College of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Course Syllabus
Fall 2019 Semester
CECS 277 Object Oriented Application Development

Lecture Number: 5176 (section 5)  Lab Number: 5177 (section 6)
Lecture: MW 10:00 am-10:50 am. VEC 402  Lab: MW 11:00 am- 12:15 am ECS 413
Instructor:Phuong D. Nguyen  Office:  ECS 531 Office hours:
Email: Phone: (562) 860-5497

Course Description

Disciplined methods of design, coding and testing using the Java programming language. Topics include data abstraction, encapsulation, object-oriented design, Java classes, inheritance, interfaces, composition, delegation, polymorphism and design patterns.

Course Objectives

Specific Goals for the Course

The student will be able to:


CECS 274 (or equivalent)

Text Book and Course Materials


Item Weight
2 Midterms
3 Quizzes 6%
Final Exam

Grading Scale:   A  100-90% B 89.9-80% C 79.9-70%  D 69.9-60%  F  59.9-0%. The grade scale may be lowered but it will not be raised.

Tentative Class Schedule


1 Introduction to CECS 277
Class and Object overview
Ch. 8 -Objects and Classes
2 Ch. 9 - Inheritance and Interfaces
3 Ch. 9 - Inheritance and Interfaces
Introduction to pattern design
4 Ch. 12 - Object Oriented Design
5 Pattern design (Factory and Abstract Factory)
6 Pattern design (Singleton and Adapter)
7 Examination #1 Wednesday,October 9
8 Pattern design (Decorator and Command)
9 Ch. 15 - Java Collections Framework
10 Ch. 15 - Java Collections Framework
11 Pattern design (Memento and State)
12 Pattern design (Visitor)
13 Examination #2 (Wed 11/13)
14 Unit testing
15  Pattern design (MVC) Ch 11 - Advanced User Interface (Optional) -
  Final Examination is on Wednesday, December 11, 10:15 am - 12:15 pm

Note:   Selected topics on User Interface Design (chapters 10 and 11) will be disucussed in the class if the time is permitted.

Academic Calendar (Holidays and final exam week)

Fall 2019 Academic days

Labor day: Monday, September 2 (Campus closed)
Veterans Day: Monday, November 11 (campus closed)
Fall break: Wednesday, November 27 (No classes, campus open)
Thanksgiving Holidays (campus closed) Thursday, November 28-Sunday, December 1
Last day of classes: Monday, December 9
Reading day (No classes, campus open): Tuesday, December 10
Final exams: Wednesday, December 11 - Tuesday, December 17

Registration days and deadlines
Class Policies

Examinations, Final and Lab Assignments



Academic Dishonesty

Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. Any individual caught cheating on quizzes, homework, lab projects, or the final exam will be punished to the full extent allowed under University regulations. Plagiarism on papers or assignments is not acceptable and work that is plagiarized will not receive credit. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Note: any time another person’s work is used without giving them proper credit, it is considered plagiarism and cheating. At a minimum, any student caught cheating will receive no credit for the work concerned, and will receive a reduction of one letter grade from their final course grade.
The official CSULB Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism can be found here:

Students with disabilities who need reasonable modifications, special assistance, or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the course instructor. If a student with a disability feels that modifications, assistance, or accommodations offered are inappropriate or insufficient, he/she should seek the assistance from the Disabled Student Services office on the campus. Line to Disabled Student Services:

COE Tutoring Services Available for Major Classes

FREE peer tutoring is available for undergraduate engineering students in specific departmental courses.  Tutoring will be available starting the week of September 4th until the last day of instruction.
During the Fall and Spring semesters, tutors are available: 
• Mondays through Thursdays 9:00 am - 7:00 pm (Drop-in and by appointment)
• Fridays 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (By appointment only) 
All tutoring sessions take place in the Engineering Student Success Center (ESSC) in EN2, Room 300.  Please visit the website for more details:

Food and housing

Any student who is facing academic or personal challenges due to difficulty in affording groceries/food and/or lacking a safe and stable living environment is urged to contact the CSULB Student Emergency Intervention & Wellness Program. The website outlining the resources available is Students can also e-mail or call 562/985.2038. If comfortable, students may reach out to the professor as they may be able to identify additional resources.