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Physics 20A: Intro to Astronomy by Fix.


Discovering Astronomy Activities Manual and Kit

by Robbins, Jefferys and Shawl

Activities are due in class on Fri June 9th .

Please do any of the following five activities. Everyone must do activity No 13

a) Individually or a maximum of two students per group.

b) Written reports based on these activities are required by each student.

c) All activities must be stapled together with a separate page on the top as follows:

i) Instructor: H.Tahsiri. Course: Physics 20A, Introduction to Astronomy.

ii) Your Name capitalized: Last__________ First___________

iii) Activitiy Numbers: (),(),(),(),(13).

d) Each activity is worth 10 Points.

e) These activities are due in class on Fri June 9th .



Please do the following activities either as an outdoor activities or as a computer projects.

1) Construction and Use of an Astronomical Cross-staff.

2) Construction and Using an Astronomical Quadrant.

3) Measuring Northern Star with Quadrant and Cross-staff.

4) Telescopic Observations of the Sun.(not a computer project)

5) The Diameter of the Sun.(not a computer project)

6) The Diameter of the Moon (Please click here)

7) Mapping the Sky.(or a computer project witht CD planeterium sofware)

8) The Diurnal Motion of the Sun.(or a computer project witht CD planeterium sofware)

9) The Motion of the Sun with respect to Stars.(or a computer project witht CD planeterium sofware)

10) Observing the Sunset Point.(or a computer project witht CD planeterium sofware)

11) The Motion and Phases of the Moon.(not a computer project)

12) The Motion of the Planets.(or a computer project witht CD planeterium sofware)

13) Kepler's Laws ( Please Click here)

14) Earthquakes.(not a computer project)

15) Observing Patterns from Radiation Sourses.(not a computer project)

16) Analyzing Light Sources with Spectrometer.(not a computer project)

17) Observations of Stars, Clusters, and Nebulae throughout the year (Use only CD planeterium sofware)


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