The Eye |
This lab further reinforces your understanding of the the basic concepts regarding the eye in the images lectures. It also introduces a greater depth of knowledge about the eye and its role in the visual system. After you carefully read this lab you can log on to Beachboard and take the short test. Introduction As you know from class lecture, the visual system starts with the eyes and retina, travels to the lateral geniculate nucleus, to the primary visual cortex, and then to either the dorsal or ventral pathways. In this lab you will read about the eye and retina. You will learn the important cell types, the overall structure of the eye, and their informational and computational role. The Eye and Retina
The eye has two important functions; to gather and focus light reflected or projected from the visual field into an understandable image, and to convert the gathered image into electronic signals for processing. Starting in the front of the eye: The eye's hyaline, crystalline cupola, the cornea, measures only .5mm thick in the average adult. Nevertheless, it has five layers; epithelium, Bowman's membrane, stroma, Descemet's membrane and the endothelium. The cornea both to protects the eye and to supplies two-third's of the eye's refractive capabilities. Though the cornea lacks blood vessels, it surpasses all other bodily organs in its number of nerve endings. Where the cornea ends, the sclera (sometimes called the sclerotic or sclerotic coat) begins. The sclera is the tough white fibrous outer envelope of tissue covering the remainder of the eyeball. In the space between the cornea and the iris, called the anterior chamber,
one finds a clear, watery fluid known as the aqueous humor. The
aqueous humor nourishes the cornea and the lens. Behind the anterior
chamber, dividing the front and back of the eye (posterior chamber), one finds
the iris. To the casual observer, the most striking features of the
iris are its center hole (pupil) and its color. Tiny pigment cells
called melanin provide the iris with a color, texture, and pattern as inimitable
as one's fingerprint. However, the iris' function, to control influx
of light through the pupil in a manner similar to the aperture of a camera, is
controlled by two sets of muscles. The sphincter muscle runs around the edge of the
pupil and contracts in bright light so as to constrict (narrow) the pupil. The dilator muscle runs radially through the
iris and dilates (widens) the pupil in response to tenebrous illumination. Behind the lens, in the chamber that comprises approximately two-thirds of the total volume of the eye, and often called the vitreous chamber, one finds the vitreous humor (also known as vitreous). The vitreous humor is a gelatinous, diaphanous substance consisting primarily of water and expanding the sclera like water in a balloon so as to give it shape and resisteance. The vitreous humor begins with viscosity comparable to egg white in children, but gradually thins with age. In some cases, the vitreous humor peels away from the back of the eye as it thins causing a condition prevalent in older populations called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). Though "floaters," the perception of spots or web-like structures, or flashes of light often result from PVD, it usually is not considered serious unless the retina becomes torn or detaches from the back of the eye.
Finally, the retina is a multi-layered organ covering the surface of the vitreous chamber from the ciliary muscles to the optic nerve. In all there are nine layers in the retina proper and the Pigment Epithelium Layer (PE). Shown below are, from bottom to top, Pigment Epithelium Layer (PE), Layer Rods and Cones (R&CL), The Outer Limiting "Membrane" (OLM), The Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), The Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL), The Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), The Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL), The Ganglion Cell Layer (GCL), The Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL), and the The Inner Limiting "Membrane" (ILM). For the purposes of this lab, the most obviously layer with which to begin is the ninth layer: Layer Rods and Cones (R&CL), also called the bacillary layer. The bacillary layer contains the photosensitive cells of the retina, the roods and cones. There are approximately 100 to 125 million rods and cones in the retina of each eye. Only about six million of these are cones. The vast majority of cones are concentrated in densely populated oval area of the Bacillary layer having a radius of about 3 by 5 mm called the fovea or macula retinae (literally, retinal stain). The fovea is located temporal (off center in the direction of the temple) to the optic nerve and at the rear of the eye. The fovea has both rods and cones, however, the central fovea consists exclusively of cones. Epithelium Layer (PE), Layer Rods and Cones (R&CL), The Outer Limiting "Membrane" (OLM), The Outer Nuclear Layer (ONL), The Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL), The Inner Nuclear Layer (INL), The Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL), The Ganglion Cell Layer (GCL), The Nerve Fiber Layer (NFL), and the The Inner Limiting "Membrane" (ILM).For the purposes of this lab, the most obviously layer with which to begin is the ninth layer: Layer Rods and Cones (R&CL), also called the bacillary layer. The bacillary layer contains the photosensitive cells of the retina, the roods and cones. There are approximately 100 to 125 million rods and cones in the retina of each eye. Only about six million of these are cones. The vast majority of cones are concentrated in densely populated oval area of the Bacillary layer having a radius of about 3 by 5 mm called the fovea or macula retinae (literally, retinal stain). The fovea is located temporal (off center in the direction of the temple) to the optic nerve and at the rear of the eye. The fovea has both rods and cones, however, the central fovea consists exclusively of cones. Rods
Photons of light are absorbed by the retinal component of rhodopsin. When a rhodopsin molecule absorbs a photon of light, it rapidly bleaches, transforming isomerically to the all-trans-configuration, R* along with accompanying changes in the protein moiety. Photolyzed rhodopsin, R*, is unstable and the all-trans-retinal breaks away and becomes all-trans-retinol (i.e., vitamin A) which acts as a catalyst that binds to and activates hundreds of molecules of the G-protein (transducin, T). Transducin is a G protein, meaning it is a member of a family of similar heterotrimeric (i.e., three different sub-units) proteins that compose the intracellular protein layer of the plasma membrane.
Rod and Cone Light Adaptation When you walk out into the sunlight or from sunlight to a dark room, your vision is affected dramatically at first, and then slowly returns to more normal levels. The cellular mechanism that is responsible for this adaptation to the current light level is called light adaptation. Light adaptation allows the eye to operate over a much larger range of ambient light levels. Historically, the first person to systematically investigate light and dark adaptation was a German physiologist Hermann Rudolph Aubert. Aubert studies in Berlin lead to an M.D. in 1850. In 1854, Aubert assumed the post of Privatdozent of physiology. Aubert’s early publications include zoological investigations of insect thorax muscles. However, by 1854 Aubert was studying and publishing in human physiology exclusively, especially problems of psychophysics. In 1854 he published several articles on the conception of movement and orientation. 1865 saw Aubert become a full-professor of physiology. During this year he also conducted his investigation of dark adaptation (a phenomenon he named). Dark adaptation describes the eye's ability to regain its sensitivity in the dark following exposure to bright lights. To study adaptation, one must first determine the light sensitivity of the eye, referred to as the absolute intensity threshold. The absolute intensity threshold is the minimum luminance capable of producing a visual sensation. With some simple equipment, anyone can measure the absolute intensity threshold. Go into a photography dark room or any room sealed from light, and allow your eyes to adjust for 5-10 minutes. Using a precise light source, raise the luminance until you can detect the light's presence. Aubert measured the absolute intensity threshold by measuring the amount of electric current necessary to cause the glow on a platinum wire to become visible. Among Aubert's results was his conclusion that the eye's sensitivity could increase approximately 35 times after prolonged exposure to darkness. Modern researchers have determined that a single photon can be detected by a rod. Duplicity Theory is a theory about the relative roles of rods and
cones in normal vision. According to duplicity theory rods function to
facilitate night vision and peripheral vision. Rods have relatively poor
ability to discern detail, motion, and are insensitive to color. Cones
facilitate day vision, provide more detailed visual resolution, motion
detection, and color vision. Part of duplicity theory the fact that rods
and cones function exclusively within certain illumination ranges.
Depending upon the wavelengths of light available, at 0.034 cd/m2
(candles per cubic meter) rods begin to cease operating in vision as the light
increases and cones begin to operate in vision. The range of luminance
where both rods and cones are functioning to some degree is called the mesopic
range. Once luminance increases sufficiently beyond 0.034 cd/m2
so that cones exclusively mediate vision, and one reaches the photopic range.
When ambient lighting drops sufficiently below 0.034 cd/m2 rods
exclusively mediate photosensitivity and vision, and one reaches the scotopic
Despite the length of time during which it has been studied, not everything is known about light adaptation. However, two mechanisms are fairly well understood. Calcium influx and efflux modulates light sensitivity in rods and cones by inhibiting the function of guanylyl cyclase. Guanylyl cyclase is the enzyme which takes the GTP from the light transduction process and synthesizes cGMP. Though I don't mention it in the discussion above, calcium in the form of Ca2+ also travels through the open the cation channels (cGMP-gated channels). In fact, approximately 1/7th of the ion flow through cation channels is Ca2+. During long exposure to higher levels of ambient light, the cation channels (cGMP-gated channels) close and the levels of Ca2+ slowly start to decrease. As the Ca2+ decreases, so does the calcium-mediated inhibition of guanylyl cyclase, and thus, the production of cGMP ioncreases. Calcium levels are also believed to expedite the inactivation of light pigments. As a result, more cGMP channels get opened and fewer visual pigments are available to absorb light. Together these two actions makes it more difficult for light to trigger the chemical cascade that causes rod and cone hyperpolarization. When one enters a dark room, the process just described works in reverse. The decrease in light increases levels increases the relative levels of Ca2+ , which causes increased inhibition of guanylyl cyclase and lowered production of cGMP. Lower levels of cGMP means fewer open gates, decreasing Ca2+ influx. Photosensitive pigments are slower to inactivate allowing for more active pigments to absorb photons. Cones
Though cones tend to have high temporal resolution (i.e., a fast response to light and a short integration time), their lower incidence of photosensitive pigment means that they require at least 2-5 photons to initiate transduction even in their most sensitive (dark adaptive) states.
The Rest of the Retina
In the inner nuclear and inner plexiform layers of the retina one finds the third type of retinal cell, amacrine cells. Amacrine cells, as a cell class, have a large range of shapes and neurotransmitters. Scientists estimate that there may be up to 20-40 types of amacrine cells. Nevertheless, one observes many important similarities amongst amacrine cells. First, many amacrine cells seem to have no axons, though more recently scientists have identified amacrine cells in vertebrate retina that have long "axon-like" processes. These processes do not leave the retina, but do seem to serve as output fibers for the cells and hence function as axons. Many amacrine cell dendritic branches have presynaptic connections to other cells as well as the normal postsynaptic connections. Second, all amacrine cells have their cell bodies within the inner nuclear layer and their dendrites and synapses in the outer plexiform layer. Third, the synaptic connections of amacrine cells seem to provide a second, indirect link between bipolar cells and ganglion cells. In fact, a large number of vertibrate amacrine cells function as inhibitory interneurons utilizing either the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA or glycine. GABAergic amacrine cells and bipolar cells often have reciprocal synapses. Just as amacrine cells have many shapes and neurotransmitters, amacrine cells also appear to serve several functions in the retina, only some of which are very well understood. One type of amacrine cell found in frogs and rabbits seems to respond to movement. Another type seems to mediate information from bipolar cells that get their information from rods.
The final cell type of the retina is the ganglion cell. Like the bipolar cells, ganglion cells have ON-center and OFF-center types, and also have center surround receptive field patterns. There are, in fact, several functionally distinct sets of ganglion cells throughout the retina, each carrying different information from the same photoreceptors. Likewise, at least 18 different morphological ganglion cell types populate the human retina. Two important types of ganglion cell in human retinas are M (magni, i.e., large) and P (parvi, i.e., small). P cells typically have receptive fields on the order of 9-12 µm in the fovea and 100 µm in areas of the retina 3mm or greater from the center of the fovea. Thus, P cells are thought to play a role in the processing of fine detail information from the visual scene. Most P ganglion cells project to the parvocellular layers (small cell layers) of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). M cells project to the LGN's Magnocellular layers and are probably involved in motion detection. M cells exhibit expeditious response and selective sensitivity to bright-dark contrast, and do not sustain their response. Likewise, the larger receptive fields of M cells give them lower resolution than P cells. These are all features that one might expect from motion sensing cells. Thus, in the axons of ganglion cells leaving the retina through the optic nerve we see center surround processing as well as the beginnings of fine detail, motion, and color processing.
There are between 700,000 and 1,500,000 ganglion cells
in the human retina. There are about 50,000 per mm2 in
the fovea where there is 1 cone to 2 ganglion cells from 0o to 2.2o
. In the retinal periphery there are less than 1,000 ganglion cells per
mm2 . Outside the fovea, a l
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