Bo Fu

Boeing Endowed Professor

Associate Professor

Computer Engineering & Computer Science

California State University, Long Beach



Lab Logo

The D2 Lab stands for Data Semantics & Human Data Interaction, hence D2 or Data2. We strive to accelerate research in intelligent systems and facilitate human decision-making by developing novel semantic-oriented technologies and interactive data analytics. Our goal is to help people make sense of complex datasets, through data interactions in semantically meaningful ways to expose the path from data to information, to knowledge, and to wisdom in collective intelligence.

Open Positions

The D2 Lab has openings every semester and welcomes applications from all who share interests in the aforementioned research area. In particular, applications from underrepresented student groups - including but are not limited to, women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and first-generation college students - are strongly encouraged. Strong programming and time management skills highly desired. To apply, email Dr. Fu with a cover letter explaining why you may be a good fit for the D2 Lab and your unofficial transcript.


Interactive Visualization

Design, development, and evaluations of i) interactive visual representations of domain specific datasets, and ii) visual analytics to facilitate human decision-making.

Applied Eye Tracking

Applications of eye tracking in a wide range of domains centered on gaze analytics and usablity evaluation.

Evaluation Standards

Methodology innovation in evaluation techniques applied in interactive computing systems.

Research Students & Assistants

Nicholas Chow
Graduate Research Assistant
Taylor Girard
Honors Research Student
Nicolas Guardado
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Matthew Halderman
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Junie Icaro
Honors Research Student
Ashley Jones
Undergraduate Research Student
Anthony Reyes
Graduate Research Student
Angelo Ryan Soriano
Honors Research Student, Recipient of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Daniel Tripp
Graduate Research Assistant
