CECS 277
Assigned date: 8/27
Due date: 9/8
40 points

Payroll System Using Inheritance and Polymorphism

1. Implement an interface called EmployeeInfo with the following constant variables:

2. Implement an abstract class Employee with the following requirements:

3. Implement a class called Staff extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:

Implelment a class Education with the following requirements:

Implement a class Faculty extending from the class Employee with the following requirements:

Implement a class called Partime extending from the class Staff with the following requirements:

Implement a test driver program that creates a one-dimensional array of class Employee to store the objects Staff, Faculty and Partime.

Using polymorphism, display the following outputs:

a. Employee information using the method toString

b. Total monthly salary for all the part-time staff .
c. Total monthly salary for all employees.
de. Display all employee information in ascending order by employee id.
e. Display all employee information in descending order by last name.
f. Duplicate a Faculty object. Test the duplication.

Test Data


  1. Last name:  Allen
    First name: Paita
    ID: 123
    Sex: M
    Birth date: 2/23/59
    Hourly rate: $50.00
  2. Last name: Zapata
    First Name: Steven
    ID: 456
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 7/12/64
    Hourly rate: $35.00
  3. Last name:Rios
    First name:Enrique
    ID: 789
    Sex: M
    Birth date: 6/2/70
    Hourly rate: $40.00


  1. Last name: Johnson
    First name: Anne
    ID: 243
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 4/27/62
    Level: Full
    Degree: Ph.D
    Major: Engineering
    Reseach: 3
  2. Last name: Bouris
    First name: William
    ID: 791
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 3/14/75
    Level: Associate
    Degree: Ph.D
    Major: English
    Reseach: 1
  3. Last name: Andrade
    First name: Christopher
    ID: 623
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 5/22/80
    Level: Assistant
    Degree: MS
    Major: Physical Education
    Research: 0


  1. Last name: Guzman
    First name: Augusto
    ID: 455
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 8/10/77
    Hourly rate: $35.00
    Hours worked per week: 30
  2. Last name: Depirro
    First name: Martin
    ID: 678
    Sex: F
    Birth date: 9/15/87
    Hourly rate: $30.00
    Hours worked per week:15
  3. Last name: Aldaco
    First name: Marque
    ID: 945
    Sex: M
    Birth date: 11/24/88
    Hourly rate: $20.00
    Hours worked per week: 35