Philosophy 493/593

Professor: Charles Wallis  Office Phone: (562) 985-4345
Office: MHB 901 Office Hours: M, T, TH 11:15-12:15pm
 Web Page:


Reserve Readings (on reserve in the library)
How We Know What Isn't So by Thomas Gilovich
Epistemology and Cognition by Alvin Goldman
The Science of illusions by Jacques Ninio 

Textbook sources:
Bravobooks Search Engine

Lab Handouts

Back Propagation Lab Handout

Incest Avoidance Mechanisms Handout



Week 1: Introduction to Course
              Classical Epistemology: Overview
                    Readings: Human Knowledge: It's Nature, Sources, and Limits (Course packet)

Week 2: Naturalized Epistemology as a Framework for Epistemology
                    Readings: Goldman's A Causal Theory of Knowing (Course packet)
                    Quine's Naturalizing Epistemology (Course packet)

Week 3: Naturalized Epistemology and It's Critics
                    Readings: Kornblith's What is Naturalistic Epistemology? (Course packet)
                    Kim's What is "Naturalized Epistemology"? (Course packet)

Week 4: Naturalized Epistemology: Internalism vs Externalism
                    Readings: Goldman's The Internalist Conception of Justification (Course packet)
                    BonJour's Externalist Theories of Empirical Knowledge (Course packet)

Week 5: Cognitive Science: Historical Origins
                    Readings: Selection from Howard Gardner

Week 6: Case Study: Epistemology and Cognition
                     Readings: "Part I" Ch 1-6

Week 7: Case Study: Epistemology and Cognition
                    Readings: "Part I" Ch 1-6 cont.
                    "Part II" Ch 9-16   

Week 8: Case Study: Epistemology and Cognition
                   Readings: "Part II" Ch 9-16 cont.

Week 9: Introspection
                    Readings: Nisbett and Ross on Reserve

Week 10: Certainty
                    Readings: reserve article

Week 11: Vision: General Overview and Introduction
                    Readings: Ninio's Ch 1 and Ch 3

Week 12: Vision
                    Readings: Ninio's Ch 4 and selected examples.

Week 13: Reasoning: Introduction
                    Readings: "Introduction" from Necessary Illusions (reserve)
                    "Introduction" from How We Know What Isn't So by Gilovich
                    Ninio's Ch 13
                    Doings: Thursday, November 22nd Thanksgiving Holiday

Week 14: Reasoning
                    Readings: "Seven Deadly Sins" from Necessary Illusions (reserve)
                    "Part One" from How We Know What Isn't So by Gilovich

Week 15: Reasoning
                    Readings: "Part Two" and "Part Three" from How We Know What Isn't So by Gilovich


Grades will be based upon an in class presentation of course materials (15%), a small number of computer labs and experimental recreations (15%), and a final term paper (70%).  Students will be required to participate in recreating one experiment discussed in the course readings.

Cheating and Plagiarism: The CSULB Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism will be followed strictly. (See Fall 2001 Schedule of Classes, pp. 47-48.) Students who have any questions or uncertainty whatsoever about this policy are responsible for meeting individually with the instructor to discuss the policy. Students found to be cheating on any exam, quiz, or other course element will be FAILED for the COURSE and will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs for possible probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Web Resources

I am setting up a web site which will contain the syllabus, lecture slides from lectures already given, links, weekly homework assignments, and past tests. Lecture slides, links, and past tests are not required course material. They are posted solely to further aid students in their studies. However, students often comment upon the usefulness of this material and I strongly encourage students to visit the site at least once.