Study Guide for Students With Disabilities: KPE 237 Fall 1997

What are the two Physiological benefits of swimming described on page 208. What unique aspects of the swimming environment can benefit people with disabilities?

What are the 4 psychological benefits of the aquatic environment? p 209

Peer-group interaction and Normalization or inclusion are listed as Social Benefits of swimming. What do these terms mean?

How would you modify your teaching of a hearing impaired student?

Note that in teaching of students with visual impairments, the text suggests that the ears of the students should always remain above the water.

What special consideration should you be aware of when teaching students with tactile impairment.

What is Kinesthetic awareness?

What is cognitive disability?

Note the Down syndrome children are mainstreamed into regular aquatics programs.

FYI: Read pages 213-214

Note how for Older People and for Arthritic individuals the temperature of the water is recommended to be higher than normal: 83F and 86-95 respectively.

ASTHMA: Swimming is good for asthma. Controls breathing and Moisture in the air.

Note how swimming is recommended as a rehabilitative exercise however the temperature of the water needs to be factored into the

Diabetics shouldn't swim alone, why?
Fragile Bones (Osteogenesis imperfecta) Note reference to avoiding physical trauma.

Obesity: Precautions no different than for any other exercise. The benefits of an aquatic exercise program may be due to the nature of the water environment.

The SAFETY section: FYI

Note the Rights of PEOPLE with Disabilities on page 218

Mainstreaming: Advantages and Disadvantages. What's your opinion. Be able to argue your viewpoint.
Expanding Opportunities: Are things improving? Yes/No What proof?



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Last updated: 3/23/98