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Welcome to Yokohama Chinatown

Image of Zenrinmon- from http://www.j-area2.com/hama/index.html

History of Yokohama

Yokohama's name is derived from the wide swath of shoreline that winds along the coast, creating a beach that separates the city from the breaking waves of the ocean. Beginning as a small village of 600 inhabitants, Yokohama's shift to becoming a metropolitan city was triggered by the opening of its port to foreign trade in 1859. Since then, Yokohama has functioned as Japan's window to the world, receiving and disseminating new cultural ideas from foreign countries. In 1872, a railway was opened up between Yokohama (at present day Sakurakimachi Station) and the Shimbashi area in Tokyo. By 1889, Yokohama city proper could only be considered a total area of approximately 5km2. But in the years following, up until 1939, Yokohama began merging with neighboring areas, reaching its present day size of 435km2.

History of Yokohama Chinatown

China Town  - http://www.yocsob.com/act/

這邊幕府的末期,1859年橫濱的港拉開了的時候,這裡中華街附近被稱作為橫濱新田。現在的南門絲綢之路,開港道,長安道被認為是那個田間小道的惜別。向(以)港口城市橫濱世界各地的人們訪問,從中國的廣東·上海等眾多的人也來。是廣東被認為是華僑的故鄉,從以前到海外送出人們的土地。很多橫濱華僑的廣東的出身(生),現在中華街粵菜也多的是這個緣故。 開港當時西洋人上明白日語,日本人關於西洋的言詞和買賣幾乎沒有知識。另一方面,在香港·廣東·上海的西洋商行工作的中國人西洋的言詞能說,又與日本用漢字能了筆談。為此中國人站立在西洋人和日本人間,用生絲和茶的貿易完成了中人的作用。同時,華僑貿易商作為中華料理的材料香港出口,從台灣進口糖,支撐了貿易港橫濱的熱鬧北海道產的鮑魚,海帶等的海產物。 1910年時候的 關隘帝誕的祭(橫濱開 港資料館)華僑經營了的僅僅上貿易和飯菜店。在西方式建築的建築,油漆塗飾,西洋家具和鋼琴的製造,歐文印刷,西式裁剪等,當時尖端領域華僑活躍了。從很早日本人在中華街也生活,以互相的往返中新的技術是向日本人被傳授的。中華街的歷史上平坦。由於關東大震災街崩潰產生了多數的犧牲者。又也有日本和中國的戰爭的時代。儘管如此在這個街華僑持續生活。戰後的混亂期,人們購買暖的食物來的這裡是中華街。

China Town - http://www.yocsob.com/act/

Chinatown, or Chukagai in Japanese, is a fun place for dining, shopping or just walking around. Chinese people started settling in Yokohama in the mid-1800s when Japan opened its doors to international trade. Since then Yokohama's Chinatown has blossomed into the country's largest Chinese community. The area comprises one major street, dozens of cross-streets and alleys, and is home to over 100 restaurants, most serving Cantonese cuisine. There are also many colorful and exotic shops overflowing with Chinese goods, books, souvenirs and even Chinese medicines. Most restaurants are open from 11am to 9pm. Some close Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, but Chinatown is always abuzz with shoppers and hungry diners and something is always open.


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