Introduction to Philosophy

Slides and Links

Below are links to slides and related sites of interests for the lectures as organized by topic on the syllabus .  There are some things I would like to mention here by way of cautionary notes:

The Lecture on Lecture Slides:
 The lectures slides (as well as all linked material) arenot required material, nor are they something to which students should feel entitled.  I make the effort to post the slides solely as a supplementary study aid for your benefit.   Neither are slides an appropriate substitute for attending class.  Though I try to include a great deal on the  slides, their content does not exhaust the content of the lecture.  While I will do my best to help students access slides, I am not a technical support person either by vocation or skill level.

Practical Suggestions For Slide and Link Use:
The slide files can be a bit large by the standards of current modem technology.  If you have a 28k bps modem or
lower, you might want to download them once and save the file as an html file on your computer.  You can then view
the slides  through your browser at will.  If you are looking for a particular piece of information in the slides, if you
want quick access to slides, or if you want to view the slides in context, I suggest that you access the index page.  The
index page has thumbnails of each slide in order.  It downloads much quicker, and you can click on any thumbnail to
see the slide in normal size.  The slides are saved as gif pictures in the pages.  This means that (1) the slides
are smaller than in lecture, (2) the slide quality is lower, and (3) none of the animation effects will appear in the
slides.  Finally, in order to facilitate printing slides w/o exhausting your ink cartridges, I have substituted the texture backgrounds of the lecture slides for very light colors.

Fair warning about the links, the links in this page are not to resources that I have created or that I control.  Nor are
the opinions expressed necessarily in agreement with my own.



What is Philosophy?

Russell Lecture                            
Russell Lecture Index


Pierce Lecture

Pierce Lecture Index


Nagel Lecture
Nagel Lecture Index


Existentialism on the Web 


Camus Bio


de Beauvior Bio 


Nagel NYU Page


Sartre Bio  


Russell Page


The Existence and Nature of God

Introductory Lecture Index


Second Lecture

Second Lecture Index


Adams Lecture                       
Adams Lecture Index


Russell Lecture

Russell Lecture Index


Hume Lecture                        
Hume Lecture Index


Pascal Lecture

Pascal Lecture Index


Faith Lecture
Faith Lecture Index


Adams on Kierkegaard Lecture

Adams on Kierkegaard Lecture Index



Metaphysics and Epistemology

First Descartes Lecture                      
First Descartes Lecture Index


Second Descartes Lecture

Second Descartes Lecture Index


Locke Lecture                                  
Locke Lecture Index


First Berkeley Lecture

First Berkeley Lecture Index


Second Berkeley Lecture                   
Second Berkeley Lecture Index



Hume's Enquiry Lecture

Hume's Enquiry Lecture Index



Salmon Lecture
Salmon Lecture Index