Martin Brenner's, Pilot Balloon Resources 


AШT (ASHT) Aeorological Theodolite (pibal theodolite)

This AШT Aerological theodolite was produced in Russia.  This theodolite produced in 1984  appears to be a successor to the other AШT theodolite on this site.  Including switches for internal selectable filters and the finder telescope, scales viewable through the eyepiece.  Differences are that this theodolite lacks a gun site for rough aiming, the compass is detachable and the presence of 10 part vernier scales replacing the direct reading scales of the previous model.  


image of awt theodolite front image of awt theodolite back
This theodolite is very similar to the CFJ-IIB theodolite that was produced in China for Weather Measure  with the exception of the internal filter selection and the use of incandescent lamps as opposed to LED's in the Chinese instrument.  Likely the Chinese theodolite is derivative of this model.  

This model theodolite was imported and used as the base platform for the Windsway Windreader Electronic Theodolite during the Windreader's brief production run.


Drive Type Friction/Worm Compass Yes (detachable)
Display Type To .1 degree
(viewed in eyepiece)
Levels 1, body, bubble tube
Main Telescope 40 mm 20x Mounting Tribrach
Finder Telescope 10mm 4x
single eyepiece
Illumination 2, 3 Volt incandescent, scales
Gun Site NO Weight 3.5 kg