The following flyers were written to let people know about the Puvungna Sacred Site Struggle. We distributed them at various gatherings to keep our supporters up to date. Taken chonologically, the flyers provide a good overview of the history of our strug gle. Sandy McMillan also wrote an excellent series of articles for the Los Altos Neighbor. These are available under Puvungna News. The flyers listed below were written by Gene Ruyle and for the most part distributed as the Peter Carr Peace Center News.
PCPC News, January 28, 1993
Let My People Grow! The Struggle to Save the Organic Gardens
This was our first flyer after the false and misleading Negative Declaration claiming that no cultural resources would be affected by the paving of the Organic Gardens for a Temporary Parking Lot.

PCPC News, April 30, 1993.
Preserve Puvungna! Restore the Organic Gardens
This flyer was put out in preparation for the General Faculty Meeting which was called at the demand of CSULB faculty to discuss Puvungna, the Organic Gardens, and the West Village Center.

Flyer, May 1993
This flyer addresses some of the fiscal issues involved in the plan to lease public land to private developers for a strip mall. It was also put out in preparation for the General Faculty Meeting which was called at the demand of CSULB faculty to disc uss Puvungna, the Organic Gardens, and the West Village Center.

PCPC News, June 7, 1993
Lies, Bribes, and Archaeology
This flyer was put out to address the issue of archaeology after campus officials claimed that they had to destroy the Organic Gardens in preparation for an archaeological survey. It was first distributed on June 8, while the Gardens were being fenced off, and the Indian Prayer Vigil distrupted.

PCPC News, August 31, 1993
ACLU Sues CSULB: Campus officials violate First Amendment
This flyer was prepared to address the legal issues, after the ACLU obtained a Temporary Restraining Order to block both development and archaeology.

Basic Flyer, November 1993-April 1995
Save Puvungna! No Mini Mall on Indian Sacred Site at Cal State Long Beach
This was put out as a general information flyer and widely distributed in 1994 and 1995. It had minor updates and editorial changes during this period. This was the period when the CSU appealed the Preliminary Injunction all the way to the California Supreme Court, and lost at every step.

PCPC News, October 21, 1994
Puvungna Update: Movement to Save Indian Site Still Strong as Trial Date Nears
As the trial date approached, we felt we should distribute information about the time and place of the trial to our supporters.

PCPC News, March 3, 1995
Puvungna 95: New Trial Date Set for June 26
After the trial was postponed and then rescheduled, we put this flyer out to bring our supporters up to date.

PCPC News, April 29, 1995
Puvungna Struggle Continues: Indians vow to appeal unfair court decision . . .
We put this flyer out to let our suporters know about the unfair court decision of April 6.

PCPC News, June 26, 1995
Puvungna Update: June 26, 1995
Another flyer to let our supporters know about the continuing legal battle over the terms of the injunction for the period of the appeal.

PCPC News, August 25, 1995
Puvungna Preserved! For How Long?
This flyer deals with President Maxson's pledge to preserve Puvungna as open space, the removal of the fences and staging area, and the cleanup of the site. However, the legal battle remains as bitter as ever, as CSU attorney's spend hundreds of thous ands of dollars to attack Indian religious freedom.

PCPC News, March 12, 1966
Puvungna 1966: Still Here After Three Years of Stuggle!
This flyer discusses the situation as of March 1966, which hadn't changed from our August 1995 flyer.

This document posted: July 18, 1995.
Last updated Saturday, September 26, 1998.


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