Spin-Polarized Transport and Proximity Effect in Superconductor/Ferromagnet

Jiyeong Gu, Argonne National Laboratory
Recent technological advances made it possible to create hybrid
nano-structures with high quality ferromagnet/superconductor (F/S)
interfaces. The F/S systems have been in focus of intensive experimental and
theoretical studies because of both exciting fundamental problems and
potential device applications, including quantum computers and magnetic
information storage. The electronic properties of both F and S films will be
strongly modified near the interface due to mutual proximity effect:
superconducting correlations penetrate into F; on the other hand, the spin
polarization can extend into S. Main questions to be addressed will be the
type and length scale of the induced superconducting correlations and spin
relaxation length at the interface.  In this talk, I will present two
topics. One is that measuring the spin-relaxation length in the
superconductor and the other is that magnetoresistive-switch device concept
using superconducting proximity effect in the F/S/F trilayer system.