Meeting #17 KPE 237

Lecture: Mid-Term Examination; Lecture on Training Principles
Practical Focus: Backstroke & Diving

Outline: For Pool Activities Lecture #17

FOCUS on Stroke Analysis, Using the Hand Paddles, and Simple Dive Progressions

Meeting #17 KPE 237


Lecture: Mid-Term & Training Principles

Practical Focus: Backstroke.



Outline: For Pool Activities Lecture #17

FOCUS on Stroke Analysis, Using the Hand Paddles, and Simple Dive Progressions


1. Stretch then Warm Up Flutter Kick 2 lengths Front Crawl followed by 2-4 lengths Slow to medium pace Any Stroke
2. Backstroke Flutter Kick 4-6 lengths.
3. Back Crawl arms only 4-6 lengths
4. Back crawl complete stroke sets of 4-6 lengths
5. Back crawl partner analysis
Breaststroke Kick 2-4 lengths
Breaststroke Efficiency
Breaststroke 2X25 or 2x50 timed
6. Simple Dive from Spring Board. (Standing).
7. Springboard Progressions Hurdle Step: Hurdle Step Tuck and straight in.
8. 1 step Hurdle Simple Dive
9. Workout.



Beginners 5x50 swim the 2nd half of the last lap as fast as you can. rest 30secs-1minute.
Intermediate 5 x75 swim the 3rd lap as fast as you can. (res 30 seconds - 1min)
Advanced 5x 100 swim 4th lap as fast as you can. (rest 30 seconds - 1 min if needed).


Beg Int Advanced
1x50 Elem Backstroke
1x50 Breaststroke
1x50 Sidestroke
Training: Fartlek
5 x50 max effort on last half of 2nd lap
1x50 Elem Backstroke
1x50 Breaststroke
1x50 Sidestroke
Training: Fartlek
4 x75 max effort on 3rd
1x100 max effort 4th lap
1x50 Elem Backstroke
1x50 Breaststroke
1x50 Sidestroke
Training: Fartlek
5 x100 max effort on 4th


 2X25 Any Kick (easy)  4 x25 Any Kick (easy)  4 X25 Flutter Kick (easy)
 TOTAL= 450  TOTAL= 650  TOTAL= 750

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Last updated: 3/24/98