

The champion sits on the right;

            he dies so that people may be saved.

The challenger sits on the left;

            he falls so that people may be saved.


Brothers, sons of the same father--

            forsaking all else,

charged with liberation,

            their father’s sacrificial offerings.


Brothers, warriors of the same lord--

            the anointed prince, the champion, destined for fame,

chosen to battle the adversarial horde and its head,

            the appointed prince, the challenger, fated to doom.


Grace for the champion--

            obey or be condemned;

for the challenger, none-- 

            join with me and know us both.


The demiurgic façade



The serpent in the garden



and this unhappy news.

Have we confused

challenger and champion?

Or is there no redeemer in our midst?

This page last updated 4/25/05.