Citing Sources



Electronic Sources: APA Style of Citation

>>>Individual Works<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:

Author/editor. (Year). Title (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available: Supplier/Database identifier or number [Access date].

Author/editor. (Year). Title (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].
Oxford English dictionary computer file: On compact disc (2nd ed.), [CD-ROM]. (1992). Available: Oxford UP [1995, May 27].
Pritzker, T. J. (No date). An Early fragment from central Nepal [Online]. Available: [1995, June 8].
* Write "No date" when the electronic publication date is not available.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author/editor. (Year). Title. In Source (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available: Supplier/Database identifier or number [Access date].
Author/editor. (Year). Title. In Source (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].
Bosnia and Hercegovina. (1995). In Academic American Encyclopedia [Online]. Available: Dow Jones News Retrieval Service/ENCYC [1995, June 5].
* This is an article from an encyclopedia with no author given.
Daniel, R. T. (1995). The history of Western music. In Britannica online: Macropaedia [Online]. Available: [1995, June 14].
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Journal Articles<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:

Author. (Year). Title. Journal Title [Type of medium], volume(issue), paging or indicator of length. Available: Supplier/Database name (Database identifier or number, if available)/Item or accession number [Access date].

Author. (Year). Title. Journal Title [Type of medium], volume(issue), paging or indicator of length. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].

Clark, J. K. Complications in academia: Sexual harassment and the law. Siecus Report [CD-ROM], 21(6), 6-10. Available: 1994 SIRS/SIRS 1993 School/Volume 4/Article 93A [1995, June 13].
Carriveau, K. L., Jr. [Review of the book Environmental hazards: Marine pollution]. Electronic Green Journal [Online], 2(1), 3 paragraphs. Available: gopher:// [1995, June 21].
* This is a reference for a book review; brackets indicate title is supplied.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (Gopher) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.
Inada, K. (1995). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics [Online], 2, 9 paragraphs. Available: [1995, June 21].
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Magazine Articles<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author. (Year, month day). Title. Magazine Title [Type of medium], volume (if given), paging or indicator of length. Available: Supplier/Database name (Database identifier or number, if available)/Item or accession number [Access date].
Author. (Year, month day). Title. Magazine Title [Type of medium], volume (if given), paging or indicator of length. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].
Goodstein, C. (1991, September). Healers from the deep. American Health [CD-ROM], 60-64. Available: 1994 SIRS/SIRS 1992 Life Science/Article 08A [1995, June 13].
Viviano, F. (1995, May/June0. The new Mafia order. Mother Jones Magazine [Online], 72 paragraphs. Available: [1995, July 17].
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Newspaper Articles<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author. (Year, month day). Title. Newspaper Title [Type of medium], paging or indicator of length. Available: Supplier/Database name (Database identifier or number, if available)/Item or accession number [Access date].
Author. (Year, month day). Title. Newspaper Title [Type of medium], paging or indicator of length. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].
Howell, V., & Carlton, B. (1993, August 29). Growing up tough: New generation fights for its life: Inner-city youths live by rule of vengeance. Birmingham News [CD-ROM], p. 1A(10 pp.). Available: 1994 SIRS/SIRS 1993 Youth/Volume 4/Article 56A [1995, July 16].
Johnson, T. (1994, December 5). Indigenous people are now more combative, organized. Miami Herald [Online], p. 29SA(22 paragraphs).Available: gopher:// Herald--Summit-Related Articles/12/05/95--Indigenous People Now More Combative, Organized [1995, July 16].
* This reference gives beginning page and the number of paragraphs; this information is useful if one wishes to refer to material in text references.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Discussion List Messages<<<
Basic forms:
Author. (Year, Month day). Subject of message. Discussion List [Type of medium]. Available E-mail: DISCUSSION LIST@e-mail address [Access date].
Author. (Year, Month day). Subject of message. Discussion List [Type of medium]. Available E-mail: LISTSERV@e-mail address/Get [Access date].
RRECOME. (1995, April 1). Top ten rules of film criticism. Discussions on All Forms of Cinema [Online]. Available E-mail: [1995, April 1].
* Author's login name, in uppercase, is given as the first element.

<liRRECOME. (1995, April 1). Top ten rules of film criticism. Discussions on All Forms of Cinema [Online]. Available E-mail: cinema-l log9504A [1995, August 1].
* Reference is obtained by searching the list's archive.

>>>Personal electronic communications (E-mail)<<<
Basic forms:
Sender (Sender's E-mail address). (Year, Month day). Subject of Message. E-mail to recipient (Recipient's E-mail address)
Day, Martha ( (1995, July 30). Review of film -- Bad Lieutenant. E-mail to Xia Li (

Electronic Sources: MLA Style of Citation

>>>Individual Works<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author/editor. Title of Print Version of Work. Edition statement (if given). Place of publication: publisher, date. Title of Electronic Work. Medium. Information supplier. File identifier or number. Access date.
Author/editor. Title of Print Version of Work. Edition statement (if given). Publication information (Place of publication: publisher, date), if given. Title of Electronic Work. Medium. Information supplier. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
Oxford English Dictionary Computer File: On Compact Disc. 2nd ed. CD-ROM. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1992.
Pritzker, Thomas J. An Early Fragment from Central Nepal. N.D. Online. Ingress Communications. Available: 8 June 1995.
* This is a citation form when the print version is not included in the reference.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Parts of Works<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author/editor. "Part title." Title of Print Version of Work. Edition statement (if given). Place of publication: publisher, date. Title of Electronic Work. Medium. Information supplier. File identifier or number. Access date.
Author/editor. "Part title." Title of Print Version of Work. Edition statement (if given). Publication information (Place of publication: publisher, date), if given. Title of Electronic Work. Medium. Information supplier. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
"Bosnia and Hercegovina." Academic American Encyclopedia. 1995. Academic American Encyclopedia. Online. Dow Jones News Retrieval Service. ENCYC. 5 June 1995.
* This is an article from an encyclopedia with no author given.
* It is not necessary to give place of publication and publisher when citing well-known reference sources.
Daniel, Ralph Thomas. "The History of Western Music." Britannica Online: Macropaedia. 1995. Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Available: 14 June 1995.
* It is not necessary to give place of publication and publisher when citing well-known reference sources.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Journal Articles<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author. "Article Title." Journal Title. Volume.Issue (Year): paging or indicator or length. Medium. Information supplier. Database Name. File identifier or number. Accession number. Access date.
Author. "Article Title." Journal Title. Volume.Issue (Year): paging or indicator or length. Medium. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
Clark, Jeffrey K. "Complications in Academia: Sexual Harassment and the Law." Siecus Report. 21.6 (1993): 6-10. CD-ROM. 1994 SIRS. SIRS 1993 School. Volume 4. Article 93A.
* Access date is not needed when the medium is a CD-ROM.
Carriveau, Kenneth L., Jr. Rev. of Environmental Hazards: Marine Pollution, by Marth Gonnan. Environmental Green Journal 2.1 (1995): 3 pars. Online. Available: gopher:// 21 June 1995.
* This is a reference for a book review.
* For paging information, substitute number of paragraphs, i.e., "3 pars." for three paragraphs in this reference.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (Gopher) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.
Inada, Kenneth. "A Buddhist Response to the Nature of Human Rights." Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2 (1995): 9 pars. Online. Available: 21 June 1995.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Magazine Articles<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author. "Article Title." Magazine Title. Date: paging or indicator or length. Medium. Information supplier. Database Name. File identifier or number. Accession number. Access date.
Author. "Article Title." Magazine Title. Date: paging or indicator or length. Medium. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
Goodstein, Carol. "Healers from the Deep." American Health. Sept. 1991: 60-64. CD-ROM. 1994 SIRS. SIRS 1992 Life Science. Article 08A.
* Access date is not needed when the medium is a CD-ROM.
Viviano, Frank. "The New Mafia Order." Mother Jones Magazine May-June 1995: 72 pars. Online. Available: 17 July 1995.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (HTTP) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Newspaper Articles<<<
Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:
Author. "Article Title." Newspaper Title. Date, Edition (if given): paging or indicator or length. Medium. Information supplier. Database Name. File identifier or number. Accession number. Access date.
Author. "Article Title." Newspaper Title. Date, Edition (if given): paging or indicator or length. Medium. Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File. Access date.
Howell, Vicki, and Bob Carlton. "Growing up Tough: New Generation Fights for Its Life: Inner-city Youths Live by Rule of Vengeance." Birmingham News. 29 Aug. 1993: 1A+. CD-ROM. 1994 SIRS. SIRS 1993 Youth. Volume 4. Article 56A.
* Access date is not needed when the medium is a CD-ROM.
Johnson, Tim. "Indigenous People Are Now More Combative, Organized." Miami Herald 5 Dec. 1994: 29SA. Online. Available: gopher:// Herald--Summit-Related Articles/12/05/95--Indigenous People Now More Combative, Organized. 16 July 1995. 17 July 1995.
* When citing information retrieved on the World Wide Web, it is not necessary to repeat the protocol (Gopher) after "Available" since that is stated in the URL.

>>>Discussion List Messages<<<
Basic forms:
Author. "Subject of Message." Date. Online posting. Discussion List. Available E-mail: DISCUSSION LIST@e-mail address. Access date.
Author. "Subject of Message." Date. Online posting. Discussion List. Available E-mail: LISTSERV@e-mail address/Get. Access date.
RRECOME. "Top Ten Rules of Film Criticism." 1 Apr. 1995. Online posting. Discussions on All Forms of Cinema. Available E-mail: 1 Apr. 1995.

* Author's login name, in uppercase, is given as the first element.

RRECOME. "Top Ten Rules of Film Criticism." 1 Apr. 1995. Online posting. Discussions on All Forms of Cinema. Available E-mail: cinema-l log9504A. 1 Aug. 1995.
* Reference is obtained by searching the list's archive.

>>>Personal electronic communications (E-mail)<<<
Basic forms:
Sender (Sender's E-mail address). "Subject of Message." E-mail to recipient (Recipient's E-mail address). Date of message.
Day, Martha ( "Review of film -- Bad Lieutenant." E-mail to Xia Li ( 30 July 1995.


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