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EDUCATION: She received a B.A. cum laude from Mount Holyoke Collegein Massachusetts, majoring in philosophy, a Ph.D. in philosophy from Temple University, Philadelphia, specializing in philosophy of art, and a J.D. cum laude from Georgetown University, where she specialized in art law.
TEACHING: She was awarded a Fulbright Scholar Award to lecture at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, in Fall 2007. In her teaching at CSU Long Beach from 1990-2010, she was named "Most Valuable Professor," College of Liberal Arts, in May 2000, and she received the University-wide "Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award" for 1998-99. She developed a new Pre-Law Program in Philosophy in 1994, with several new courses, including an interdisciplinary/human diversity course on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in American Law, an interdisciplinary course on Law, Philosophy, and the Humanities and a Pre-Law Philosophy Internship. In spring 1998, she taught a course in Philosophy of Art entirely on the Internet, with students from CSULB, New York City, and Brazil. She also taught courses on Computer Ethics, Assisted Suicide, Philosophy of Law, Diversity in Criticism and Analysis of the Arts, a graduate seminar in Teaching Philosophy, Pragmatism, Introduction to Ethics, and Criticism and Analysis of Dance. She has taught at Black Hawk College, Community College of Philadelphia, George Mason University, Manor College, Temple University, Tyler School of Art, and University of California-Riverside.
RESEARCH: Her primary research interests are philosophical problems presented by art law, especially freedom of expression for artists and intellectual property. She also works on philosophical problems of dance. She has received grants to support her work from the American Bar Association, Commission on College and University Legal Studies; the National Endowment for the Humanities; and the Non-Profit Sector Research Fund of the Aspen Institute.
ETHICS Julie C. Van Camp Wadsworth/Cengage January 2013 |
Ethical Issues in the Courts
Julie Van Camp Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. August 2000 |
Ethical Issues in the Courts
2nd ed. Julie C. Van Camp Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. April 2005 |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings, 8th ed. Jeffrey Olen, Julie C. Van Camp, Vincent Barry Wadsworth/Thomson Learning April 2004 |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings,
9th ed. Jeffrey Olen, Julie C. Van Camp, Vincent Barry Wadsworth/Thomson Learning March 2007 |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings, 10th ed. Julie C.Van Camp, Jeffrey Olen, Vincent Barry Wadsworth/Cengage January 2010 |
Ethics: A Text with Readings, 11th ed. Julie C. Van Camp, Jeffrey Olen, Vincent Barry Wadsworth/Cengage January 2014 |
"Martha Graham's Legal Legacy," Dance
Chronicle 30:1 (January 2007), 67-99. abstract
“A Pragmatic Approach to the Identity of Works of Art,” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20:1 (2006), 42-55. abstract
Thought: For (Mostly) Men Only? Does It Matter?" SWIP-Pacific, UCLA, May 6, 2006
The Unbearable Erosion of Common Goods: Copyright Extension and Eldred v. Ashcroft," Philosophy in the Contemporary World 12:2 (Summer 2005), 62-67. abstract
Revisited," Contemporary
Aesthetics, Vol. 2 (2004) (blind-reviewed on-line journal).
"Female-Friendly Departments: A Modest Proposal for Picking Graduate Programs in Philosophy," American Philosphical Association Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 03:02 (Spring 2004), pp. 116-120.
"Computer Ethics: Codes, Commandments, and Quandries" CobolReport.Com, October 2001.
"Hybrid Courses in Philosophy: The Best of Both Worlds," American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 2000:2 (Spring 2001), pp. 73-75.
"Philosophy: What can you do with it? What can you do without it!" CobolReport.Com, January 2001.
"Making Philosophy Matter for our Students," Showcase: Faculty Teaching, CSULB, Fall 1999
"How Ontology Saved Free Speech in Cyberspace," Proceedings, World Congress of Philosophy, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1998.
"National Endowment for the Arts: Historical Survey." Vol. 3: 332-335. "National Endowment for the Arts: Controversies." Vol. 3: 335-338. "The Ontology of Dance." Vol. 3: 399-402. Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Edited by Michael Kelley. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
"Teaching Philosophy of Art On-Line," American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 98:1 (Fall 1998), pp. 30-32.
"Teaching about Law through Technologies," Focus on Law Studies XIII (Fall 1997): pp. 4, 12 (Division for Public Education of the American Bar Association).
"The Philosopher in the Dance Department," American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter XVI (Winter 1997): 1-3.
"Indecency on the Internet: Lessons from the Art World," 1996-97 Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook (Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1996): 255-275. (91.3KB)
"Philosophy of Dance" (Essay-Review), Dance Chronicle XIX (Winter 1996): 347-357.
"Freedom of Expression at the National Endowment for the Arts: An Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Education," Journal of Aesthetic Education XXX (Fall 1996): 43-65. abstract
"Non-Verbal Metaphor: A Non-Explanation of Meaning in Dance," British Journal of Aesthetics XXXVI (April 1996): 177-187. abstract
"The Colorization Controversy," The Journal of Value Inquiry XXIX (December 1995): 447-468. abstract
"Judging Aesthetic Value: 2 Live Crew, Pretty Woman, and the Supreme Court," 1995-96 Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook (Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1995): 125-135. (44KB)
"The Philosophy of Art Law," Metaphilosophy XXV (January 1994): 60-70. abstract
"Creating Works of Art from Works of Art: The Problem of Derivative Works," The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society XXIV (Fall 1994): 209-222. abstract
"Copyright of Choreographic Works," 1994-95 Entertainment, Publishing and the Arts Handbook (Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1994): 59-92. (106KB)
"Dance Criticism by Croce, Denby, and Siegel," Dance Research Journal XXIV (Fall 1992): 41-44. (25.1 KB)
"The Humanities and Dance Criticism," Federation Review IX (January/February 1986): 14-17 (19.3KB)
"International Encyclopedia of Dance" and "Footnotes," Humanities (February 1983): 3-4.
"The Multiple
Media of Dance," Dance History Scholars Annual Conference, February
Philosophical Problems of Dance Criticism (Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981) Paperback Kindle
"Anti-Geneticism and Critical Practice in Dance," Dance Research Journal XIII (Fall 1980): 29-35 (54.2KB)
"Aesthetics and the Law of Historic Preservation," American Society for Aesthetics Annual Meeting, October 1980
"Philosophical Issues of Dance History," Dance History Scholars Annual Conference, February 1980
"Is Favoring
Women and Blacks in Employment and Educational Opportunities
Unjustifiably Discriminatory?" American Philosophical
Association-Eastern Meetings, December 1972
John Dewey's Notion of
Qualitative Thought, 1969, 2014
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: She was a member of the Program Committee for the American Philosophical Association--Pacific Division (1996-99; 1999-2002; 2003-2006). She also was a member of the National APA Committee on Philosophy and Law (2001-2004), and then Chair of this Committee (2006-2009). She was chair of the Executive Committee of the Pacific Division of the American Philosophical Association (2009-2012), the Conference Coordinator and Program Chair for the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics/Pacific Division and a member of the Program Committee for the 1997 National Meeting of the ASA. She was the Program Chair for the Pacific Division of the Society for the Philosophical Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA) from 2001-2010. She was previously a member of the national Board of Trustees of the ASA (1999-2002) and the Board of Editorial Consultants for the Journal of Aesthetic Education.
Her Web project, "Freedom of Expression at the National Endowment for the Arts", on-line since March 1996, was cited by the American Bar Association as an "Exemplary" project, by the Encyclopedia Britannica Internet Guide as "Exceptional," and by the Britannica-Newsweek Internet Guide as "Superior." She has spoken extensively on free speech issues at NEA and on the Internet, at the University of Louisville School of Law, Mount Holyoke College, the World Congress of Philosophy, the National Council for Social Studies, the Commission on College and University Legal Studies, the University of Redlands, the American Philosophical Association, and the American Society for Aesthetics. She was Academic Advisor on the CultureShock web site at WGBH and is a member of the National Advisory Board of the Free Expression Policy Project at the National Coalition Against Censorship..
As Founding Chair of the Committee on Aesthetics and Higher Education of the American Society for Aesthetics (1993-96), she organized forums for the ASA National Meeting on "Discipline-Based Art Education and Higher Education," "Aesthetic Learning," and "Technology and Teaching in Aesthetics". She organized several programs for the Southern California Philosophy Conference: "Teaching with Technology in Philosophy" (1996), "Intersegmental Cooperation" (1997), "Philosophy Pre-Law Programs" (1998), and "The Undreariness of Aesthetics" (1999).
<>Since 1995, she has made numerous presentations on aesthetics for institutes sponsored by the Getty Education Institute for the Arts, the Keck Foundation, and local school districts and art museums in El Segundo, Fresno, Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, and Torrance, California, and Tempe, Arizona. She presented workshops on "Teaching with Technology: Focus on the Humanities" for the CSULB Faculty Development Center. For Academic Computing Services, she presented workshops on "Adding Value to Your Courses with the World Wide Web" and "Web Page Construction with Netscape Composer". For the CSU Institute on Teaching and Learning, she presented a workshop on Teaching with Technology. Her talk on "What Can You Do with Philosophy? What Can You Do Without It!" is available here on-line.PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Although her interests in the law have always been philosophical and theoretical, she was admitted to the District of Columbia Bar in 1980 and to the State Bar of California in 1986. She is a member of the American Philosophical Association, the Society for Women in Philosophy, the American Society for Aesthetics, the British Society for Aesthetics, the Congress on Research in Dance, and the Dance Critics Association.
PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Before joining the CSULB faculty in 1990, she was the Associate Director of the University of California Humanities Research Institute (1987-90) (working for the Founding Director, the late Murray Krieger), Director of Sponsored Research/Research Administration at California State University, Los Angeles (1985-87), a Program Officer at the National Endowment for the Humanities (1977-85), and a Management Intern at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC (1975-77). She.retired from CSULB in July 2010
NOTE: I take academic and professional honesty very seriously. If you notice typos or other errors in the biographical information here or on my CV, above, please let me know:
Faculty Page: CSULB
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Last updated: May 23, 2014