1. Incurably
wounded and
sick whose
mental or
physical fitness seems to have been gravely diminished.
Wounded and
sick who, according to
medical opinion, are not likely to recover within one
year, whose
condition requires
treatment and whose
mental or
physical fitness seems to have been gravely diminished.
Wounded and
sick who have recovered, but whose
mental or
physical fitness seems to have been gravely and permanently diminished.
The following may be accommodated in a
neutral country:
Wounded and
sick whose
recovery may be expected within one
year of the
date of the
wound or the beginning of the
illness, if
treatment in a
neutral country might
increase the
prospects of a more certain and speedy
Prisoners of war whose
mental or
physical health, according to
medical opinion, is seriously threatened by continued
captivity, but whose
accommodation in a
neutral country might
remove such a
conditions which
prisoners of war accommodated in a
neutral country must fulfil in
order to
permit their
repatriation shall be fixed, as shall likewise their
status, by
agreement between the
Powers concerned. In
prisoners of war who have been accommodated in a
neutral country, and who belong to the following
categories, should be
1. Those whose
state of health has deteriorated so as to fulfil the
conditions laid down for direct