The Biochemists' Songbook MP3

This page contains links to MP3
files with recorded versions of songs from The Biochemists'
Songbook, by Harold Baum. Dr. Baum was a professor at
Chelsea College of the University of London who composed a
biochemical song each year for his departmental Christmas
party. A collection of these songs was published in 1982
by Pergamon Press, along with a cassette tape with
professional recordings of the songs.
A second edition of the
book, containing several new songs, was published by Taylor
and Francis in the UK and CRC Press in the US in 1995 and is
still available. Dr. Baum was then at King's College,
University of London.
The tape is no longer available, and Taylor and Francis
informed me that the copyright had reverted to Dr. Baum, who
is now retired from teaching but still involved in research at
King's College. When I asked for permission to convert
the tape tracks to MP3 for use in my lectures and for
downloading by my students, he graciously consented.
When I then asked whether I might post the MP3 files on a
publicly available web site, he was delighted to give his
permission for that as well, so that I could do this "as a pro
bono gesture to students elsewhere."
I know that the lyrics to some of these songs have been posted
on various web sites, and you can probably find them by
googling around, but, in respect of copyright laws, especially
since the book
is still available, I will not post them here.
Jeff Cohlberg, Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Long Beach
June 2006
The performances on the
tape were produced and arranged by Peter Shade, MPRS, MCPS,
AGAC (I don't know what these mean, but it all looks pretty
impressive) and recorded by Tidytones Limited. Gary Bond
was the singer, with Brian Lemon on piano, Peter Shade on
synthesisers, piano, vibes and flute, Michael Salmons on
clarinet, saxophone and violin, Alan Ganley on drums, and
Brian Barnes on backup vocals. Thanks
Walter Gajewski from Academic Computing Services at CSULB for
doing the MP3 conversions.
Here are the MP3 files:
If you like these songs, you
might also enjoy the ones reached by the following links:
Ahern's Wildly Popular Metabolic Melodies
Aimee Hartnell's Musical Chemistry
Biochemistry Songs
Note to professors: I can heartily recommend using these
songs in your lectures, and trying to get the students to sing
along. Whether or not the lyrics actually have specific
pedagogical value, playing and singing these songs always puts
both me and the students in a good mood, and I think that this
alone helps the teaching and learning process.