 8/31
15 points

Problem 1 [5 points] - Output format 

Write a program that calculates and prints monthly paycheck for an employee. The net pay is calculated after taking the following deductions:

Federal Income Tax: 20%
State Tax:   4%
Social Security Tax:  3.5%
Medicare/Medicaid Tax:  2.75%
Pension Plan:  6%
Health Insurance:  $80.0

Your program should prompt the user to input the gross amount. Format your output to have two decimal places. A sample output follows:

Gross amount: 3587.00

Gross amount: $ 3587.00

Federal Tax:   

$ 717.40
State Tax: $ 143.48
Social Security Tax:    $ 125.55
Medicare/Medicaid Tax: $   98.64
Pension Plan:   $ 215.22
Health Insurance: $ 80.00
Net Pay:   $ 2206.71

Note: The bold letters means the computer displays the output. The normal letters means you enter the input.
Net pay = gross amount -(federal tax + state tax + social security tax + Medicare/Medicaid Tax + Pension Plan + Health Insurance)

Hints: You should be able to complete the program with the hints below.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//Declare all constant variables

int main()
{ //Declare variables
your coding
// Calculate gross amount, federate tax, sale tax, social security, medicare/medicaid tax, pension plan, health insurance and net pay
your coding

//Display output

cout<< left <<  setw(26) << "Gross Amount: "
      << right << " $"
   << setw(7) << grossAmount << endl;

Your coding

 return 0;

Problem 2 [5 points]

Write a program that displays the sum of all odd digits of an input.

Problem 3 [5 points]

Write a program that displays the factors of a specified integer.
