CECS 282
Review the following topics:
- Output and formatting output
- Manipulators: setprecision, fixed, showpoint, setw, left, and right
- Input string type
getline(cin, string obj), cin >> string obj
- Controls structures
- Selection structures: if, if ... else, if ... else if, and switch
- Loop structures: while, do .. while, and for
- Functions
- overloading function
- default argument function
- Call-by-Value versus Call-by-Reference
- Standard library functions
- Storage class
- local, static and external
- Arrays and vectors
- One-dimensional array - passing a one-dimesional array to a function
- Two-dimensional array - passing a two-dimesional array to a function
- using vectors
- C string
- Declaration and intialization
- Input - cin, cin.getline, and cin.get
- Library functions: strlen, strcpy, and strcat
- character string functions: isalpha, isdigit, isalnum, isupper, islower, toupper, and tolower
- C string using pointer
- Pointers
- Pointer declartion and initialization
- Pointer assignment
- Pointer arithmetic
- Call by reference
- One-dimesional array - array notation versus pointer notation, and passing a one-dimensional array to a function using pointer notation
- C string and pointers
- Dynamic memory allocation - new, delete, sizeof
- Pointer function
- Sorting by pointers
- Classes
- Declare and create objects
- Object pointers
- Review lecture notes posted on the class website.
- Review lab assignments 1 to 4.