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Lydia E. Sondhi, Ph.D.

Department of Family and Consumer Sciences:   Consumer Affairs 

Family and Consumer Sciences FA-10
California State University Long Beach
(562) 985-4370ÝoffÝÝ (562) 985-4414 fax
ÝOffice Hours for Fall 1997:
T/TR          2:00-3:00

Contemporary Housing/ FCS 222 (linked to course page)
Psychological, funcitonal, technical and aesthetic concepts as they relate to individuals and fmilies
in housing environments (Lecture-activity 3 hours)

Family and Consumer Resource Management/ FCS 321 (will link to course page)
Prerequisites: Upper-division standing.  Basic management principles applied to personal and
famiily settings.  The role of values, goal formation, decision-making, planning, implementing,
and evaluation of managerial behavior in diverse family and cultural settings are examined.
(Lecture-discussion  3 hours)
 Family Housing and the Urban Community/ FCS 322(will link to course page)
Prerequisites:  Upper-division standing.  Critical analysis of family housing in the urban community including aspects of shelter, city and service providers.  Sociological, psychological, legislative, economic and technical factors are investigated.  Special attention is given to families of various structures and socioeconomic background. (Discussion 3 hours)

Housing Policies:  Public and Private/ FCS 422 (will link to course page)
Prerequisitites:  Upper division standing.  Federal, state, and local policies, programs and legislation concerning houisng and urban development.  Analysis of the housing industry and its influlence on the consumer market. (Discussion 3 hours)

International Housing/ FCS 428 (will link to course page)
Prerequisites:  Upper division standing.  Theories and solutions of family housing in urban and rural communities throughout the world. (Discussion 3 hours)

Education & Background:

B.S. in Housing and Interior Design 1970 Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia
M.S. in Housing and Interior Design  1972 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Ph.D. in Housing Interior Design
1978 Univeristy of Missouri, Columbia
Teaching Background:
Graduate Teaching  
Assistant, Housing and Interior Design
1970-72 Oklahoma State University, 
Instructor, Interior Design 1973-76  
William Woods College,  
Fulton, Mo.
Graduate Teaching  
Assistant, Housing and Interior Design
1973-76 University of Missouri,  
Assistant Professor 
Housing and Interior Design
1983-85 University of Missouri,  
Associate Professor, Environmental Factors: Interiors 1985-94 California State University,  
Long Beach
Associate Professor,  
Interior Design
1994-96 California State University,  
Long Beach 
Associate Professor,  
Family and Consumer Sciences: Consumer Affairs
California State University,  
Long Beach 
Professional Background:
The Brass Box
1980-85 A retail  design business with 
design studio
Interior Design Consultant,  
JLS Design
Interior design consulting including 
space planning for new and renovation planning, 
specification, lighting, green design

Research Interests:

Green Design
Environmental consciousness is increasinly an issue that is confronting each of us but specifically is important for those whose professional decisions can and do impact the environment as well as the health.  For the design professions, the issue concerns the choices of building and interior finish materials that are used to build the environment; for the mechanical engineer, the issue is the specification of the appropriate HVAC system;  for the consumer, the issue concerns maintenance of the built environment.  Designers are ethically responsible for  the health, safety, and welfare of their clients

Publications & Honors:

Baker, I., Sondhi, L.E. (1990). "Entry -level competencies and attributes needed by interior design
graduates: A survey of top interior design firms".  Journal for Interior Design Education and Research.  15(2):35-40.
Lee, D.N., Sondhi, L.E. (1990). "Built-in closets and storage inKorean apartments". Journal of
Korean Home Management Association, 8(1): 17-22.
Walsh, L.M., Toma, R.B., Tuveson, R.V., Sondhi. (1990). "Color Preferences and food
choice among children".  Journal of Psychology. 124(6), 645-653.
Sondhi, L.E., Stanley, S. (1990). "Southern California professionals speak out:  Textile
competencies for interior designers".  Journal for Interior Design Education and Research. 16(1),

Conference Presentations and Proceeding Publications:
Baker, I., Sondhi, L.E. (1990). "Entry-level competencies and attributes needed by interior
design graduates".  IDEC International conference, April 19, 1990, San Francisco, Ca.
Kellett, Carol, Sondhi, L.E., Baker, I. (1990). "Competencies needed by interior designers".
AHEA national conference, June 26, 1990, Austin Texas.
Sondhi, L.E., Toma, R. (1990). "Dual Worker Marriages".  Presentation to joint meeting of the South
Coast and Orange County California Home Economics Association, February 20, 1990.
Sondhi, L.E., Buddharuksa, B. (1994). "Lighting Demonstration Model". IDEC International
conference, April, 1994, Austin, Texas.
Cooper, L., Sondhi. (1995). "Designers' and carpet  manufacturers' knowledge and professional
applicaiton of infoion related to sick uilding syndrome, ilding relted illneses, and volatile organic compounds".  Presentation to regional conference of IDEC, November 11, 1995, Portland, Oregon.
Read, M., Sondhi, L. (1995). "Administrative factors of pre-school design".  Poster presentation to
National Family and Child Studies Conference, November 15, 1995, Portland, Oregon.
Sondhi, L. (1996). "Green Resource and Handbook". Presentation  to International IDEC conference,
Denver, Colorado, April, 1996.

Honors, Academic Distinctions, Fellowships, Grants:
Omicron Nu, 1972
Phi Upsilon Omicron, 1972
Delegate to Delphi Conference, 1974: AHEA, Lake Placid, New York
SCAC Grant, 1986: 3 units of release time and $750.00 for "Dual-worker marriages: therir real and
potential impact on the marketplace".
NCIDQ passage, 1987
CSULB ACS Computer grant, 1989
Baron's Who's Who in Interior Design, 1989, 1990, 1991
CSULB ACS Computer grant, 1990
Baron's Iernational Who's Who in Interior Design, 1992-93
IES Library Grant: $4,500 worth of library materials received as a competitive grant from Illuminating
Engineering Society, 1994.
California Certified Interior Designer (CCID), 1992:  #3948
TEAM Grant, 1995:  $5,000 grant for "Interactive Multimedia Project: Interior Design Resource Library".

Current Professional Memberships:
Interior Design Educators' Council, 1985-present

Related Web Site Resources


Multimedia Development
Interior Design

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last updated: 10/18/97

©1997 - This page was developed in electronic form and made available on-line by: Dr.Lydia Sondhi, Family and Consumer  Sciences, FIT: Faculty Integrating Technology - a program sponsored by CSULB New Media Center and the University Library.