Your final grade will be calculated in the following way:

Project 1:
Resume and Job Application Letter

200 pts. (20%)

Project 2
Software Instructions (collaborative) and User Test Report (collaborative)

200 pts. (20%)
Project 3:
Project Proposal (collaborative)
Progress Report
Long Primary Research Report (collaborative)

100 pts. (10%)
100 pts. (10%)
200 pts. (20%)

Project 4:
Web site Redesign Short Report

150 pts. (15 %)

Homework and Participation
50 pts. (5%)

At the end of the semester, I will assign you one letter grade based on the total points that you earned. I will use the following grading scale:

980-1000 A+
930-979 A
900-929 A-
880-899 B+
830-879 B
800-829 B-
780-799 C+
730-779 C
700-729 C-
680-699 D+
630-679 D
600-629 D-
599-0 F

Use the following scale to determine your grade for Project 1, Project 2, and your Long Primary Research Report:

196-200 A+
186-195 A
180-185 A-
176-179 B+
166-175 B
160-165 B-
156-159 C+
146-155 C
140-145 C-
136-139 D+

Use the following scale to determine your grade for
Project 4:

147-150 A+
140-146 A
135-139 A-
132-134 B+
125-131 B
120-124 B-
117-119 C+



Last Updated: December 22, 2022