Athiest Links

The top list (in alphabetic order):

  1. Add your own atheism links New!
  2. American Humanist Association
  3. The Atheism web
  4. Internet Infidels (Secularised Web) A great source of secularist wisdom
  5. The archive
  6. Wasteland of Wonders -- Great content, nice layout. New!

Atheist Music

  1. Nazareth
  2. I will not be lead, by Nazareth
  3. My favourite Atheist lyrics

Freethought organizations

  1. Atheist Express
  2. The Atheist Society of Australia
  3. FFRF, Freedom From Religion Foundation
  4. The secular web I really worship this site!!!
  5. Organizations at Infidels
  6. Hedningsamfunnet The Norwegian Heathen Society
  7. The Net Atheists
  8. The Evil Atheist Conspiracy
  9. Atheism Centre, India
  10. National Secular Society, England
  11. Sacramento Freethought site
  12. Atheists and Other Freethinkers
  13. the Atheist Freethought Society
  14. New! 

Humanist organizations (In english)

  1. Corvallis Secular Society New!
  2. My Humanism page
  3. AHA, The American Humanist Association.
  4. BHA, The Brittish Humanist Association. New!
  5. ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union
  6. Institute For First Amendment Studies Exposes and counters the Religious Right New!
  7. Americans United for Separation of Church and State
  8. Council for Secular Humanism (ex. CODESH)
  9. The Humanist Community
  10. IHEU, International Humanist and Ethical Union
  11. Canadian Humanists lots of links and cartoons.
  12. HAC, Humanist association of Canada
  13. Humanist Students - Stanford University student humanists.
  14. Humanists Net - Soft core Atheists New!
  15. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association New!

Humanist organizations (Other languages)

  1. Humanisterna Swedish Humanists
  2. Human-Etiska Föreningen Västerås New!
  3. Human-Etisk Forbund The Norweigan Humanist and Ethical Association
  4. Asociacion Iberoamericana Ético Humanista
  5. HIVOS, Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingsamenwerking

Atheist religions

  1. Virus the contagious religion
  2. I.N.C, International Naturalist Church
  3. Religious Atheism a guide for the complete atheist
  4. Scientific Pantheism
  5. The Swedish Pantheist Society
  6. The Agnostic Church
  7. Deism - They believe in "God", but are they really theists?
  8. Society for Humanistic Judaism
  9. Positivist Church of Brazil New!

Ex Theists

  1. Ex-tian stories Ex christians tell how they became atheists
  2. Walk Away ex fundamentalists
  3. Terror on flight 789 - A true story, believe it or not! New!

Freethought resources

  1. The Humanism Ring at Bomis
  2. The Atheism Ring at Bomis
  3. Atheist Manifesto Not all atheists agree with all of these points
  4. Freethought contacts
  5. Atheist contacts in Sweden
  6. What is Humanism an old presentation of the Swedish Humanists
  7. Celebrity Atheist List notable persons who have stated his\her lack of belief on a god
  8. Famous Dead Non-theists
  9. Random atheist cookies New!
  10. The Cult of Atheism atheist's handbook and some other things
  11. A list of Atheist books
  12. FISH Homepage merchandise for atheists

Atheism FAQ:s

  1. The Atheism web I
  2. FAQs by Category: atheism
  3. Atheism - Usenet FAQs
  4. Atheism - Usenet FAQs different directory

Chat and debate

  1. Reason -- My Message board
  2. Atheist Chats and Message Boards

Critisism of religion and the Bible

  1. Collected arguments from Usenet
  2. The Page of Unreason - Cults and pseudo science
  3. Trancenet -- Cults New!
  4. Some Reasons Why Humanists Reject The Bible
  5. Donald Morgan's Biblical criticisms files
  6. Bible contradictions
  7. More contradictions New!
  8. The true story about the Jesus myth from a historic view
  9. The Bible is probably the best source of xian absurdities
  10. Cygnus Study Great site for critical studies on the historicity of Jesus
  11. Quest for the Historical Jesus New!

Atheist people's atheism pages

  1. Nathan's Atheism Page -- Nice set of arguments
  2. The Hundredth Sheep -- "The one that got away"
  3. Global Village Atheist
  4. Wasteland of Wonders -- "Only Sheep need a shepherd" New!
  5. Stephen Roberts' homepage - Yes, the man behind the famous quote!
  6. Ring of truth select a random atheism page
  7. Become a member of the ring of truth
  8. The Bastard Son of the Lord
  9. Atheist not satanist
  10. Teevie's Little House of Hell
  11. The Thinking Man's Minefield
  12. Niclas Berggren's Homepage
  13. Treebeard's Place
  14. Quinn's Page of Atheism - Formerly "King Tomato's Page of Atheism" New!

Fun anti-religion pages

  1. God's homepage
  2. Top 10 reasons why beer is better than Jesus
  3. Jesus tm vs Windows 95 tm (I think the person having this page is religious)
  4. Jesus' Web Page.
  5. Satire at the Freethought web

Science (not necessary atheist, but disliked by many fundamentalists and secterists)

  1. Evolution entry
  2. The Earthnet Info Server
  3. The geometry forum
  4. National Center for Science Education New!
  5. The archive
  6. CSICOP, The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal
  7. CSER, Committee For The Scientific Examination Of Religion
  8. SETI project
  9. Evolution and Ethics
  10. Mind Matters Review
  11. SIMPOS - Social problems with the Occult New!

God isn't

  1. Fredrik Bendz' proof that god does not exist
  2. Does God love you?
  3. Why the Christian God is Impossible, by Chad Docterman A superb rejection of the xian god - you really should read it.
  4. The Existence of God a very long reading on the existence of god.
  5. He lives - NOT! sarcastic responses to a text- "The existance of god"

Blasphemy/Critisism of religion - Don't say I didn't warn you!

  1. Church of Euthanasia This must be a joke
  2. Blasphemy Vision blasphemous links
  3. Burkey's Page of Blasphemy rants and links
  4. Decapitate an Angel slaughter a religious icon
  5. The Internet Altar of Unholy Blasphemy support the war against christianity...
  6. World Wide Blasphemy fliers, cartoons, art, and other stuff
  7. Why Christians Suck reasons why christians suck


  1. alt.atheism
  2. talk.philosophy.humanism
  3. Evolution/Creationism

Links to links

  1. Free Links For All Page of Reason
  2. American Atheist Express' link page
  3. Golden linksWhat mormonism really is.
  4. Jeff Lowder's atheism links
  5. Krosis's Atheism Resource Page
  6. Waine's Favorite Atheism-Oriented Sites
  7. Many links to friends AND "foes"
  8. TNA links
  9. Atheism links at the Active Portal Project New!
  10. Secular Groups on the World Wide Web
  11. Yahoo : Atheism Index
  12. Yahoo : Humanism index

Pages, for which I take no responsibility (like if I do with the blasphemy pages ;-)

  1. The Christian Answers Homepage
  2. This is a crazy Motherf***er, who looks for signs that the end (harmageddon) is near
  3. The Bible -- Searchable!
  4. Livets Ord -- The word of life (?)
  5. Karisma Center
  6. Svenska kyrkan The Swedish (ex.) State Church New!


  1. The SECHUM-L Mailing List
  2. Was Jesus Gay? New!
  3. Scientific Rationalism New!
  4. Freethought Crossroads New!
  5. Christian Heritage New!The Great Forum -- debates about theism/atheism

Deletion pipeline -- Dead links from great sites

These links will be removed in due time. I keep them here in hope of finding that they haven't been removed, but only moved to another location.
  1. Atheist Code Get your own atheist code!
  2. Atheist chat room
  3. Man is Man Made UK atheist website
  4. How's your Jesus Christ been hanging?
  5. The Online Atheist
  6. Atheism Links links and Encarta's definition of atheism