Rourke, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Office: MLSC 225, Phone: 562-985-5594
Email: bryan.rourke @ csulb.edu

- Biology 342L - Mammalian Physiology Laboratory
- Biology 342 - Human/Mammalian Physiology
- Biology 442/542 - Limits Physiology
- Biology 207 Human Physiology

- Aoi M and Rourke BC �Interspecific and intragenic differences in codon usage bias among vertebrate myosin heavy-chain genes.� J Molecular Evolution 2011 (in press)
- Nowell MM, Choi H and Rourke BC �Muscle plasticity in hibernating ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis) is induced by seasonal, but not low-temperature, mechanisms� J. of Comparative Physiology B 2010 Volume 181, Number 1, 147-164.
- Barrows ND, Nelson OL, Robbins CT and Rourke BC �Increased Cardiac Alpha-Myosin Heavy Chain in Left Atria and Decreased Myocardial Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF-I) Expression Accompany Low Heart Rate in Hibernating Grizzly Bears� Physiol and Biochem Zool Vol. 84, No. 1 (January/February 2011), pp. 1-17
- Meyer CW, Willersh�user M, Jastroch M, Rourke BC, Fromme T, Oelkrug R, Heldmaier G, and Klingenspor M. �Adaptive thermogenesis and thermal conductance in wild-type and UCP1-KO mice� AJP - Regu Physiol November 2010 vol. 299 no. 5 R1396-R1406
- Choi H, Selpides P, Nowell M, and Rourke BC. �Functional overload in ground squirrel plantaris muscle does not mimic hibernation-related changes in myosin isoforms.� American Journal of Physiology - Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009; 297: R578-R586.
- Eme J, Owerkowicz T, Gwalthney J, Blank JM, Rourke BC, Hicks JW. �Exhaustive exercise training enhances aerobic capacity in American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis).� Journal of Comparative Physiology B 2009 Volume 179, Number 8, 921-931
- Rourke BC. �Myosin isoform dynamics in muscles of hibernating mammal species: lessons and opportunities� in Lovegrove, B.G. & McKechnie, A.E. (eds) Hypometabolism in animals: hibernation, torpor and cryobiology. 2008
- Rourke BC, Cotton CJ, Harlow HJ, Caiozzo VJ. Maintenance of slow type I myosin protein and mRNA expression in overwintering prairie dogs (Cynomys leucurus and ludovicianus) and black bears (Ursus americanus). Journal of Comparative Physiology [B]. 2006; 176(7):709-20.
- Astarita, G., B.C. Rourke, J.B. Andersen, J. Fu, J.H. Kim, A.F. Bennett, J.W. Hicks, D. Piomelli. Postprandial increase of oleoylethanolamide mobilization in small intestine of the Burmese python (Python molurus). Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol (2005) pdf
- Andersen,
J.B., Rourke, B.C., Caiozzo, V.J., Bennett, A., and Hicks, J.W.
Rapid cardiac hypertrophy resulting from postprandial metabolism. Nature. (2005). pdf
- Rourke
B.C., Y. Yokoyama, W.K. Milsom and Caiozzo VJ. Myosin isoform
expression and MAFbx mRNA levels in hibernating golden-mantled
ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis). Physiological
and Biochemical Zoology 77:4, 582-593 . (2004a). pdf
- Rourke
B.C., A. Qin, F. Haddad, K.M. Baldwin, and V.J. Caiozzo. Cloning
and sequencing of myosin heavy chain isoform cDNAs in golden-mantled
ground squirrels (Spermophilus lateralis): Effects of torpor
on mRNA expression. Journal of Applied Physiology 97: 1985-1991.
(2004b). pdf
- Caiozzo,
V.J. and B.C. Rourke. Muscle Physiology. Chapter in Graduate Text
in Exercise Physiology, Editor: Charles Tipton, Publisher: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. (2004).
- Caiozzo,
V.J., A. Utkan, R. Chou, A. Khalafi, H. Chandra, M. Baker, B.
Rourke, G. Adams, K. Baldwin, and S. Green. Effects of distraction
on muscle length: Mechanisms involved in sarcomerogenesis. Clinical
Orthopaedics and Related Research 403S, S133 -S145. (2002).
- Rourke,
B.C. Geographic and altitudinal variation in water balance and
metabolic rate in the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes.
The Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 2699-2712. (2000).
- Rourke,
B. C. and Gibbs, A. G. Effects of lipid phase transitions on cuticular
permeability: model membrane and in situ studies. The Journal
of Experimental Biology 202, 3255-3262. (1999). pdf