CECS 277
Assigned date: Monday 8/26
Due date: Wednesday 9/4
30 points
- Be Familar with classes and objects
- Be able to design a class for a given problem
- Design a functional and efficient methods
- Choose appropriate data representations
- Read chapter 8 - Classes and objects
- Read the javadoc note posted on the class website
Create a class called Rational for performing arithmetic operations with Rationals. The class Rational must have the following data members, contructors and methods:
- Data members:
int numerator
int denominator
- Constructors
Default-argument constructor
Two-argument constructor to initialize numerator and denominator
- Accessors (Getters)
public int getNumerator() - return the numerator
public int getDenominator() - return the denominator
- Modifiers (Setters)
public void setNumerator(int value) - set the numerator to value
public void setDenominator(int value) - set the denominator to value
- public inputRational()
Input the numerator and the denominator from the keyboard
- public String toString()
return a string in the form numerator/denominator
- private int gcd(int m, int n) - return the greatest common divisor
int r;
while(n != 0)
{ r = m % n;
m = n;
n = r;
return m;
- Add two Rational numbers
pubic void add(Rational, r1, Rational r2)
- Subtract two Rational numbers
public Rational sub(Rational r)
- Multiply two Rational numbers
public void mul(Rational r1,Rational r2)
- Divide two Rational Numbers
public Rational div(Rational R)
- Return the real value or Rational r1 divided by Rational r2
public static double divToDouble(Rational r1,Rational r2)
Write a main method to test the class Rational. All the Rational objects should must be reduced by using the greatest common denominator.
- Input Rational object R1
- Input Rational object R2
- Add the Rational objects R1 and R2 and store the result in the Rational object R3. Display the result in the following Rormat:
numerator/demoninator + numberator/denominator = numerator/denominator.
- Subtract the Rational object R2 Rrom the Rational object R1 and store the result in the Rational object R3. Display the result in the following format:
numerator/demoninator - numberator/denominator = numberator/denominator.
- Multiply the Rational object R1 with the Rational object R2 and store the result in the object R3. Display the result in the following format:
numerator/demoninator * numberator/denominator = numberator/denominator.
- Divide the Rational object R1by the Rational object R2 and store the result in the object R3. Display the result in the following format:
numerator/demoninator / numberator/denominator = numerator/denominator.
- Display the result or dividing the object R1 by the object R2 in a real number.
- Change the numerator or object R1 to 2
- Change the denominator or object R2 to 5
- Display the numerator or R1 and the denominator or R2 in the following format:
Numerator: ______
Denominator: _____
Grading requirements
- A hard copy or your designing classes.
- Document your program with Javadoc and other comments
- Demonstrate the result to the instructor
- Submit the lab assignment including the main method to the Beachboard.