CECS 277

Assigned date: Wed 9/12
Due date: Wed 9/19
50 points



Payroll System Using Inheritance and Polymorphism

1. Implement an interface called EmployeeInfo with the following constant variables:

2. Implement an abstract class Employee with the following requirements:

3. Implement a class called Staff extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:

Implelment a class Education with the following requirements:

Implement a class Faculty extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:

Implement a class called Partime extending from the class Staff with the following requirements:

mplement a test driver program that creates a one-dimensional array of class Employee to store the objects Staff, Faculty and Partime.

Using polymorphism, display the following outputs:

a. Employee information using the method toString

b. Total monthly salary for all the part-time staff .
c. Total monthly salary for all employees.
d. Display all employee information ascending by employee id using interface Comparer
e. Display all employee information descending by last name using interface Comparable
f. Duplicate a faculty object using clone. Verify the duplication.

Test Data


  1. Last name:  Allen
    First name: Paita
    ID: 123
    Sex: M
    Hire datee: 2/23/2018
    Hourly rate: $50.00
  2. Last name: Zapata
    First Name: Steven
    ID: 456
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 7/12/2004
    Hourly rate: $35.00
  3. Last name:Rios
    First name:Enrique
    ID: 789
    Sex: M
    Hire date: 6/2/2014
    Hourly rate: $40.00


  1. Last name: Johnson
    First name: Anne
    ID: 243
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 4/27/2018
    Level: Full
    Degree: Ph.D
    Major: Engineering
    Reseach: 3
  2. Last name: Bouris
    First name: William
    ID: 791
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 3/14/2015
    Level: Associate
    Degree: Ph.D
    Major: English
    Reseach: 1
  3. Last name: Andrade
    First name: Christopher
    ID: 623
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 5/22/98
    Level: Assistant
    Degree: MS
    Major: Physical Education
    Research: 0


  1. Last name: Guzman
    First name: Augusto
    ID: 455
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 8/10/87
    Hourly rate: $35.00
    Hours worked per week: 30
  2. Last name: Depirro
    First name: Martin
    ID: 678
    Sex: F
    Hire date: 9/15/97
    Hourly rate: $30.00
    Hours worked per week:15
  3. Last name: Aldaco
    First name: Marque
    ID: 945
    Sex: M
    Hire date: 11/24/2012
    Hourly rate: $20.00
    Hours worked per week: 35


Monday Monday 9/17

Check the implementation of all classes and item a.

Wed  9/19

Check items b, c, d, and e.