CECS 277
Assigned date: 2/17
Due date: 2/22
18 points
1. [2 points] For the following expressions. what is the order of the growth of each?
2. [3 points] Suppose algorithm A takes 5 seconds to handle a data set of 1,000 records. Fill in the following tables, which shows approximate growth of the excution times depending on the complexity of the algorithm.
O(n) |
O(n2) |
O(n3) |
O(n log n) |
O(2n) |
1000 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
2000 |
10 |
can't compute |
3000 |
45 |
... |
10000 |
... |
For example, because 30002 / 10002 = 9, the algorithm would take 9 times long or 45 seconds, to handle a data set of 3000 records.
3. [3 points] What is the growth rate of the standard algorithm to find the minimum value of an arrary? Of finding both the minimum and the maximum.
4. [3 points] Given two arrays of n integers each, describe a O(n log(n)) algorithm for determining whether they have an element in common.
5. [4 points] Write a program to sort an array list of strings by increasing length. Hint: Use a Comparator.
6. [3 points] Determine the O notation of the insertion sort algorithm discussed in the class.