(maximum possible points=40)



(one or more major problems)



(one or two minor problems)



(no problems)


Statement of the Problem, Background, and Literature Review (6 points)


Little or no information on topic, problem, background; literature review not relevant to topic


Sufficient information on topic, problem or background; adequate literature review on topic


Abundant information on topic, problem, or background; literature review elucidates topic


Research Hypothesis, definitions of variables, and measurement

(6 points)



No hypothesis stated or is not related to topic; variables not defined; no measurement definitions


At least one hypothesis or relationship between variables is stated; variables are defined; measurement definitions are given


Several hypotheses or relationships between variables are stated; variables are defined; measurement definitions are given


Research design and strategy; threats to internal and external validity (6 points)


No research design or wrong design for problem;

No discussion of validity and/or reliability or discussion is incorrect


Adequate research design selected and discussed; validity and reliability addressed adequately


Research design is justified; reliability and validity concerns are correctly identified and addressed


Sampling, data collection, and ethics (6 points)


No sampling design or data collection instruments or inappropriate for research design; data collection unclear or not appropriate; no ethics considerations


Sampling design and data collection instruments are adequate; data collection strategy is adequate; ethics are considered


Sampling design is justified; data collection instruments are completely developed; data collection strategy has considered possible problems and solutions


Data analysis and statistical tests; conclusions, problems with the research, and recommendations

(6 points)


No data analysis plans; wrong statistics selected; no conclusions, problems or recommendations


Data analysis plans are adequate; correct statistical methods selected; has a conclusion, discusses possible problems and recommendations


Data analysis plans are justified; correct statistical methods selected and displayed; discusses conclusions, identifies problems, and makes recommendations


Annotated Bibliography (at least 10 references) using APA format

(3 points)


Annotated bibliography is missing; has fewer than 10 references; references are not annotated; does not use APA format


Annotated bibliography has 10 references; annotations are adequate; uses APA format


Annotated bibliography has more than 10 references with well-written annotations using APA format


Presentation, format, required elements (Title page, table of contents, abstract, body of prospectus, references, appendices if any) (3 points)


Does not follow presentation format or elements are missing or out of order; paper is sloppy, pages are missing; font too large or margins too large;


Follows presentation format; required elements are present; paper is neat, uses accepted margins and font size; no excess pages;


Follows presentation format; required elements are present; paper is neat, uses accepted margins and font size; no excess pages; easy to read


Grammar, spelling, syntax, vocabulary (4 points)


Has five errors per page on five or more pages


Has fewer than five errors per page on all pages


Has only occasional errors on any page