1) General Questions
* What is the approximate number of stars in our Milky Way galaxy?
* What is a light year?
* What is arcdegree, arcminute and arcsecond? How are they related.
* Au = ? miles, Km, meter.
* What is the proper way to write 2494x10^9 and 0.0000012x10^-14.
* Use question 6 and divide the first number by the second number.
* Add 2.9x10^15+.009x10^-14+2000
* Add 2.9x10^11-2555+9x10^5
* What is the approximate diameter of our MWG.
* What kind of force is holding you together?
* What is the speed limit in our universe?
* The nearest star to our sun is ____
* If one could travel near this speed limit, how long would it take you to go our nearest stars.
* One LY= ? AU, ? km.
* Suppose I parked my Martian car in a garage on Mars. How long will it take for the garauge door to open if I click the door opener here on Earth?
* The radius of the Sun is 100 times the radius of the Earth. How many Earth would it take to fill out the Sun.
* What is the relation between distance and time?
* What is a light year
* What is an astronomical unit?
* How long does it take for sunlight to reach us?
* What is Latitude and Longitude
* What is the daily motion of the stars?
* What are the apparent daily, monthly and yearly motions of the Sun,Moon, and planets?
* What is the relation between the daily motion of the Sun and that of the stars?
* What cycles do the solar day and sidereal day refer to?
* What cycle does the month represent?
* What does the year signify?
* How far apart do eclipse cycles occur?
* What is the cycle of precession of the north celestial pole?
* What is the Latitude and the Longitude of the North-Pole.
* What is the celestial coordinates of the star "Aldebaran"?
* When is the best time of the year to observe Aldebaran?
* What is the Celestial Sphere?
* Why did Pythagoras think the heavenly bodies to be spherical?
* What did Aristotle deduce about the Earth from eclipses?
* Why did Aristotle think that the Earth was stationary in the center of the cosmos?
* What might have led Aristarchus to put the Sun at the center of the cosmos?
* How did Eratosthenes measure the diameter of the Earth?
* How was Hipparchus able to determine the distance to the Moon, discover the precession of the equinoxes, and compile an accurate star catalogue, all without a telescope?
* What is parallax, and how did Ptolemy use it to measure the distance to the Moon?
* How did Ptolemy construct his geocentric cosmology to model the observed motions of the planets?
* What is the difference between astrology, which was also developed by Ptolemy, and astronomy?
* What happened in astronomy from the Fall of Rome until the Renaissance?
* In what ways was the heliocentric model of Copernicus better or worse than the geocentric model of Ptolemy?
* Why did it take more than 50 years for the Copernican hypothesis to be tested by observation?
* How did Copernicus set the scale of the solar system in his model?
* What was the importance of the observations that Tycho made at his observatory?
* What did Tycho deduce from the observation that the comet of 1577 had no discernable parallax?
* How the stars appear to move for an observer at the North-pole?
* How the stars appear to move for an observer at the Equator?
* How the stars appear to move for an observer at CSULB?
* Is the altitude of an observer the same as his Latitude?
* What is the altitude of the star "Aldebaran" at CSULB? (class-handout)
* What the RA and Dec of "Aldebaran" (see the handout)
* What kind of star is the "Aldebaran"
* In what Constallation is the "Aldebaran" ?
* Explain Kepler's first law, second law and the third law.
* Explain Newton's first law, second law and the third law.
* Why is Kepler important in the history of astronomy?
* What were Kepler's laws based on?
* According to Kepler's laws, what is the shape of the orbit of a planet?
* How does the speed of a planet along its orbit vary?
* How did Kepler explain the retrograde motion of Mars?
* How do the speeds of two planets at different distances from the Sun compare?
* Why do planets that are further from the Sun take longer to complete their orbit?
* Does it follow from Kepler's laws that the orbits of the planets are in the same plane?
* How does a body move if no force is acting on it?
* When two objects of different mass collide, is their motion equally affected?
* When a baseball falls toward the Earth, does the Earth fall toward the baseball?
* Is the weight of a baseball the same kind of force that attacts the Moon to the Earth?
* Is the Sun's motion affected by a gravitational pull from the Earth?
* Does the gravitational force between two bodies depend on their distance?
* What is the shape of the orbit of an object under the influence of the Sun's gravity?
* Can an object feel the Sun's gravitational pull but not orbit in an ellipse around it?
* To what situations would you apply Newton's law of gravitation?
* What does the term escape velocity mean?
* What is the Doppler effect?
* If a source of light moves toward you, how do you perceive the light?
* If a source of light moves sideways, maintaining its distance from you, is there any change in the light you receive from it?
2) Overview of the Sky
* What is a constellation?
* If we moved to another part of our galaxy, would we see the same constellations?
* What is the ecliptic?
* What is the Zodiac?
* Why do we see different stars in summer and in winter?
* What is the Sun?
* What is the best way to tell a planet from a star?
* What does it mean to say that two stars have magnitudes 1 and 4?
* Why do stars twinkle?
* What is a galaxy?
* Are we inside a galaxy?
* Why don't we see the stars always in the same position in the sky?
* If a star is seen in the East, will it eventually set in the West like the Sun?
* What is the celestial sphere?
* What is right ascension?
* What is declination?
* What is special about Polaris, the North star?
* What is the declination of Polaris, the North Star?
* What do we mean by the Earth's revolution?
* What is parallax?
* Which objects appear to move more due to parallax, nearby or distant ones?
* How is an astronomical unit defined?
* What is the value of an astronomical unit?
3) Early History of Astronomy
* How old are the earliest astronomical structures known?
* Why did ancient sites have circular stone arrangements?
* What is Stonehenge?
* Why was it important for ancient civilizations to mark the directions where astronomical objects rise and set?
* How can we use astronomy to find out when seasons will change?
* Which astronomical site is the oldest one known?
* What point of view did the ancient Greeks contribute to astronomy?
* Which ancient people first attempted to explain astronomical observations of planet motion?
* In what ways did the ancient Arabs contribute to astronomy?
* How did the ancient Chinese contribute to astronomy?
* Why is Ptolemy important in the history of Astronomy?
* What is the main assumption in a geocentric model?
* [What is the main assumption in a heliocentric model?]
* [Why did Aristotle conclude that the Earth did not revolve around the Sun?]
* Which observed facts seem to support geocentric models?
* As the Earth is moving along its orbit, why don't we "feel" this motion?
* Why don't we feel a "wind" as the Earth moves through space?
* Why don't we see parallax in the stars as the Earth moves?
* What is the retrograde motion of Mars?
* How did geocentric models explain the retrograde motion of Mars?
* [What is a deferent?]
* What is an epicycle?
* Why do we not believe in
Ptolemy's model for the solar system today?
4) Renaissance Astronomy
* What contribution to astronomy was made by Copernicus?
* What is a heliocentric model of the solar system?
* What is a major difference between Copernicus' model and our present ideas?
* What contribution to astronomy was made by Tycho Brahe?
* Why were Tycho's observations of a supernova and a comet important?
* In what way was stellar parallax relevant to Tycho's ideas about the solar system?
* What contribution to astronomy was made by Galileo?
* What kind of telescope did Galileo use?
* What important fact did Galileo observe about Jupiter with his telescope?
* Why was Galileo's observation of Jupiter important?
* What did Galileo discover about the Sun/the Moon?
* Does Venus have phases like
the Moon?
* How would you call the present view we have of the solar system?
* Why is Kepler important in the history of astronomy?
* What was Kepler's relationship with Tycho Brahe?
* What does it mean to say that Kepler's laws are "empirical"?
* How did Kepler arrive at the formulation of his laws?
* According to Kepler's laws, what is the shape of the orbit of a planet?
* Who discovered that the orbits of planets are ellipses?
* Does the speed of a planet along its orbit vary?
* How did Kepler explain the retrograde motion of Mars?
* How do the speeds of two planets at different distances from the Sun compare?
* Why do planets that are further from the Sun take longer to complete their orbit?
* Jupiter is about 5 times as far from the Sun as we are; how long is a Jupiter year?
* Does it follow from Kepler's laws that the orbits of the planets are in the same plane?
* Do Kepler's laws explain the force of gravity between planets?
5) Motion
of Earth & Moon
* What do we mean by the Earth's revolution?
* Is there a difference between a solar and a sidereal day?
* Why is a sidereal day different from a solar day?
* Do stars rise exactly at the same time every day?
* If a star rises at 9:00 pm one day, at what time will it rise the following day?
* What are seasons on Earth due to?
* Why are summer days warmer than winter days?
* What are solstices?
* What are equinoxes?
*[Why is a sidereal year different from a tropical year?]
* What is meant by the precession of the Earth?
* Approximately how large is the Moon?
* How far is the Moon from the Earth?
* How fast does the Moon rotate?
* If you were standing on the Moon, how would you see the Earth?
* Why do we see only part of the Moon during a quarter Moon phase?
* At what time of the day can you see the Moon if it is waxing?
* At what time will a full Moon rise?
* When does a lunar eclipse occur?
* Why is the Moon not totally dark during a lunar eclipse?
* When does a solar eclipse occur?
* When is a solar eclipse annular rather than total?
* What determines whether a solar eclipse is annular or total?
* If a lunar eclipse occurs, from where on Earth can it be seen?
* How long does a total solar eclipse usually last?
* Why aren't there lunar and
solar eclipses every month?